View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Why the Dislike with the 30-06 ?
  2. 7mm-300 Win Mag
  3. Woodmaster Mod. 740
  4. Remington 597 hb 22 semi
  5. 3030 shell
  6. Options for a model 7 digital colour stock
  7. 223 Rem and the 62gr TSX
  8. Browning micro and McMillan stock questions
  9. Primer falling out of fired brass
  10. Need a new scope to go with my new gun.
  11. Nosler 210 gr ammo (30-378)
  12. Out Dated Data?
  13. .243 semi automatic
  14. Norma Brass in 300 WSM
  15. nosler m48
  16. Remington Recall
  17. How to improve slug accuracy out of smooth bore shotgun
  18. buying used
  19. recommendations on a waterfowl shotgun
  20. Varget Loads for 223 Rem
  21. can someone please identify this stock for me
  22. reloading for the 45/70
  23. 7mm rem mag or 300wsm
  24. 7mm-08 Moose gun for a women
  25. Frustrated-Need Ideas
  26. which waterfowl shotgun would you choose
  27. COAL Question with Barnes TTSX
  28. Browning BLR - black tarnish saga concludes
  29. i found a place with bullets in stock
  30. Thoughts on the SKS?
  31. 7.62x54R
  32. Forbs m24b
  33. Danger in dropping a shell or cartridge?
  34. 30-06 deer hunting round
  35. .358 Norma mag
  36. Prvi .223 69gr Match Bullets
  37. 7mm STW
  38. Re Stocking a Husqvarna
  39. 6 Dasher
  40. Fixing a cracked stock
  41. Looking for a Reloading Mentor
  42. Sticky Ejections, new brass needed?
  43. Loading for my 300 wm....
  44. 26 nosler guys post some results
  45. Factory iron sights
  46. Who shoots a .338RCM?
  47. New Fed215M Primers Problems?
  48. What's it worth?
  49. Ammo for .243 Mohawk?
  50. Purchasing a pistol?
  51. new .22LR or...?
  52. Reloading powder
  53. marlin 1895g front sight question
  54. Thoughts on this terminal performance.
  55. old powder
  56. searching for new bullet
  57. Browning Micro Midas Xbolt vs a "Mountain Rifle
  58. New to liquid polisher
  59. What caliber 6.5x55 or 30-06
  60. 7mm08 and 120gr ttsx range day #3
  61. Swift A-Frame or Nosler Partition
  62. Hunting with Tube-fed magazines
  63. Does reloading save money?
  64. Bigger? Smaller? Faster? Slower?
  65. which cal would you use is queen charolettes for sitka deer
  66. 300rum
  67. Ruger #1 questions...
  68. Tikka battue owners
  69. New rifle suggestions
  70. Victoria 2 day gun show this weekend
  71. Real world bullet performance
  72. Winchester Model 12
  73. Anyone here shooting a Blaser R93 Professional
  74. Looking to buy. 28 gauge shotgun
  75. wanting to start reloading
  76. reloading data online
  77. Bullet info link?
  78. Restock with Mcmillan stock or not?
  79. Using mag primers when reloading
  80. reloader 22
  81. Remington 788 opinions??????
  82. RIfle Coatings
  83. Reloading without load development?
  84. Weatherby Vanguard S2 chamberings
  85. lets talk 45-70
  86. 30-06 cartridge comparison
  87. Winchester 1894 Questions
  88. Remington Recall Update
  89. Sticky Bolt
  90. 25-06 ???
