View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Suggestion for a third manual
  2. gun transfer
  3. Rifles stolen!
  4. Remington Titanium
  5. Gun Laws?
  6. pellet pistol question
  7. finally
  8. 325 wsm
  9. Crossing the border
  10. Left-Hand Bolt Action Rifles
  11. Micro-groove rifling
  12. .284 Win for Mulies
  13. 338-Gaillard / 338-Swamp Donkey / cartridge info added
  14. any advise on the savage 116fcss????
  15. Mini-14 sight system?!?
  16. New Remington
  17. Bought a new pistol
  18. check out the new Remington combo gun
  19. .204 Ruger
  20. Lever Action Big Game Rifle
  21. 416 Remington Mag - Reloads
  22. Remington 710
  23. bolt-action 45/70
  24. ruger decocker
  25. chargemaster Press - RCBS?
  26. XS Ghost Ring sights
  27. Bullet Barn 45/70 Hard Cast
  28. .30-06 help
  29. Remington Model 798
  30. Winchester ammo....
  31. Smith and Wesson shotgun
  32. School me on cast bullets??
  33. got info ? norinco hp9
  34. NEEDED ASAP: Gunsmith.
  35. Question about Lee Reloader
  36. Best place to get reloading equipment
  37. Bullet recovered from grizzly
  38. Map to Duncan Range
  39. Custom Rifle Ideas
  40. New 300 WM
  41. 30-06 recoil???
  42. need start load for .270 with Barnes tsx bullets
  43. 30.06 Reloading problems
  44. 416 remington mag.
  45. tikka 300wsm recoil
  46. Stainless Synthetic 300 WM comparison
  47. Reloading equipment
  48. sealing primers
  49. Demal Services Mission?
  50. walmart clearance sale...
  51. Browning BL22 or Marlin 39A
  52. Reloading supplies
  53. 325 WSM - My initial impressions
  54. I finally got it!!! Marlin guide gun!!!!
  55. trendy
  56. Leupold M8
  57. Tikka T3 Varmint
  58. Guntech Taking A Break
  59. Bullet Penetration chart
  60. Savage 99
  61. Rifle project
  62. Are there any Canadian Barrel makers??
  63. Reloading for a .243, .270 & .300WSM
  64. 160 grain Nosler Accubond
  65. 366 marlin
  66. Barnes bullets for 45/70
  67. Pedersen O/U
  68. What rifle and synthetic or not?
  69. Sighting in (30-06)
  70. What load was in this plain just wild! VIDEO
  71. Rem 700 ADL Scope mount.
  72. reloading 270wsm
  73. Is there anywhere that I could buy custom ammunition?
  74. Finally found what I was looking for!
  75. 375 H&h
  76. Black Badge course
  77. 12 ga. 2 3/4 reloading??????
  78. 12 ga. 2 3/4 reloading??????
  79. New Hunter
  80. Opinions on a 300 WSM.
  81. 300 Win Mag or 300 WSM
  82. Laminate rifle stocks
  83. A must see for all .303 British shooters
  84. Rocky Mountain Rifles
  85. What Rifle should my younger brother get?
  86. PAL questions
  87. Legal?
  88. need lathe type trimmer or is lee trimmer and lockstud sufficient?
  89. Nikon Scopes
  90. Any thoughts on the .350
  91. blr thoughts
  92. Browning Micro hunter 7mm-08
  93. Carbon Fiber Barrel
  94. 17th century
  95. The Gemini Rifles
  96. lee loader handload kits
  97. 325 WSM Ammo at Hubs
  98. A little help on a gun choice
  99. Price Check: 336 Marlin 45/70 and 219zipper Pic's
  100. Marlin 1895 45/70
  101. Ruger #1
  102. Noslers
  103. 45/70 Iron Sight group
  104. Opinions on rifles.
  105. TSX Accuracy SUCKS!!
  106. High Pressure?
  107. Bullet choice
  108. The Old .280 Really impressed a master shooter!!!
  109. Remington question?
  110. selling reloads?
  111. Quick clip for Remington 700
  112. 45/70 ammo for moose
  113. Parker hale accessories?
  114. buying brass
  115. New lightweight hunting stock's Photo's
  116. VAIS Muzzle Break
  117. S&W handguns....
  118. FS Savage 99E in 308win is this good price?
  119. Remington model 525 (22 bolt action) ??
  120. 30 30 for moose??
