View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. amax load info
  2. Nikon Monarch 3, Zeiss Terra, or Leupold VX3 - which would you choose?
  3. 338-06
  4. My son REALLY loves his new rifle...who has Remington Managed Recoil 7mm-08 in stock?
  5. RJ joins the 375 Ruger family
  6. 375 Ruger Availability
  7. Which scope?
  8. dented brass question
  9. Cleaning new dies
  10. Tikka T3 SuperLite weight
  11. Buying powder in the US
  12. x-bolt trigger fix/replacement
  13. Transporting Antique Percussion Handgun Across the US/Canada Border
  14. what is reloading worth?
  15. need a gun smith
  16. Colt Firearms - Perhaps A Sad Day Ahead
  17. I want a bigger gun now.
  18. Basic Duck Gun
  19. What gun cleaning kit should I buy?
  20. scope bases
  21. 22 Ammo Availibility in the Upper Fraser Valley
  22. Leupold VX-6 CDS Reviews
  23. Cds
  24. Reccomend me a gunsmith.
  25. Vortex turn around time on warranty work???
  26. Tikka T3 Lite 223 Rem
  27. Wooden Stock Refinishing
  28. barnes or berger
  29. bedding my rifle!!!
  30. Muzzle Brake question
  31. Reloading Supplies in Quesnel
  32. Hornady or nosler brass???
  33. Can a reticle appear canted if the windage is dialed to far to one side?
  34. 260/7mm-08 suitable mountain rifle round?
  35. Canadian Rangers retiring their L-E Rifle No 4 Mk 1
  36. Will a Tikka T3 Barrel fit a Sako M 85 Action
  37. Who can do a muzzle break for me
  38. Finally scoped!
  39. Colt handgun question
  40. Weatherby Mark "V" Made in Japan?
  41. Lets Talk Airguns
  42. need my rifle Glassbedded
  43. 300 Win Mag & 308/30-06
  44. Ramshot powder
  45. 30.06 to .338.06
  46. taping barrel with muzzle brake
  47. 338 wm ammo ?
  48. putting together a long range fun gun (I hope)
  49. fierce vs sako
  50. Winchester ballistic silvertip or the nosler accubond ?
  51. Bullet recommendations for deer in 30-06
  52. Weatherby ULTRA Light
  53. Remington 20 gauge rifled barrel
  54. 30-06 grouping problems
  55. what's the best deal for cheap 223
  56. Savage 11/111 International Trophy Hunter XP - What you need for a Boyd's Stock
  57. best fun gun, cheap ammo cartridges
  58. 7mm08 load advice
  59. 223 med / heavy barrel - what rifle would you buy?
  60. clp limits
  61. wood vs synthetic question
  62. 8x64S reload data
  63. Tikka T3
  64. Dominion 270 Sabre-TIps?
  65. 7797 load development help
  66. New Brass - Flat Primers
  67. Fire Forming
  68. Barnaul 30-06 Springfield,*145gr FMJ.*
  69. Browning X-Bolt: Myths & Facts?
  70. Sako Black Bear in .308
  71. how to pick rings and bases
  72. Which .308 to avoid?
  73. 7mm IMR4831 load development.
  74. Ruger precision rifle
  75. Sako Scope Clearance Issues
  76. Savage 12 Long Range Precision 260 Remington
  77. Gun Facts Website
  78. Recoil - .308 vs. .270
  79. speer deepcurl bullets -no load data
  80. How long does it take for the barrel to cool down?
  81. Firearm display
  82. Imr 7828 and imr 4198
  83. Williams receiver sight
  84. 20ga buckshot performance
  85. Firearm storage rules
  86. Boyd's stocks
  87. Warne Rings + Leupold VX2 - What am I doing wrong?
  88. Advice on 30-06 reloading
  89. 338 mag load .
  90. bullet .311 dia.
  91. Load Development Opinions Wanted
  92. Browning Boss Sweet spot
  93. Neck Sizing Advice
  94. The Practical Guide To Reloading
  95. OCL question
  96. Brownells
  97. Browning Lever Action BL-22 loading problems?
  98. P-14 in .303 question?
  99. talley rings on my tikka
  100. Vancouver Island Gunsmiths + Rifle Bedding
  101. Barnes Buster legal?
  102. 7mm mag 180 gr
  103. 270 Opinions Please
  104. Browning BPS 12 GA
  105. C.I.L Dominion
  106. Load Data Needed... Please
  107. 219 Zipper Improved
  108. In search of Gun smith
  109. Tikka T3 short /long action balance
  110. Faced with a tough decision
  111. Anyone with the Speer Wildcat Load Manual -- looking for some info...
  112. .416 cal cartridge, overkill for grizz?
  113. 308 cartridge family vs 30-06 cartridge family
  114. H4350 powder
  115. 7x61 Sharpe and Hart - Shultz and Larsen Rifle
  116. where to get 44 mag cor bon 320 grain
  117. Shotgun action issues
  118. IMR powder
  119. weatherby 7mm mag
  120. 300wsm 165 federal fusion
  121. CCI .22 LR Ammo
  122. needing some help please
  123. New browning shorttrac :(
  124. looking for a mauser 98 floorplate triggerguard
  125. 25|06 or 257 webee?