  91. Cleaning solvent for Barnes
  92. 280AI loads
  93. Bushnell Elite 3200: 1 inch or 30mm?
  94. Don't want to "hijack" the "25.06??" thread so....
  95. Federal Premium Accubond Ammunition 30-06
  96. Timney trigger dealer BC??
  97. Browning BLR
  98. browning X-bolt
  99. Wipeout Cleaner
  100. Recent Rifle Mag article on North American big 3 cartridges.
  101. 26 Nosler ammo
  102. Combination guns
  103. Another 300 WSM Post
  104. looking for handfull of heavier .224 bullets
  105. Best bullet weight for the 308....
  106. Noob Scope Questions
  107. New Barrel Questions
  108. 7 rem mag brass
  109. Need advice on bolt lowering issue.
  110. .223 semi; aggrivation
  111. 30-30 opinions
  112. Hunting rifle for Wife
  113. What's Your Favorite 243 Hunting Bullet?
  114. Do-all bullet for a 280?
  115. Post a picture of your gun
  116. .270 Winchester and 110 grain ttsx
  117. Question about .35 Remington
  118. best caliber for 10 yr old girl
  119. Imr7828&7828ssc
  120. Marlin 1895 CB, what's it worth
  121. buying powder
  122. Leather Cartridge Holders
  123. Boyds stocks?
  124. Sako Finnlight/85 and Browning X-Bolt owners
  125. 257 weatherby mag
  126. Clamp on Muzzle Brake's
  127. Over/under hunting 12ga.
  128. bedding gone wrong, may need new stock
  129. Help me build my SA Rem ti...
  130. .32ACP trade for .25ACP
  131. 154 grain Hornady SP
  132. Savage 99 Sight Question
  133. 45/70 and the 405 remington jsp
  134. Feedback from Tikka T 3 and Sako A 7 owners
  135. Weatherby Vanguard, Remington 700 SPS, or Savage Model 16
  136. Rl 17
  137. Lost Firearm in Canada Post Transit - What to do?
  138. Cooey Model 600 with rabbit on grip.
  139. Is a 17HMR enough gun for a coyote?
  140. Zastava M70 info?
  141. Trying to get my eye lined up with my scope
  142. Wearherby Mark V, 300 Roy, magazine length
  143. Winchester model 70 extreme weather
  144. Muzzle Break / Load Tuning
  145. Good deal?
  146. buying used rifles
  147. Tikka T3 Owners
  148. Hydrographics
  149. bullets for sheep
  150. 308 brass to 7mm/08
  151. 300 Blackout Question
  152. which scope to put on which caliber
  153. Burris Eliminator 3
  154. drive band bullets
  155. 30-30 Ackley Improved
  156. Swarovski Z3 in 3-9x36 or conquest 3-9x40
  157. new reloading bench ideas?
  158. Matrix VLD's, anyone have in stock?
  159. Varget
  160. .17hmr or the .22wmr
  161. .338 win mag scopes
  162. Tikka T3's Love 'em or Hate 'em
  163. Scope for Savage 64F
  164. 257 stw brass
  165. chamfer tool?
  166. Reloading press questions???
  167. Winchester 70 Coyote Lite Stainless Fluted Synthetic 25 WSSM
  168. Re: imr 4350
  169. Accurizing a Savage 93r17 BVSS
  170. Stevens Model 940B
  171. Gba
  172. Burris scopes?
  173. Meopta Scopes
  174. Swift A frames for a 7mm mag??
  175. scratches on neck from die
  176. 300 WSM Brass
  177. nosler
  178. nosler 48 patriot
  179. best rifle for a 10yr old girl
  180. whats up with 7mm08?
  181. Scope reticle leveling
  182. 26 Nosler shooters
  183. 1000 yard target rifle/scope for under $1500?
  184. strange clip/cartridge
  185. 243 win, what ya using in it?
  186. Plinkin' away with the 35 Remington
  187. Barnes LRX load data
  188. .257 weatherby mag best/favorite loads
  189. sako a7 roughtech pro?
  190. T/C Venture Predator
  191. 257 accumark is a shooter!
  192. Can you explain this?
  193. Removing pressure point
  194. Berger VLD
  195. Stuck/Frozen Choke Tube Stories
  196. Ruger American rifles
  197. Stubborn Copper
  198. Berger 25 gr vs hornady 25 gr 17 cal bullets
  199. Ruger No 1 wanted
  200. any gunsmiths on here?
  201. Looking for info on "Fierce" rifles
  202. Reloading Bench
  203. worth of husky m 3000 ~1980
  204. First rifle, thinking 6.5-55 swede or .260...
  205. feedback on Matrix bullets
  206. 30-06 and 325 WSM
  207. Importing
  208. Anyone seen something similar in Canada?
  209. accubond vs interbond
  210. Stiff Hornady Sizing Die
  211. New Rifle on Order!
  212. Stock advice
  213. Wolf hunting rifle??
  214. Tikka T3 .243
  215. glassbedding a stock
  216. new to reloading
  217. Remington 700 barrel issue
  218. Case Prep
  219. Hunting with pistol clips?
  220. marlin 1895 trigger "wobble"
  221. 53 g v-max for 22-250 reload question
  222. 45-70 reloading
  223. 6.5-06 or 280 Ackley
  224. Weatherby Vanguard series 2 - first rifle
  225. trying to find horndy light 125 grain 30.06 shells
  226. Fierce Carbon Edge
  227. Expander die for .45-70
  228. Ruger Gunsite Scout 308
  229. Question about COAL
  230. Ruger is Dropping the Stainless Hawkeye and Lefties
  231. Searching for lead
  232. Rings?
  233. Dilemma: What would you choose?
  234. RCBS loading tools for sale
  235. SKS stock refininshing
  236. Timney Trigger question
  237. 35 Remington loads
  238. Mossberg now getting in on the 375 Ruger
  239. 325wsm 160gr ttsx loads
  240. Is it legal?
  241. Canuck .25 rimfire
  242. Almost New, reloader
  243. 28 nosler. Looks good to me
  244. Jap 7.7 Type 99 Rifle
  245. Gun Safety Ad
  246. 26 nosler load help??
  247. new gun build
  248. Published Load Data with H4831SC for 140 TTSX in 7mmRM?
  249. sako 85 carbonlight
  250. Winchester M70 safety question