View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Husky Nuts
  2. Barrel measurements??
  3. How much does the heat affect bullet flight 200 yards?
  4. cleaning
  5. 140 gr Barnes TSX .280 Rem - Goat hunt worthy?
  6. What is the twist rate on a Browning X Bolt Stalket 300 Win Mag
  7. Rossi Ranch Hand
  8. Problems loading for 308 in Browning BLR
  9. Any RPAL/PAL Test administrators?
  10. savage 24 barrels misaligned
  11. help with load data
  12. Rem 700 trigger cleaning
  13. need help finding good 223 rem rounds for hunting
  14. Rifle Bluing
  15. .223 for big game hunting
  16. M1A M14 - SAGE EBR Stock Canada?
  17. Used rifles in the Lower Mainland
  18. Hornady Load Data
  19. A New Custom Followed Me Home
  20. Loads for the 280 Remington
  21. .270 lee loader powder chart. Anyone?
  22. looking for an ACI with the scope mount
  23. 7mm rem mag
  24. Depriming cases
  25. Load info for Spear bullets
  26. accurate .22 ammo
  27. need help handloading for 375 H&H
  28. 6.5x55 COAL
  29. Accubond or TTSX
  30. Sako AV vs A7
  31. price of bullets
  32. 3D printers making AR15s hmmmmmmmm
  33. .338 Federal
  34. 130gr TTSX in 308 Win.
  35. Mountain Rifle contour
  36. Rocky Mountain Rifle's 260 Remington
  37. brass
  38. Ringmounts
  39. Question about restricted firearms
  40. Chrony
  41. Neck versus full length resizing
  42. My new friend! Meet MR. .358 BLR Pistol Grip Stainless
  43. 260 Rem 130 Grain Swift Scriocco Loads?
  44. 338-06
  45. Loading steel shot
  46. Leupold Parallax Question
  47. Hammond Game Getter
  48. Ejection issues
  49. Thompson Center Icon - Anybody own one?
  50. 375 Ruger accuracy
  51. Savage or Remington
  52. .17 Remington Fireball
  53. 300 H&H Mag
  54. new shotgun issues
  55. Lolading barnes ttsx 130 grain
  56. Sako 85 Hunter Scope Height
  57. Pro Hunter .243 Barrel
  58. first custom
  59. 300 rum coal
  60. 7mm-08 160 gr. NP
  61. what do yea guys think of this set up and a few questions
  62. Rifled slug in a smoothbore barrel
  63. Savage Model 42... 22LR or 22WMR
  64. Churchill rifle
  65. Beware of Duncan's gunsmith.
  66. Lucas gun oil.
  67. 7mm rem mag 175 gr
  68. any one shooting 25-284
  69. 270win for bison--or not
  70. gunsmith in the kamloops/ 100 mile area
  71. need a good .358 win reload recipe for barnes tsx 225gr.
  72. Question about a Savage 20 ga .22 win mag over under
  73. Remington 700 AAC .308
  74. Sako A7 trigger set mechanisim?
  75. Ruger American 30-06
  76. Some reason i want a pump action shotgun?
  77. Do most folks store longguns muzzle down?
  78. Rifle value
  79. Remington 700 XCR II 300 WSM
  80. Sighting in your Rifle
  81. xp3
  82. tikkas problem
  83. down with savage!
  84. Resealing Stock
  85. Sako A7 Package
  86. Shoting over 400 yards is it hunting?
  87. Federal misfire
  88. Need help with info on a couple rifles I have.
  89. Load development for 300 wby Mag
  90. 338 lapua vs 338 ultra mag
  91. Ultrasonic Case Cleaner verse Case Tumbler
  92. .358Winchester
  93. Savage 111 side release magazine
  94. 180 tbt bc??
  95. What's In Your Gun Cleaning Kit?
  96. New Toy!!
  97. just ordered my first mauser .....
  98. Slugs for Mossberg 590A1...
  99. Are the elk calling in region 7b yet
  100. 9.3x62 - what's not to like?
  101. Remington trigger assembly
  102. Lee Hand Press Question
  103. Scope mounting problems?
  104. 7x57 vs 270
  105. Target shooting in other provinces... any restrictions for non-residents?
  106. Leupold customer service- awesome
  107. Marlin 336 30-30
  108. Leupold Advice
  109. Who stocks Alliant Reloder powders?
  110. 270 Load Development
  111. who knew reloading with toddlers was this much fun?
  112. Another rifle I need more info on
  113. powder question
  114. Reduced Loads for 7mm-08?
  115. superformance
  116. What turret system boys !?
  117. Brass Casing Weight
  118. .338 RUM pet loads and related info
  119. 170gr bullets for a .270win?
