View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 300 Weatherby Magnum Loads?
  2. What type of brass cleaner is best
  3. Annealing Brass
  4. Mossberg 1550 Stock
  5. Shipping firearms
  6. Rl17
  7. new rifle looking for data
  8. .270 win loads?
  9. .30 cal 190 grain Nosler Custom Competition
  10. Tikka T3 Metal Bolt Shrouds
  11. Lever action w/ open sights
  12. Looking to learn reloading in kelowna
  13. Trappers / ATC Carry Permit
  14. Best caliber for island hunting
  15. New load for Tikka 7mm RemMag ? starting powder anyone?
  16. .270 long range platform
  17. 1937 Husquavarna Vapenfabriks A.B. 270 Win.
  18. 243 Twist Rates
  19. Remington Ammo Recall.
  20. Marlin 1895G Guide 18.5"
  21. 700 sps 30/06 options
  22. Upgrading my Hunting Rifle
  23. Cut and crown
  24. Anyone shoot a .375 ruger Alaskan
  25. Blue printing Browning Actions
  26. 7mm08 or 270 or3006
  27. wtb: 243 synthetic rifle
  28. best brass?
  29. Anyone on here shoot a 416 RUGER
  30. 30-30
  31. Good news for reloaders
  32. 2014 Vancouver Island Gun Shows
  33. Thanks Nechako Outdoors
  34. Tired of the Recoil
  35. Crimping problem 45-70
  36. Looking for someone to ....
  37. 243 and Ballistic Tips
  38. Savage Lighweight Hunter
  39. Win Mod 70 xtr owners (stock mod)
  40. Advice Please - Red dot on a hunting rifle?
  41. auto shotty
  42. 6x45 (6-223) for Coyotes?
  43. What to do
  44. Availability of ttsx in the lower mainland?
  45. Re barreling a rifle
  46. The "one gun" Western rifle caliber?
  47. Pacific tool and gauge
  48. Any interest in a "bullet exchange"?
  49. Wingmaster barrel failure
  50. Little bit of rust on bolt
  51. Savage Bmag .17 Winchester Super Magnum
  52. Can anyone help identify this shotgun it's a Benelli
  53. Remington 700 Firing Pins
  54. What bullet would you use
  55. 160 gr ttsx for a 325 wsm
  56. help getting new barrel for .308 Survivor
  57. Who shoots a 338-06, standard or Ackley?
  58. Muzzle breaks
  59. 338-06 cast bullet reloading data
  60. Ruger 10/22
  61. Group buy, smokeless powder
  62. Remington 700 Mountain Riffle
  63. 7mm saum custom work options
  64. 17 hornet or .223?
  65. Hunting Rifle Has Been Upgraded!
  66. Savage 111 Extractor/Ejector Parts
  67. SKS jams up on 4th and 5th round
  68. CZ 550 Lux vs Medium Lux
  69. New sheep gun
  70. Can you shoot Buckshot out of a fifled bbl?
  71. Benelli MR1 223..Anybody Have One?
  72. Crimping?
  73. Looking for 375 ruger ammo
  74. best cheap 30-06 ammo
  75. Winchester Model 88 takedown leads to extra spring???
  76. large lands jump? anyone have experience with it?
  77. Extra magazines for Savage 111
  78. 110 round mag for 10/22
  79. CZ 455 American combo
  80. magnum primers ok for 2 3/4 12 ga skeet loads?
  81. New Nosler rifles for 2014
  82. Just Bought My First Semi-auto
  83. Recommendation for wife's .22
  84. Have been bitten by the black powder side hammer muzzle loader bug.
  85. just bought my first .22
  86. Barnes bullets question.
  87. Long range load for .300RUM?
  88. Looking for McNiely
  89. Free Reloading Manual
  90. Looking for Hornady Sure-Loc die lock nuts/rings
  91. Velocity issue.
  92. 17 rem fireball
  93. Question for the Savage Guys
  94. My daughter new rifle
  95. Gun Storage Question
  96. Lookin for h1000
  97. VihtaVouri
  98. Looking for thoughts on CZ 550 rifles
  99. Bobcat gun
  100. Decisions??? .308 win VS .338-06
  101. After market Tikka T3 laminated stocks
  102. Can I use steel shot in my older BPS
  103. Conundrum
  104. Trigger upgrade for savage 111
  105. Turrets?
  106. Have You Ever Have a Scope Die on You on a Trip?
  107. Savage Fluted Bolt Bodies
  108. SCDS Ammo
  109. Reloading International
  110. For anyone looking at buying a Savage Axis...
  111. Cloth for cleaning?
  112. Reloading Clarity Part 1
  113. Reloading Clarity Part 2
  114. restricted ATT questions and 111 mile rod & gun club
  115. Browning BLR reliability
  116. Win 94 30-30 parts
  117. new rifle stocks
  118. 25/06 or 280
  119. Full length sizing belted brass?
  120. How many loads do you develop?
  121. I want to Start Reloading
  122. Trigger Problem or bolt problem?
  123. Remington 700 Trigger
  124. 300WM and 175 LRX
  125. Federal 22 ammo....
  126. Everybody becomes a long range shooter!!
  128. Where to find imr 4831
  129. Kimber mountain ascent / corlanes black ram package ?
  130. Canadian barrel makers
  131. Reloading why do we do this to ourselves...
  132. Enfield smle III safety problem
  133. 10X Scope for Long Range
  134. The new old sks
  135. .30/06 primer recommendations?