  126. which reloading kit would you buy?
  127. 338 win mag loads
  128. gun rest tripod attatchment
  129. Advice on my .270win Load
  130. sight in before every season ?
  131. winchester xpr
  132. Loading 6.5x55 to higher pressures in modern rifles?
  133. Hodgdon Hybrid 100v
  134. Help determining pressures and velocity for new load.
  135. 30-06 220 grain
  136. Tell me about fast cartridges and small deer at close range...
  137. Article on Cheap New Rifles
  138. Reloading issue maybe not sure
  139. .243 win Hornady 95gr SST loads
  140. 165/180 grain 308 vs 140 grain 7mm-08
  141. Howa 1500 30-06
  142. Who makes a quality compact .22mag rifle
  143. 7mm Berger vld hunting help
  144. What caliber would you build?
  145. Just picked this up
  146. 7mm-08 and 139 GMX
  147. Needing help locating
  148. Savage 110 Ejection Issues?
  149. 7mm Rem Mag: RL22 and Hornady 162 gr SST
  150. Shipping Live Ammunition
  151. 45/70 300 Grain Barnes TSX for Grizzly?
  152. savage 111 7mm RM - Spring adjustment in clip
  153. .300 savage
  154. Ladder Method
  155. Cooey M71 30-06 Stock re-finish
  156. Question about reloading "pulled" bullets
  157. My Abolt is being an Ahole
  158. my m70 stainless classic
  159. Is 9.3 X 66 same as 370 Sako Magnum?
  160. Shell problems.
  161. Loading Ammo with QuickLoad
  162. Gunsmith for custom rifle?
  163. Front action screw
  164. Gunsmith needed
  165. Shotgun shell sizes
  166. 2.5" Chambered shotgun
  167. Shotguns for women
  168. Weatherby Vanguard S2
  169. Big bores
  170. Ruger 10/22 Mannlicher
  171. Base and ring questions
  172. Winchester 1873 (new)
  173. 300 Win Mag Development
  174. 6.5-300 Weatherby
  175. Approximate Value of this rifle???
  176. Help deciding... :)
  177. Not a Bad Start
  178. 30-06 to 35Whalen Savage 116, 16" barrel?
  179. Stiff 30-30 win 94
  180. Case Trim before re-sizing?
  181. Liberal Party Gun Position
  182. 7mm WSM 160 or 175
  183. .308 Deer Cartridge for Savage 99 20" barrel
  184. Great Day at the Range
  185. Weatherby's
  186. WTB 721 bolt
  187. Savage lightweight hunter
  188. Reduced load 30/06
  189. Which one next?
  190. fierce rifles
  191. What's a big pig like this worth?
  192. Barnes data reduced for 2015?
  193. Difference in stocks and recoil lug position...
  194. 6.5-06 Anybody have one?
  195. i am very excited
  196. Any good stockmakers in BC?
  197. Best 30-06 cartridge for elk
  198. Die question
  199. Hornady ELD-X
  200. Nosler Accubond bullets, Awesome.
  201. Mossberg 500/ATI stock
  202. casting bullets for 30cal
  203. Victoria gun show oct 31 and nov 1
  204. save my 308 from becoming an anchor!!
  205. Best entry level LH rifle
  206. loads for a youth 7mm 08.
  207. Recoil Management / Reduction
  208. magnum primers vs large rifle primers
  209. Educate me on 7mm Rem Mag
  210. New Berger info
  211. Nosler ammunition glich
  212. load ideas for .243
  213. rifle barrel
  214. Loads for 7mm Rem MAG SENDERO
  215. First Success with a 25-06
  216. New winchester deer season ammo
  217. 375-06 AKA 375 Whelen info wanted
  218. 270 problem
  219. Factory Sako ammo?'s
  220. Churchill arms no.4 mk.1
  221. Rcbs 3way cutter
  222. Lyman tufnut
  223. 325 wsm
  224. What tool for Warne rings?
  225. Berger VLD 130gr terminal performance?
  226. Winchester Model 69 A scope?
  227. Bullet Comparator
  228. Dedicated Deer Cartridge - Factory Ammo Only
  229. Case Preperation
  230. Using 280rem in a rifle chambered 280 ackley improved
  231. Two day gunshow in chilliwack this weekend boys!
  232. Barrel contour of browning x-bolt 300wsm stainless stalker
  233. Need a shotgun reblued
  234. Scopes !
  235. CIL PSP 100 grain .257 bullets
  236. Rifle Bedding Compound
  237. 8x57 for Timber Hunting?
  238. 270Win short mag loads
  239. ISO Rem 700 DM aftermarket stock
  240. H&R 28 Gauge - need a new butt stock
  241. .30 Nosler new for 2016
  242. Scope suggestions for 308 finnlight
  243. Tika vs Browning - Torture test for blueing.
  244. 3 gun question...grouse/deer/and grizzly
  245. 280?
  246. Rifle for Son
  247. Cost of cerakoting a rifle?
  248. Less than lethal
  249. .300 savage dies
  250. 303 enfield/ 303 Parker hale