View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Thompson center venture "recall" ???
  2. New Win or used Kimber???
  3. 45-70 info
  4. Weatherby
  5. 12ga,10ga,8ga,4ga FH; 585HE/700HE; Othr Big Bores---
  6. Handi Rifle Barrels
  7. Bushnell Target Turrets
  8. Big friend with a small rifle problem...
  9. 300wm changed to a 8mm rem mag??
  10. gun for youth
  11. rebarrelling?
  12. Sako screw needed
  13. sako finnbear
  14. Shoot left or right handed?
  15. How much weight could I expect to loose?
  16. Hornandy Factory Ammo, Primer Depth?
  17. Savage Bear Hunter rifle new chambering!
  18. Remington XCR II
  19. looking for a yugo sks m-59
  20. millet or,vortex scopes?
  21. The final word on killing power!
  22. These cannons in the field!
  23. Do you have certain rifles.......
  24. Rifle sale???????
  25. First big game rifle
  26. Tikka .243 load
  27. Powder for "Short Barrel" 25-06
  28. Gunstock refinish....
  29. firing-pin slip?
  30. WTT : 30-06 Brass for 30-30
  31. Hornady Lock-n-Load v. RCBS Chargemaster
  32. sabot slug vs 45-70 government - what's the ballistic difference ?
  33. Just picked up my christmas present today
  34. To crimp or not to crimp
  35. cooey model 82
  36. Reloading more economical?
  37. on a more serious note..
  38. Winchester Model 70 Featherweight 2008 Limited Edition 270
  39. Thompson Center
  40. Marlin .45-70
  41. Snipers Inc.- Watch If You Can
  42. Marlin XS7 Rifles
  43. Question for the 270WSM shooters
  44. First Rifle ?? .270 ??
  45. Black Powder Range ?
  46. 7mm rem mag reloading info
  47. .257 Roberts Loads?
  48. New Nosler Products 2012
  49. cz pellet?
  50. 257 weatherby brass.
  51. building a double rifle video and xray of game shot with varmint load
  52. 270 h&h 3000.
  53. info needed
  54. Glock 9mm for Bears?
  55. 22hornet
  56. 3000 dollar rifle and scope...what's your pick?
  57. Powder info
  58. Dual 10/22 Gatling Gun
  59. Craziest shot ever...
  60. Piecing together a coyote rig and looking for ammo
  61. 25-06 vs 6.5-06
  62. Scope Question
  63. Guns,what are they worth?
  64. 7mm-08 loads... What's worked for you?
  65. Powder for 30-06 Springfield
  66. Mcmillan stock for a sako
  67. Springfield Amory Super Match
  68. Voere 257 weatherby
  69. Gunsmiths
  70. .204 cartridge case shoulder cracking
  71. Just bought a mcmillan stock
  72. Options other than SS
  73. remington model 8
  74. your favourite bullets?
  75. E-Tip vs Accubond
  76. Need a small primer cup/plunger for a Dillon RL550 in Lower Mainland
  77. Savage Accura Trigger
  78. Do I need a 25-06
  79. What Solvent to Clean Bolt in?
  80. Been looking for a new pump shotgun?
  81. basic reloading equipment
  82. Rifle question?
  83. 7mm/08 Q'S AND A's
  84. Timney
  85. rem 7600 see through scope rings
  86. 270 wsm pressure problems
  87. When an "I shouldn't a sold it" returns home...
  88. The x-mas toy come'n soon!
  89. Anyone own a Marlin XL7?
  90. what advantages if any to a heavier bullet????
  91. New sks owner with question's????
  92. savage axis xp stainless
  93. Need Some Ideas
  94. Finding the best bullet
  95. .303 British
  96. looking a remington 742 and need info
  97. Looking for a new rifle.
  98. long term storage
  99. A little gift to the reloaders among us.
  100. New Ultra Light Arms... new production rifle!
  101. My new Long Range Killing Machine!!
  102. Info/feedback on rifled slugs
  103. Group size
  104. 240 Weatherby
  105. Remington 700 Mountain LSS
  106. I am looking for a new rifle and ....
  107. bullet crimp question
  108. Shoooootin in the rain!!!
  109. savage 99 peep sight
  110. Model 70
  111. Bullet Drop
  112. 6.5 creedmoor... ?? ?? ? ??