  121. scoping a 3030
  122. Shooter's from all over yesterday at Connaught Ranges Pic's
  123. Registering Purchases with CFC
  124. .25-06 loads
  125. Shot my "new" 243 Winchester
  126. .44 Rem mag reload question
  127. Dakota 97 Stocks
  128. The .375 Ruger
  129. 300 Winchester Short Magnum
  130. Winchester mdl# 100 in 308
  131. A new to me toy
  132. 185gr barnes tsx for 338 win mag
  133. Own/collect military surplus rifles?
  134. Gunshops in Fort St. John
  135. 30-30 lever evolution
  136. Pics of my Marlin 45/70
  137. ? on Pro hunter bullets...
  138. recoil pad
  139. Gun cleaning
  140. another bullet question
  141. Load data needed
  142. Gun/Ammo Question
  143. 3 Marlins !!!
  144. Need Load Data
  145. Winchester Ammo
  146. Sightin In A Gun
  147. Savage dealers?
  148. BSA 30-06 bolt removal
  149. Info on old gun.
  150. Which load info?
  151. Marlin XLR 45-70 Range results.
  152. Need info Old Winchester
  153. Iron sights on your big game rifle?
  154. rookie reloading question
  155. Ripples on case shoulders
  156. Authorized Savage gunsmith
  157. Northfork Bullets
  158. When Swedish partners with Australian
  159. Loads needed for the 338-378
  160. 45/70 - bullets won't stabilize??
  161. Finally got 'er!!!
  162. Rifles in back window illegal?
  163. 270 WSM problems....
  164. Lee Loader
  165. Need help with ID on this old beauty
  166. Went Shooting today
  167. Coyote loads
  168. hammond game getter
  169. Deer rounds
  170. Saftey Not working
  171. Mag. Question
  172. Savage Arms Weather Warrior rifles
  173. Recipe for Wby 300, Nosler 200 Partitions, & H4831
  174. What chronograph?
  175. Wholesale Sports Kamloops
  176. Newbie looking for help
  177. 2 triggers?
  178. Reload recipe ?
  179. Barnes TSX recovered
  180. Just started reloading and I like it!!
  181. Which one? .270, .308, or 30-06?
  182. 7x64, 7x65R
  183. 7mm rem mag bullet selection
  184. New rifle, gotta share
  185. Least realistic grain in .300
  186. Barrel replacement?
  187. Wby 300 Mag Loads
  188. Now this is a weapon!
  189. new ruger compact .308
  190. Misconception?
  191. New Brass Problem?
  192. Hang fire
  193. Effective Range of BuckShot
  194. Foggy scope?
  195. Polar Bear Gun
  196. My new toy...
  197. Buying a new stock
  198. suppressor on gunsamerica.com
  199. Trophy Bonded bear claw
  200. Anyone make lead nose out of FMJ?
  201. Got the calibre, now the rifle
  202. Sako 85
  203. Complete penatration
  204. 30-378 weatherby mag
  205. .270 Win. or .308 Win
  206. Bullets options for my new-to-me 25-06
  207. 7mm or 300 WM
  208. Good deal?
  209. I am looking for
  210. Winchester 30-30
  211. Do you own handguns?
  212. 30-30 brass?
  213. 410 brass...??
  214. 303 Lee Enfields ?
  215. Uphill/Downhill Shots.
  216. Barrel length and velocity
  217. Parker Hale Dating?
  218. 7mm Rem mag, but which brand?
  219. WTB 303 British Die set and Brass
  220. .22LR recommendations
  221. Info on .30 cal Hornady Interbond 165 gr
  222. Opinions on NEF Handi Rifle
  223. Convert Lee Enfield .303 to 45/70
  224. Thoughts on a Stoeger side by side
  225. First rifle
  226. Tikka
  227. .270 and 30.06 loads?
  228. New Rifle for Christmas
  229. Time for a change
  230. Remington model 700 SPS.300 Ultra Mag
  231. 300 win mag or 338 win mag
  232. .338 best distance ??
  233. need some info
  234. What compound bow for first time 10 year old??
  235. Winchester XP3
  236. anyone shoot a .340 weatherby
  237. .270 Wsm
  238. Huge Guns
  239. Which .338 Caliber?
  240. does anyone shoot a 30-378 weatherby mag?
  241. What is a good Deer Caliber?
  242. New Ruger Hawkeye bolt gun
  243. T/C about to release a bolt action rifle!!!
  244. guns:sako or steyr?
  245. follow up on steyr/sake composite or wood stock?
  246. composite or wood stock and why?
  247. Poll:re composite or wood stock?
  248. good 4x scope
  249. 40mill. vs. 50mill.
  250. Recipe for 210 grain nosler .338 win mag