View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. New Gun, New Calibre...Thoughts?
  2. .375 reloading data?
  3. Winchesters lubalox
  4. Should I buy 338 Lapua, which one?
  5. 300 weatherby mag or 300 RUM?
  6. Bigger Gun
  7. New to me rifle likes a dirty barrel.
  8. Reloading with no published load data?
  9. IMR4350 versus H4350
  10. Bullet Run-out
  11. Savage .410/22 Over Under Experience?
  12. Accubonds
  13. sled-fiend great to deal with
  14. Which cost you more, your gun or your scope?
  15. P.a.l
  16. adjustable stock for a young shooter
  17. Nosler reloading guide #6
  18. Which 6.5 is best??
  19. South Island gunsmith
  20. Looking for load ideas for 300win using vld's
  21. How do you go about importing a gun from the USA to Canada?
  22. 325wsm 160g TTSX Load Data
  23. Importance of rapid second shot in hunting situations
  24. 22-300 RUM coming
  25. Refining the rifle quiver
  26. .243 vs .270
  27. yildiz over under
  28. Mark V & VX-3, which rings?
  29. kimber montana
  30. 6.5mm?
  31. Rifle Advice for Smaller Deer/Recoil Cartidge 243 vs 25-06
  32. 60gr to 55gr?
  33. Beretta A300 or A400
  34. Beretta A300 or A400
  35. red dot sight for pistol?
  36. Husqvarna 30.06 ... rebarrel to 338-06 or ?
  37. Something a little different, my Rem Model 14 1/2
  38. Reloading Screw Up!
  39. Zg47 stock options?
  40. Sako's New A7 Roughtech
  41. 30-06 bullet choice
  42. LOOKING FOR lake field mossberg mark3 22 magazine?
  43. Just bought a Norenco CiCom M14
  44. Reloading for the 6.5x55
  45. load start data for berger vld hunting 7mm rem mag 180grain
  46. Swift cd on a mac?
  47. Anyone know much about Churchill arms?
  48. Remington 700 recall
  49. 223 vs 22-250
  50. Price?
  51. Receiver Mod for Longer Bullets?
  52. Nosler accubond lr 150 gr .284 ?
  53. 7 mm mag reloading for Sako 85
  54. ruger 10/22 opinions
  55. Trying to talk myself out of another custom rifle
  56. .270 vs 7mm Rem Mag - have both - is there really a difference?
  57. What Criteria (selection process) do you use to select a cartridge and bullet?
  58. Laser bore sighter -- worth it?
  59. best .22 ammo for a semi auto
  60. Rifle Scope Advice
  61. 35 remington
  62. Barnes load data
  63. Another magazine capacity question.
  64. after market x bolt - bolt knob
  65. Alliant Unique Pistol Powder
  66. Need any brass?
  67. [b]Thinking[/b] About Reloading
  68. disaster???
  69. Burris ring mounting
  70. New 6.5 creedmoor
  71. Optics magnification question
  72. .44 short
  73. 223 and Varget
  74. 6.5mm .264 160 gr InterLock
  75. Bullet Concentricty
  76. Bushnell Elite 3200 3-9x40
  77. IMR 4350 and Barnes
  78. Lead source Interior BC?
  79. Cast bullet materials
  80. 358 Winchester - too much for whitetail deer?
  81. sako ammo
  82. New for 2014 - I want it!
  83. New custom all finished 6mm-223
  84. stock advice
  85. 120gr ballistic tips and the 7mm08
  86. 45/70 cast bullet source
  87. Plz help me on reloading 270wsm
  88. barnes 62 tsx in a 22-250
  89. 7 rem mag vs 7wsm
  90. best cartridge for blr in 308
  91. Speer data
  92. wheeler fat wrench problem
  93. 53 gr hornady V-max
  94. Tracking point
  95. Poll: .338-06 or .35 whelen
  96. info help needed
  97. muzzle brake
  98. Need help with a rifle issue...
  99. Primer fell out?
  100. Cracked rifle stock advise
  101. Game: Name that Cartridge
  102. 6.5 x 54 Mannlicher Schoenauer
  103. seating depth
  104. 7mm-08 availability?
  105. Loading the old .303
  106. Reloading for beginners
  107. Reticles- Why Doesn't the Industry get it?
  108. TC prohunter replacement stocks
  109. Pump action cycle problem
  110. reloaders, favorite bullet?
  111. Remington 300 rum - loads for 209 grain A max
  112. my new mcmillan edge
  113. 17 wsm savage b mag trouble gouping
  114. C.O.L. reloading question.
  115. model 700 stock fitting
  116. Target shooting rifle and calibre
  117. Ruger American Predator
  118. There Is No Such Thing As a "Shotgun" Slug in B.C. ?!
  119. 257 weatherby
  120. Barrel life of a 257 Wby?
  121. 280 Commercial ammo?
