View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. New to Reloading
  2. 9.3X62 Norma Vulkan reload
  3. Remington 270 safety ammo recall
  4. Sako A7 270win Barrel Nodes
  5. Maynard's gun auction
  6. where to find uncommon dies
  7. 303 British Iron Sights
  8. winchester100 auto
  9. Did older Remington 7mm-08 ammo come loaded with a red polymer tipped bullet?
  10. Is anyone here up on savage 99c rifles. Specifically in 7mm-08.
  11. 308 savage mod 99 rotary clip
  12. Rem 700 synthetic stock weight
  13. tikka m65 25-06 question
  14. Thoughts on a H&r handi rifle or other compact rifle?
  15. Thoughts on the Mossberg 535
  16. Savage model 16 weather warrior
  17. 44 mag ammo for big game
  18. Nosler announces they will be making NEW KING ammo!
  19. Idea has anyone done? long range shot gun with buck?
  20. sks and hunting
  21. Choke tube installations!
  22. 30-06 loads with Barnes
  23. Layaway without a licence??
  24. modle 100 winchester 308
  25. Load data for Sierra 190 MatchKings (.30-06)
  26. Old Cooey question
  27. Is ammo dangerous in a fire
  28. A really good read on cartridge performance
  29. Nosler Accubond Long Range bullet for 2013
  30. 370 Sako magnum / 9.3x66 Sako
  31. What is your go to powder for...
  32. 12ga chamber adapters
  33. building a 338-06
  34. Win. Model 70 30-06 deforms bullet tips?
  35. convert 270 win to wby??
  36. Printing your own hunting rifle ?
  37. Blueing?
  38. Minimum Velocity
  39. 6.5
  40. Headspace Issues On New Rem 700
  41. Build a gun from A SHOVEL
  42. Savage model 24?
  43. Semi auto 20 gauge for son: Mossy SA-20 or Weatherby SA-08?
  44. .454 casull bullets the same as .45 lc?
  45. No 4 MK 1 Longbranch 1945
  46. Need help choosing a caliber
  47. marlin query
  48. Leupold M1 Dials from Korth Group
  49. New gun
  50. Mini Paper on Headspace.
  51. Fluting and Cerakoting
  52. Failing to stay diligent....
  53. Winchester 2200 or Ithaca 37 Featherweight?
  54. Burgo .22 revolver
  55. Reloads at Gun Shows ??
  56. "the new king"
  57. rem 870 express shells stuck in chamber
  58. Dominion Brass... I hate them...
  59. 6.5 mm reloading question.
  60. custom rifles or high quality manufacture
  61. Something to Chew on !
  62. Bullet choice question, factory vs. hand-loaded performance?
  63. Shooting in the rain
  64. ATF Bans Barnes Bullets
  65. Winchester Will Unveil Game-Changing Rimfire Cartridge
  66. winchester 1897
  67. Be careful with WIPEOUT foam bore cleaner!!!
  68. CZ 550 Lux in 8x57IS... Thoughts?
  69. xbolt- bolt rusting
  70. Shotgun suggestions
  71. Looking for a specific type of rifle
  72. Sako 75 weight reduction
  73. Winchester SXP
  74. Tikka/remington sps stock weights
  75. Reloading efficiences...
  76. Painting and webbing a stock???
  77. First custom. Pillar bed or not and why?
  78. Sako Finnlight worth the premium?
  79. Mcmillan stocks info
  80. winchester ammo whats the diffrence
  81. 260 Rem Barrel life?
  82. Looking for an 18 1/2 inch tube for an Ithica Model 37
  83. Does anyone have any experience with the 30-378 cartridge?
  84. .243, 25-06 or 7mm-08?
  85. Parker Hale safari issue
  86. Non restricted AR15 type options
  87. i have a 22 single shot but dont no what it is im hoping someone here can help
  88. Browning maxus opinions??
  89. info on using old gun powder
  90. savage model 90D shotgun questions
  91. Die Locking Rings
  92. How do you store your firearms?
  93. Differences in Reloading dies?
  94. Marlin .44 mag rifle
  95. stocking up
  96. brno stock replacement
  97. What are fast and slow burning cartridges
  98. Rings and bases
  99. To Re-blue or Not Re-blue
  100. Choice of Rifle
  101. Terminology
  102. Reloaders please help
  103. Savage 30-30
  104. Brass preference?
  105. Lee Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure.
  106. 260 Remington Handloaders
  107. Lee collet neck size die
  108. 110gn .308 varmint load
  109. barrel cut and recrown?
  110. which caliber would you take to saskatchewan to hunt whitetails
  111. New addition to the locker
  112. Shotgun barrel cleaning question
  113. Which gun/caliber next?
  114. 45-70 for Moose
  115. powder dispenser query
  116. Gauging Interest in recycled lead for reloading
  117. Re Blueing a barrel??
  118. Need to build a new powder storage...........
  119. Am I touching the lands with this dummy round? pic included.
  120. Berger VLD bullets versus Nosler Accubonds
  121. need some action help
  122. Bullets'n bears'n bs
  123. Centre fire rifle for my little girl
  124. Hiawatha??? Does a cooey clip fit??? Are they from the same company??
  125. What's up with Ruger lately?
  126. Ruger M77 Hawkeye Laminate Compact???
  127. Piston versus Gas Impingement Semi Auto Rifles...
  128. replacement stock for savage model 16 short action?
