View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 7 MM Shooting Times Westerner (STW)
  2. how to size basic cylinder brass
  3. 7mag load question
  4. Little help please
  5. 30.06 to 308 norma mag questions
  6. i cant wait
  7. Old is new again from savage for 2012
  8. Thompson center icon warlord opinions???
  9. Market for these little suckers?
  10. Winchester 94 in 38-55
  11. my 1st leupold
  12. Importing reloading kit
  13. Primers
  14. Sako Scope Rings
  15. 338-06 Loads and Thoughts
  16. Value Check Please
  17. Comments on Bullet Performance
  18. Chamber PSI/Velocity
  19. Winchester 94 Trails End Takedown Model
  20. Talley One-Peice for Rem 700
  21. Talley Ring Question????
  22. Insurance for firearms?
  23. 10-22 or savage mark II?
  24. trying to decide between two different loads.....convince me!!!!
  25. My newly stocked 7mm 08
  26. .243 federal factory ammo product warning f.y.i..
  27. NEW! David Pedersoli Model 1886/71 .45-70 Lever-Action Rifle
  28. .17 \hmr in lever action
  29. So, I Mention Handgun to the Wife
  30. Winchester Power Max
  31. 243 win pet loads?
  32. heavy gun
  33. 9mm reloaders help required.
  34. WTB: MAGPRO powder
  35. gun fever between 30-06 and 270 [voices inside my head]
  36. Self-steering bullet
  37. Scope running out of adjustment
  38. Scope.... issues?
  39. Rcbs charge master combo scale/dispenser ?
  40. what else do I need in my locker?
  41. 264 win mag or 7mm-08 for moose
  42. what is your favourite Varminter?
  43. 175gr partion too 175gr ttsx?
  44. Lever guys... does this tickle your soft spot?... Mossberg 464
  45. custom build or off the shelf?
  46. Anybody got $2250 laying around....
  47. how much can i save reloading my 30-30 win?
  48. Bushmaster dealers
  49. What's it Worth? Savage 99 308 Win.
  50. How much to rebarell?
  51. Zeiss scopes
  52. .243 factory ammo
  53. New rounds out by Hornady!
  54. which barrel should i use?...
  55. What Rifle Scope do you suggest?
  56. 25 Cal or 6.5 Cal
  57. Ammo suggestions .44 magnum pistol
  58. Swaro Z3 - BRH BRX??
  59. Sight removal 375 alaskan
  60. Inexpensive moose rifle
  61. reloding gear
  62. Bad gun shop advice?
  63. reloading presses
  64. barrel threads
  65. Date of manufacture of Marlin
  66. bullet swage
  67. Help! - 19" barrel - good or bad?
  68. 25-06
  69. 7mm Saum what do u think
  70. loading a 200gr tsx
  71. Karamojo Bell explain his choice of firearms!
  72. Cleaning an old 22 cal rifle barrel.
  73. 6.5 -284 vrs 6.5-55
  74. twist rate charts via bullet length
  75. browning bps
  76. glass bedding: is it worth it
  77. 375H&H And The Mighty TSX
  78. Just got an SKS, any recommendations?
  79. Shouldn't have even loaded it!!!
  80. Reloading Question
  81. New toys
  82. 338 federal owners
  83. Scope time
  84. New Rifle From TC... The Dimension
  85. 2012 Gun Charts - This may help out with shopping for a new family member
  86. Kelowna Gunsmith
  87. Browning Titanium-a good buy?
  88. 270 wsm
  89. Hornady Lock and load
  90. Barrel break-in question
  91. British 303 Mark 4 can anyone tell me more about it?
  92. 358 Norma
  93. Time for a new rifle stock
  94. Triggers
  95. 45/70 Questions
  96. To glue or not to glue?
  97. TC hotshot review
  98. thinking of going back to the "old school"
  99. Custom triggers, what are you getting?
  100. Hornady Superformance and flatter -06
  101. Old bullets
  102. Garrette bullets
  103. Where to buy CB Caps?
  104. buying guns?
  105. Cz 858
  106. Am I missing something
  107. Rifle adapters
  108. Glass bedding or pillar or both?
  109. Are tracers legal in canada?
  110. What load for 4570
  111. Scope mounting
  112. Rossi Circuit Judge! Restricted or Non?
  113. refinishing the barrel/action??
  114. recall
  115. sako A7
  116. need info on 7mm handload
  117. need info for 7mm handload
  118. 325 wsm question
  119. Bringing a rifle across the border
  120. I want a 25-06
  121. Savage 99c rebarrel question
  122. Remington SPS
  123. BLR in .450 Marlin loading questions
  124. powders
  125. The Gun, the shooter or both?
  126. Getting the Build Started
  127. Clarification on overall length of firearm
  128. Chronographs
  129. Homemade high capacity lead melting pot.
  130. Flash suppressor's
  131. What's Your Favorite 30-06 Load ?
  132. removing open sights?