  120. Winchester 94 = What does a Finger Lever Pin do?
  121. new to reloading
  122. The '7 Mag' - one of the best
  123. Want to get into reloading.
  124. lee reloader
  125. 308 remmy reloading
  126. M 1924 Sequoia mannlicher
  127. Primers
  128. 7x61 Sharpe & Harte
  129. My New Rifle!
  130. 300 Win Mag and RL25
  131. COAL or bullet seting?
  132. What are u loading and using in ur 7mm rem mag
  133. Ramshot Hunter
  134. Having trouble getting a good group ?
  135. shooting in the fraser valley bush?
  136. Winchester 94 Pre or Post 64
  137. WTB 300 win mag stainless or equivalent with det mag what would you recomend
  138. Mod 94 375 Big Bore
  139. Favorite "Ugly" Rifle
  140. Husquvarna Shotguns
  141. Talley rings for Sav 111
  142. Would you shoot an elk with a .222?
  143. Browning A Bolt .300 win mag 150 gr Barnes TTSX
  144. Grain/load/ammo recommendation for Moose with 30-06
  145. Classic Single Shot .22
  146. Home insurance for the reloader
  147. apps for ballistics
  148. Opinions on Baikal combo guns & .223 for hunting
  149. Savage Trigger- Rifle Basix or Timney?
  150. Starting load for 30/06
  151. is this worth the money?
  152. Flitz brass polish
  153. How many rounds do you carry on you while day hunting?
  154. Vital Shok Trophy Copper
  155. WTB Barrel for Weatherby Vanguard
  156. Hornady Brass
  157. Barnes Triple Shock Load for 338 Federal
  158. 32 40 brass or ammo help
  159. .270 bullet choice for elk
  160. .243 did very well
  161. Value of Bruno ZKK Model 601 in .308 cal
  162. single shot
  163. 338-06 --- 24 inches to 22 inches
  164. It's Like Christmas!
  165. 222 caliber hand loads
  166. cleaning up metal work on rifle
  167. Cooper Excaliber
  168. Cleaning loaded brass
  169. 300 rum loads
  170. Old .22 Info
  171. Need gunsmith advice
  172. .357 Mangum For Deer?
  173. Ruger 77/357
  174. Uberti Stallion .22LR Revolver
  175. reloading .243 question
  176. 7 mm stw
  177. Building Shot shells and equipment ?
  178. federal premium nosler partition
  179. 250 Gr Barnes TEZ Terminal Performance
  180. .375 loading
  181. Anyone else shoot a Beretta Xtrema2?
  182. Reloading for .25-06
  183. 7rem mag or 338 wm?
  184. S&W Model 386 XL Hunter - is a "Scandium Alloy Frame" a cold weather liability?
  185. .308 Reloading
  186. Breaking in a SS barrell
  187. P14 action what to build.
  188. Want to learn reloading
  189. Turret press
  190. 44 mag recoil
  191. Need info for Speer bullets in a 30-06
  192. Barnes 168 gr ttsx .308
  193. Remington 722 in .222
  194. 30 cal bullets for a 30-30
  195. Sako 85 Custom ?
  196. 870 Pump Shot Gun Jams
  197. How to Determine Chamber Depth?
  198. Help please
  199. Hornady leverevolution powder
  200. Gun for Girlfriend
  201. Remington 700 Weatherby Project
  202. Dillon dealer
  203. More Fun with Camo-Form
  204. .308 Norma mag.
  205. is heavy barrel manditory for long range?
  206. New ruger american
  207. preparing your gun for COLD weather hunting
  208. Changing out from a floor plate to a magazine, 1950's generation Husquavarna
  209. Gunsmith in Prince George Area
  210. 500 s&W?
  211. Stainless or Carbon Identification...
  212. Need a new reloading press. What to buy?
  213. Aftermarket magazine kit for bolt action rifle
  214. Hunting performance of standard brand 7x5 ammo?
  215. Remington's side of the "Trigger Safety" story.....
  216. 225
  217. Old Winchester lever action question
  218. Just ordered my xmas present
  219. Completely confused-new scope, loads and bad groups.
  220. Reloading: once fired brass vs "pulled" brass
  221. barrel length 2" to 18" ballistics .22 TO .45 CAL
  222. Can' deside 300 or338?
  223. A .950??
  224. 300 RUM-need help
  225. Rcbs seat die question
  226. Gun Decisions!
  227. Old Brit .303 ammo
  228. Competitiion Dies
  229. How to disassemble bolt on a Husqvarna model 1600
  230. Remington serial #
  231. Re-seating Pulled BUllets
  232. Clarification Please
  233. tikka t3
  234. Barnes Data Requested
  235. Tumbling Live Rounds?
  236. Need opinions and advice.
  237. Anyone have experience with reloading .270 160gr partitions
  238. tikka t3 300wsm magazine
  239. Richards microfit rifle stocks
  240. Recomendations on youth .22LR
  241. using older powders
  242. Black Powder
  243. Gunsmith around Abbotsford?
  244. Identification and value
  245. .308 Powder help needed????
  246. 8mm remington magnum ?
  247. Turtle wax in media?
  248. rangefinder query
  249. Remington query
  250. .30-30 scope question