View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. input on new calibre - 7 rem mag, 270 wsm or 7 rum???
  2. 100fps more w/GMX 150 than SST150 in '06 using H4350 60gn?? Experiences??
  3. Very impressed with the vanguard S2!
  4. Henry rifle
  5. Weatherby vanguard series 2 we just bought 2 in 7mm-08 =wow!
  6. Bison Load, 300 WM
  7. Best load for a 300 wsm
  8. How Much Horsepower Do You Need
  9. gunwerks LR 1000 in canada?
  10. Lever Evolution
  11. 208gr Amax load data
  12. Pick your moose load
  13. X Bolt Owners speak up
  14. source for RL22 in LML?
  15. Best places or sites to buy bulk ammo
  16. Digital scales.....
  17. FYI...if your rifle likes Accubonds in the Federal Premium line and you're low...
  18. Wooo! Scored some RL 22!!!
  19. Wooo! Scored some RL 22!!!
  20. Mossberg shotgun question
  21. 338 federal loads
  22. who here has reloaded the 7.62x39
  23. Vancouver Maverick 88
  24. The Creedmoor shoots pretty good!
  25. Looking for some Reloader19...
  26. opinions on this grouping
  27. Building a Rifle
  28. lee shell holder
  29. Looking for something new and interesting
  30. Bore sighting
  31. Air Rifle Target Practice
  32. remington double barrel 12 gauge... anyone handle one before?
  33. Getting a .22WMR - Keep my .22 ?
  34. .45 vs .40 vs 9mm
  35. A day at the range
  36. New Rifle Options
  37. reloading help
  38. went to range today to test velocities
  39. Barnes Ammo
  40. Sako 85
  41. Lee Enfield MK 2
  42. *Newbie Reloaders or Reloader Wannabes* I have a present for one of you
  43. 22 youth rifle
  44. Looking for .35 rem brass
  45. Holy crap didn't think it was that old!!!
  46. 200 gamekings - 300rum
  47. Reloads a little tight
  48. New Weatherby!!!
  49. Are H&R Rifles Shotguns worth it?
  50. Stevens Gold Wing 512 - 28 guage
  51. Re-chamber a gun...
  52. Recommendations for next caliber
  53. Help-Browning Xbolt Hunter 300 wsm
  54. New nosler accubond LR
  55. My New Rifle
  56. reloading kit query...
  57. Hunting rig survey!
  58. How decent are savage actions for a custom build?
  59. gunsmith info
  60. remington 700 question
  61. tika t3 30-06 or Ruger American 30-06
  62. Entry level hunting .22lr gun?
  63. Custom 7mm SAUM in the works
  64. Let's talk about the .223 cartridge
  65. Remington 300 saum
  66. 280 Remington Reloading Information
  67. Barnes vor-tx ttsx factory ammo
  68. good deal on ruger american
  69. 270 wsm load data
  70. Matrix VLD Tests?
  71. Quality of the Sako A7
  72. New Gun Powder............
  73. Gentleman's Calibre
  74. Split neck problem
  75. Barnes 4th addition!?
  76. Just arrived! a LH 6.5x55 and a 9.3x62
  77. New Set Up!
  78. new brass
  79. 22 WMR 45 gr FTX® Critical Defense®
  80. Best Grizzly slug available at Wholesale Sports
  81. what magnum calibre to build???
  82. What new gun to buy
  83. LH Savage Axis
  84. 308 win 150gr ttsx using Ramshot TAC?
  85. my custom 6.5x284
  86. Browning BLR - 358 Winchester or 325 WSM?
  87. 300 weatherby
  88. Ithica pump shot gun value
  89. Reloading 12 gauge slugs
  90. One all round caliber..
  91. whats the better rifle?
  92. Scope and Rifle advise
  93. Rifle Cleaning... tried and true ways
  94. Stripped sling screw
  95. Redfield vs. vortex diamondback
  96. .325WSM bullets
  97. Gun Question For You Pros Out There
  98. Powder Selection Question
  99. Powder question
  100. How to remove stuck patch?
  101. old Browning...safe?
  102. question about Powders etc ...
  103. 70-08 Brass
  104. Sako 85 300 wsm load data
  105. 7 Rem????
  106. 25-06
  107. Rifle Suggestions?
  108. canadaammo.com
  109. 300 savage non toxic?