  133. TC just another savage?
  134. Spring Cleaning refurbishing an old favorite
  135. Sako 85 .300 WM - Ammo?
  136. Hydro dipping a stock
  137. Bear - best rifle
  138. Looking for Bismith shot
  139. jim shockey
  140. model 70 ultimate shadow
  141. Boyds Stocks
  142. Winchester sxp combo?
  143. Little Bore....
  144. Rifle Scopes
  145. My new rifle
  146. 7MMWSM.....where is it going??
  147. .303 E.A.L owners
  148. 280 or 338-06
  149. Arma-Cote or Cobra Imaging???
  150. 280 Rem or 284 Win
  151. Help me decide
  152. Well stoppe din wss and came out with a T3....
  153. Ron Smith Barrels
  154. Bedding Question
  155. Gun Values
  156. Nosler brass
  157. Where to buy 200 grain federal vital shock TBBC for 300 win mag
  158. 270 WSM and RL-17
  159. WTB specific 303 sporter
  160. Hornady 180gr SST 308”
  161. Necking Up
  162. Extraction Marks on Norma Brass?
  163. Polishing Model 1895 Action
  164. Checkering stocks
  165. Reloading for a semi-auto
  166. Bluing Question Concerning Pitting
  167. Looking at a mossberg 935 magnum auto loader for 550$
  168. Gunsmith to do a rechamber and/or a rebarrell
  169. Reloads won't eject
  170. 280 AI w/160 Accubond Loads?
  171. Benelli MR1 or Ruger Mini 14 Ranch series?
  172. 150gr TSX 30-06
  173. who here has a Savage 11/111 LH?
  174. WTB Barnes TTSX and nosler accubonds in .243
  175. what sheep Bullet/grain for a 7mm saum
  176. 204 or 223 for yotes
  177. 8MM Mag?
  178. Cartridge OAL
  179. Ruger 10 /22 Recoil Buffer Pin not coming out
  180. Rings and Bases for a CZ 455 American
  181. rifle manufacturers
  182. 45/90brass
  183. long range rifle?
  184. 375 H&H Centennial....100 years as the King
  185. Tikka T3 Reloading TTSX ????'s
  186. gunsmith needed
  187. Takedown 243
  188. temperture sensitive powders
  189. thoughts on a Browning BPS
  190. Got a sako finnbear from the gunshow
  191. Dominion Arms Shotguns
  192. RCBS Power pull'er
  193. What's it worth?
  194. Nosler Trophy Grade Rifle
  195. Whats the best 22 for target shooting.....under a grand
  196. Primer Question
  197. TC Triumph
  198. 870 Wingmaster vs. BPS?
  199. best way to reduce a load to slow it down a bit?
  200. Loads for the New King
  201. browning 300wsm?????
  202. Making reduced loads for your rifle
  203. 12 gauge shotgun flares?
  204. New addition !!!!
  205. Tricking out the Remington Sportsman-58
  206. Lever actions...
  207. Converting prohibited handguns to restritced
  208. Lookin for 2 types of rifles and how do I restock a Ruger mark 2.
  209. My new.22 smith and wesson and does this thing shoot ?
  210. restricted transfers
  211. Marlin 1895GBL Questions
  212. Vertical Stringing
  213. 7mm-wsm info
  214. Cracks in Case Neck
  215. Case Trimming Question
  216. CRFSC Test instructors
  217. Scope my B-Day present
  218. 375 RUger, 350g Woodleigh
  219. Which stock would you put on your ruger alaskan.
  220. .338 New 300gr Bullets
  221. My new toy
  222. Loading the 338-06
  223. Hornady manual owners
  224. How to shoot beyond belief DVD?
  225. Does anyone have any experience with leopold cds scopes ?
  226. 270
  227. Berger Bullets
  228. BOSS for the X-Bolt
  229. Wife Needs A Shorter Stock.
  230. BULLETS -Whats your favourite ?
  231. Ruger is selling so many NEW KINGS that they can't keep up!!!
  232. 308 Winchester, 88
  233. 45/70 question
  234. 338 lapua need help
  235. Savage PC .308 shooters??
  236. Sako A7 package
  237. JAP 6.5 and 8x56R Hungarian
  238. Bringing Reloading Tools/Equipment Across Border
  239. Ruger 44mag carbine
  240. Scratched Die
  241. Shotgun- JIC
  242. Projects
  243. Stock repair
  244. Ordering barrels from USA
  245. Remmington 270
  246. Getting a reloading kit
  247. Ruger SR 22 sights?
  248. buying guns at cabelas
  249. 12g Multi Purpose Advice
  250. Chronographs parts