  122. What's your favorite 30-30 bullet?
  123. question about leupold cds scopes
  124. How to Re-install A Stock on a Rifle
  125. relovance of 168 grain bullets?
  126. Seeking A Stock Maker / Finishing Pro
  127. There is some hope for the pretender!
  128. My new 7SAUM
  129. Movng stock
  130. Looking for Good Shotgun Gunsmith
  131. 300 wsm or 270 wsm
  132. Rl 17
  133. 870 tactical or Supernova Tactical ?
  134. Cooper Rifles
  135. Big bore air rifles
  136. Powder/ recipes for 3006
  137. OMG!! Watch this!
  138. Sign of no expansion?
  139. vortex scope not true 1/4 moa adjustment
  140. Lookin for 1 lb rl19
  141. 280 Rem
  142. Can someone help me with the worth of my guns?
  143. Gun powder struggle
  144. BDC Turret
  145. .338wm loads for Barnes ttsx
  146. Forbes 280
  147. Remington 700 Timney trigger
  148. 154 gr hornady interbond
  149. Ohaus Marca
  150. Painting an 870 Tactical, "question"
  151. Looking for brass
  152. is this powder to old????
  153. Bear loads
  154. Help me pick a scope
  155. 308 Brass
  156. Can anybody in Port Alberni area reload 100 .284 Win for me
  157. Reloaders...?? 7mm RM Sandero ??
  158. 338 Federal - dead or alive?
  159. berger vld hunting
  160. Annealing Brass
  161. TTsx 215 gr oal for 338
  162. Wondering what everyone else is doing about the Remington recall...
  163. Tikka t3 lite .300 Mag with Leupold Ultralight 3-9(Eye relief)?
  164. reloading 7mm-08
  165. 45-70 Full length mag tube
  166. dented shell
  167. Recoil reduction
  168. Tsx vs ttsx
  169. 150 gr Nosler in 30-06
  170. McMillan stocks
  171. Help me pick a rifle in 223
  172. 338 rum
  173. CIL Model 310 replacement clip
  174. nosler patriot 280 ai
  175. gun powder
  176. Educate me
  177. Reloading Components
  178. 338 win mag
  179. Cleaning a ball and cap revolver
  180. refinishing a stock
  181. Prvi partizan ammo- where to buy?
  182. .243
  183. 45/70 Bear Smackers
  184. 140gr ttsx
  185. 210 Accubonds
  186. Low power scopes ?
  187. 270wsm Hand Loads
  188. .338wm Model 70 Reloading Accuracy Issues
  189. Benelli recoil pad replacement
  190. remington 7615
  191. Bear Gun
  192. .375 h&h
  193. Exterior Ballistics Calculator
  194. GS Custom Bullets
  195. Help.. Browning 300 mag jumping all over the target...
  196. 7mm-08 reloading info
  197. Scope and magnification suggestion needed
  198. H&R 45 colt/410
  199. Hornady lever evolutions?
  200. Keltec KSG-Devastating failure
  201. Winchester 760 and .375 Ruger
  202. Help!!
  203. Looking for 500 Nitro bullet mold
  204. Update on Remington Mod 700 Recalls
  205. 308. Win Question...
  206. Cut and Crown?
  207. Reloading data for 260 Rem 140gr berger
  208. Looking for some imr 4350
  209. My first custom rifle build
  210. Guns On A Plane
  211. Rem 870 Super Express Combo
  212. Lets see your BOOMSTICK
  213. Reloading the hornady 160 grain FTX 30-30 win
  214. winchester 2200
  215. 280 factory loads?
  216. Gunsmith in Cowichan Vally
  217. RCBS Trim Die
  218. Case length gauge & shell holder.
  219. Anyone turning 3006 into 8x57?
  220. Double Barrel Pistol??
  221. 325wsm First Reload Results
  222. 243 and 308 quiver
  223. Which is cheaper: 270win or 30-06?
  224. 6.5 creedmoor
  225. Rings - Sako Vs Remington
  226. Help with rifle ID
  227. Ruger #1 barrel change
  228. mcmillan stocks now cost alot more to buy
  229. 300 win mag loads
  230. Barrel maker suggestion
  231. muzzle brake ?
  232. Is there such a thing as a left hand 303 British
  233. Ruger #1 303 British Loads
  234. Short barrel 308 chrony results
  235. Where can I get an extractor for my model seven?
  236. Savage lighweight hunter Vs. Tikka T3 lite
  237. 10/22 Mag Problems
  238. twist rate for 308 win.
  239. Reloading and Twist Rate
  240. Your picks for favorite cartridges in 2014, by caliber
  241. How are Weatherby shotguns?
  242. shotgun choke..yes no?
  243. Bad batch of primers?
  244. .311 303 british bullets
  245. Modern Black powder pistol classification?
  246. 20 gauge buckshot?
  247. Where to get Rem 870 barrels?
  248. What great calibers do you just not like?
  249. 338-06 Build - FINISHED!
  250. Hex Shot