  110. Black marks on nickel/stainless receiver - Browning BLR
  111. hornady ntx ammunition
  112. which powder for 7mm rem mag would u recommend
  113. federal 270 ammunition
  114. First Rifle
  115. Handloading Help
  116. Seeking tips to prevent fogged scope
  117. shooting slugs
  118. 300 RSAUM cartridge
  119. Win Model 70 Extractor Issues
  120. Glass bedding price
  121. Winchester 94 in .32 Special
  122. Best Rifle /Scope for long range Big Game
  123. Trying to Control My Inner "Bubba"
  124. Honey Bair 405 Shotgun Press
  125. Accutrigger adjustment
  126. Gunsmith in Kamloops for a Benelli MR1????
  127. Bluing Repair
  128. Reloading in Squamish area
  129. Berger Bullets
  130. Re-chambering question
  131. Nickel plated brass
  132. Optics for Robinson XCR-M
  133. Bullet Seat Depth Barnes TTSX
  134. Non Restricted Semi Auto Belt Fed Machine Gun
  135. The Gun That Aims Itself (Documentary)
  136. Rifle Scopes
  137. Scope elevation issue
  138. Who knows REAL 1911's?
  139. Old Remington 870
  140. New Winchester EW
  141. 168gr 7mm rem mag reload data
  142. Eatons of Canada Model 100 rifle, anyone have one of these ??
  143. winchester extreme weather 7 rem mag
  144. Finally, after 15 months.....
  145. 22/250
  146. Lost PAL
  147. 300 win mag ammo
  148. Really Loving the .22 Magnum!
  149. 7mm rem mag reloading
  150. 168gr nosler accubond LR
  151. Winchester Model 94 30.30
  152. Squamaish RCMP illegal seizure of XCR (video)
  153. Pull bullets?
  154. Going old school with a Trapdoor Springfield
  155. 338-06AI Loads? And a couple questions on brass/primers
  156. need reloading advice (just starting)
  157. 12 gauge and slugs
  158. 308 Win and a 210 VLD
  159. Parker-Hale Safari Special 30-06
  160. 356 Winchester Load
  161. hornady auto charge
  162. Remington 870-887
  163. Benelli supernova
  164. rangefinder dilema...
  165. Build My Rifle
  166. 7mm-08 reloading opinions
  167. .338 too much for deer?
  168. Husqvarna 1600 actions for a custom build?
  169. Most accurate reasonably priced .22 <300$
  170. Browning ejection problem
  171. reloading help please
  172. 300 Blackout
  173. Unburnt powder in magazine
  174. 325 wsm ammo
  175. looking for after market barrels
  176. Moved - Looking for advice on selling collectible firearms
  177. choose one only
  178. 375 HH factory ammo suggestions
  179. tavor tar-21
  180. Reloading Bench Safety tip
  181. Plinking loads for 45-70 and H4198
  182. Winchester 1894 question
  183. 7mm-08?
  184. Zastava Arms opinions?
  185. 243 80gr ttsx experiences?
  186. CZ 453 - are they still around BNIB? Can the 455 hold a candle?
  187. Sako 85 Scope Mounts
  188. Marlin 1895 - 45-70 Value ?
  189. Xbolt
  190. .300 weatherby wsm or .3006 browning
  191. Scorpion Scopes
  192. Info on wipeout gun cleaner
  193. Vortex Scopes
  194. Mag Pouches
  195. Remington 700. What are your thoughts?
  196. Mossberg 352KB magazine
  197. Kelowna area reloader
  198. Dominion Grizzly Compact barrel upgraded feasibility
  199. FN Actions
  200. .240 weatherby Magnum Recipes?
  201. H 1000
  202. First 3D printed Metal 1911
  203. 308 Win hard to resize?
  204. Berger Bullets
  205. Mossberg ATR 100
  206. Magazine Law Clarification
  207. Remington SPS DM vs Tikka T3 Lite
  208. Best scope under $200
  209. $2000 to spend on a rifle, what do you buy?? :)
  210. my first attempt at reloading my 7mm-08
  211. 300 Win Mag
  212. What varmint gun to get
  213. Lyman Dies? Any Good?
  214. Help!
  215. Looking for a Rail for marlin guide gun?.
  216. range day with my 7mm rem mag
  217. Brand new to reloading, tips/tricks and hints 270 WSM
  218. Light Loads for 308 Win
  219. sks vs 30-30
  220. Retical of sightron rimfire scope
  221. Need load data for 32 Auto
  222. Looking for a gunsmith for Brno
  223. .243 for a mountain rifle?
  224. 9 Twist 223
  225. 325 wsm ammo
  226. 9mm carbine
  227. New Winchester 1886 45-70
  228. Reloader 22
  229. Vz 24
  230. Silencing synthetic stock
  231. powder and bullet availability this year?
  232. "Nosler 26"
  233. WTB 43Mauser ammo
  234. Full choke question
  235. win 94 carbine
  236. looking for a fun gun
  237. sending non restricted long gun to us for some smithing
  238. Burris eliminator 3 base mounts
  239. Whats the difference between a 22 inch barrel vs. 24 or 26 inch barrel
  240. De-priming Live primers
  241. Reloading magnums
  242. what caliber?
  243. if your looking for some powder I might be able to help
  244. Anyone dealt with Granlund Firearms?
  245. cleaning after shooting barnes copper bullets
  246. Leading
  247. Loading for 1897 16 gauge
  248. ATT question
  249. Muzzle break on a browning xbolt
  250. Which caliber?