  136. 6-48 thread tap
  137. Rare Winchester 1886 45-70
  138. RCBS Reloader Special 5 Press
  139. custom or aftermarket stocks ?
  140. magnum primers in a 7x57 mauser
  141. Case Trimmer Pilots and RCBS Hand Primer Tool
  142. Hornady Superformance question
  143. 45/70 info,,,
  144. 204 Ruger
  145. X- Bolt
  146. 45-70 ammo, who stocks the best?
  147. 7mm saum powder options
  148. shot shell reloading - which charge bars and bushings to start with?
  149. Guess I just joined the weatherby club
  150. First load concerns
  151. H-1000 & rl-22
  152. Custom Gunworx VS Corlanes
  153. 338 rum bullet poll
  154. anybody buy a new gun at Wholesale in Kelowna this weekend
  155. Choose my next rifle
  156. 300 H&H magnum
  157. Handloads for Baikal s/s 45/70
  158. GS custom HV bullets
  159. little treasures.
  160. 325wsm Powder
  161. Load recipes for 257 weatherby mag
  162. 25-06 recoil
  163. 26 Nosler
  164. Norenco ChiCom M14 GI rifle copy
  165. Wanting a Second Press.. Ideas?
  166. .17 wsm
  167. Range day - results...
  168. How to stop a bullet
  169. Barnes 30 cal TTSX 168 gr
  170. Brass Tumbling: Did I do something wrong?
  171. what was this gun?
  172. New to me
  173. Anyone own a Kimber?
  174. Load Development - Help Wanted
  175. miss marked cartridge case 338/378
  176. Good Gun Swap?
  177. Wood, metal, Rain and the X-bolt
  178. Shot shells: having difficulty sliding the charge bar back and forth
  179. my new Brno 7x57
  180. 16 G 00 Buck
  181. Wby 257
  182. Lead free ammo?
  183. 6mm Rem
  184. Which cal to go with?
  185. 98 winter project
  186. Shortening a shotgun
  187. Predator Bullet
  188. blueing expert
  189. trigger expert
  190. Rem 760 sling install
  191. ballistic charts
  192. short barrels on custom mountain rifles, effects ??
  193. My new Ruger SR22 ready for action
  194. RCBS Decapping Pin/Expander Adjustment
  195. Zoom on the scope
  196. 30 06 resize to 25 06
  197. Project Rem 700 titanium
  198. Kimber Montana 280 Ackley
  199. relaoding advice
  200. WTB/WTT for 3006 dies
  201. Quickload
  202. Lever Action Suggestions
  203. 1967 Browning Safari 30-06 'saltwood' and rust
  204. difference between pre remington/remlins
  205. Reloading for 22-250
  206. New Build Help
  207. checkering laminate stock? anybody done it or know where to get checkered in BC?
  208. Barnes XLC Moly Coated
  209. Browning matte blue finish??
  210. Sheep rifles and bullets
  211. GMX vs TSX
  212. Interesting sentiment about gun laws
  213. New huntin' partner for spring grizz
  214. Sako Finlight 75 300 WSM Bullet Choice TTSX, LRX, GMX, Accubond?
  215. RL22 with 200grn Barnes in .300rum?
  216. marlin guide gun
  217. Non-restricted to Prohibited, Letters to the PM and Minister of Safety
  218. Accubond Long Range... how far off the lands?
  219. Winchester magnum primers!!
  220. 7mm WSM or 7mm SAUM more popular?
  221. Do you shoot enough
  222. Compressed Load and Load Density
  223. 7mm Mauser
  224. 45-70 300gr sjhp
  225. Recipe required for .40 S&W
  226. Heym/Martini Safari Express Rifle
  227. SKS cold or hot
  228. Remington dating & Franz Sodia question
  229. 243 and 105 Amax
  230. 300 win mag loads
  231. AHHHHH its so hard to find RL 17
  232. Copper vs. Lead ballistics?
  233. Imr 4831
  234. 300WSM Enough?
  235. Loading 308 with XBR8208
  236. Re seating bullets
  237. Anybody here hunt with a 44 Rem Mag
  238. Jarrett Firearms??
  239. 26 Nosler projected handload data
  240. Help for Rod and Gun club needed.
  241. 280 ackley improved
  242. New 308
  243. ArmsCor/ Rock Island Armory 10/22 clone
  244. Nosler M48 Patriot
  245. H1000
  246. Favorite non magnum calibers
  247. 12 ga rock salt for pest control?
  248. 270 wsm?
  249. walthers p38 info needed
  250. Lots of good load information including ballistic tables