  129. my ruger 1022 "fungun"
  130. the long awaited call from corlanes (sako 375 ruger)
  131. Please give me your opinion on this?
  132. the #1912 140 HPBT GameKing
  133. .300 Win Mag + 180gr Accubond?
  134. Remington 700 opinions
  135. what am i doing wrong?
  136. sako 85 finkight
  137. Opinions on equipment
  138. Talley One Piece Rings - Any issues with alignment?
  139. Looking for a little clarification - LG registration
  140. What went wrong with this cartridge? Pics...
  141. Anyone own a 444 marlin?
  142. My handloads LOOK good. How do I know if they are safe to fire?
  143. thinking about loading my own 12g for duck and goose??
  144. pillar bedding sako av
  145. Looking for a gunsmith in the Lower Mainland
  146. Trophy Copper vs TSX help please
  147. Hunting with the 357 Mag
  148. Black gun opinions
  149. New rifle: Tikka T3 vs Sako A7 vs Sako Finnlight
  150. What a cryin shame :(
  151. Reloading 338 Lupua
  152. Ramshot powder
  153. quarter bores, what's your preference?
  154. MPI Riflestocks
  155. Some reloading questions???
  156. SAVAGE 99c series A
  157. Detachable magazine or hinged floor plate?
  158. Nosler Long Range Accubond
  159. Air Gunning Video
  160. Winchester Info Wanted
  161. WTB- Reloading equipment
  162. Ar15 mags
  163. Ammo Opinions For All
  164. Target crown or not?
  165. Twist rate question
  166. New reloading bench
  167. Incorrect scope mounting procedures.... what are the outcomes?
  168. a reasonable compromise?
  169. Got a spot open in my safe... hunting for a new rifle
  170. Bullet Fragmentation
  171. Barrel Crowns Importance
  172. Limbsaver for Mark V
  173. Browning X-bolt Micro Hunter vs X-bolt Micro Midas
  174. 6.5 x 55 Lapua problems
  175. Powder selection
  176. Redding neck bushings???
  177. 30 govt 06
  178. Pellet rifle
  179. Scope Out of adjustment R-L
  180. A question all you waterfoulers and shotgunners
  181. Shotgun advice
  182. Questions about Big game caliber
  183. S&W model 41
  184. ammo disposal
  185. Lead vs Copper
  186. 3030 handload range stretching
  187. 3030 handload range stretching
  188. small game squib loads
  189. Need help on some handloads 7-08, 25-06
  190. Winchester Price $$??
  191. Barnes LRX 145 7mm in Ruger Compact
  192. Approximate Value of this rifle?
  193. Thoughts on the .338-06
  194. Bullet length vs. Weight
  195. Gunwerks Ballistic Calculator
  196. Guns as an investment
  197. Help needed Antique Shotgun!
  198. How To Clean Your AR
  199. Weatherby 300 reloads
  200. Sonic Cleaners Your thoughts
  201. One kit to rule them all
  202. New (to me) Model 94: Sight adjustment question!
  203. Recoil pads
  204. Sauer Drilling
  205. Kimber - Mountain Ascent
  206. Reloading questions
  207. Ruger Red Label Replacement Stock???
  208. H&R or NEF , accurrate enough for alpine ?
  209. hornady interlock 180 gr sp
  210. after market stock for tikka
  211. Nechako Outdoors reloading Seminar
  212. LF Gunsmith to Thread Rem Chokes into Two 12 gauge Barrels
  213. Bore rust
  214. Range day, your thoughts on my data?
  215. My tack driver - '52 Marlin 336 30/30
  216. Detachable mag for savage 16/116 bear hunter
  217. VLD as hunting bullets??
  218. h-870
  219. PAL Re-newal fee Waived until 16 May 2013
  220. 6.5 creedmoor query
  221. .338 rcm ?
  222. the cost of cheap scope rings ( a lesson for newbies )
  223. Beautiful Sako
  224. Another of the old guard moves on.
  225. steel wool bore cleaner
  226. New barrel break-in
  227. Cabelas scope
  228. Nanaimo gun show
  229. Sako Finwolf value?
  230. Folding Rem 700 stock options????????
  231. Best rifle/scope set up for under $700.00
  232. Vancouver Island Gunsmith
  233. RCBS Powder Mearsure.
  234. Boyds Laminate Stocks
  235. W760 powder
  236. Powder Storage
  237. Can Barrel fluting affect accuracy
  238. 243 or 7mm-08 or 25-06?
  239. Steps For Accurate Load Development
  240. sticky die
  241. Please teach me - hornady bullets
  242. Trophy copper experiences?
  243. Stockies?
  244. VX-1 2-7x33
  245. Vintage Marlin or Remlin?
  246. Berger Bullets
  247. model 70 winchester
  248. christensen arms
  249. Would you shoot it?
  250. Bore Squeeg-E