  113. Ruger #1 what one
  114. Bear defence hypothetical question- Concealed handgun Vs Rifle on back.
  115. Found my 45 70 ammo!!
  116. Max Bullet wieght for 300 Win Mag
  117. Scope size
  118. Powders for 280 Rem.
  119. 12 guage reloading
  120. 7mm08-youth
  121. Shoot me please
  122. New TulAmmo
  123. Surrey reloader
  124. Old 94 Question???
  125. 375 ruger, 225 interbond load data please
  126. Savage 16 bear hunter
  127. Ratchet vs Standard Rifling
  128. rws 350 magnum !
  129. 330 Dakota
  130. TC encore
  131. 500 yard shot on a deer
  132. Purchasing
  133. 165 TSX vs 180 TSX
  134. New Toy
  135. 22 clip?
  136. Does anyone have a sako 75 v action rifle
  137. I try a short and fat.
  138. selling a firearm question
  139. Rugers newest Bolt Action
  140. old Pacific 200 DL Press
  141. ruger rifle question
  142. Best .22 for under $400
  143. browning x-bolt vs tikka t3
  144. What rifle to buy.
  145. RCBS Model 10.10 sscale
  146. federal tru ball rifled slugs ?
  147. 358 Norma Mag Reloading?????
  148. New rifle
  149. Exceeding Max Loads - 280 Rem
  150. Cleaning a rifle after zeroing?
  151. Steel shot reloads?
  152. Lighten up a stock
  153. Reloading for 50 BMG
  154. Steel shot and poly choke
  155. Time for a change
  156. 243 win load data
  157. Neat Bi-pod accersory
  158. Competition dies
  159. reloading info
  160. Canadian Bullet makers???
  161. Chinese Ammo
  162. 30-06 compared to 7mm
  163. Would you buy a gun now
  164. Is there limit on Ammo or Shotshells we are allowed to have in our house?
  165. lyman products
  166. Hornady bullet weight inconsistency
  167. Best Ammo storage
  168. 204 ruger
  169. Bringing guns across the boarder
  170. 30-30 vs. 45/70... Benefits to either?
  171. lee scale as a target?
  172. Where do you buy lead?
  173. 597 / 795 is there any difference?
  174. Steyr Pro Hunter info - please.
  175. Looking for a lever action 410 rossi
  176. Value Question
  177. shelf life
  178. 6.5 SAUM what do you think?
  179. Tight action
  180. Browning Mountain ti VS Kimber 8400 montana
  181. Brass turned green..
  182. Tikka T-3 HB Varmint question?
  183. Handloads for a Vanguard
  184. 45 ACP/small pistol primer
  185. marlin 795 .22 lr
  186. 45-70 Hunting Loads
  187. 308 Marlin express?
  188. 338 wm bullets
  189. 25-06 barrel length
  190. Fire Forming 338 Win Brass???
  191. lapua rimfire ammo
  192. Shotgun shellshots
  193. stuck case removal !
  194. what dimensions are 8 pound powder contanors
  195. Forcing Cone Modifications
  196. Mares leg...
  197. Corrosion-X for guns
  198. Price needed
  199. 25 cal
  200. 284 cal
  201. 30 cal
  202. 338 cal
  203. Any Cal.
  204. Rem m700 xcr 11
  205. which 223 to buy
  206. Best short action rifle and calibre for sheep hunting
  207. For all you BIGBORE Shooters !!!!
  208. Bell & Carlson Alaskan Wilderness Rifle Stock
  209. Anyone shooting Winny SX3?
  210. 45-120 3-1/2
  211. Savage 10fp stocks?
  212. does bullet seating depth affect powder performance?
  213. long action - savage vs 700
  214. .300 win mag or .338 win mag
  215. 30-06 vs 300 win mag
  216. Ruger M77 compact vs CZ 527 Carbine
  217. Synthetic stock for Browning BBR
  218. .17 HMR or .375 H&H?
  219. Bushnell Sunshades
  220. Kimber Mountain Ascent
  221. Short Length of Pull: Options?
  222. Multiple Rifles of the Same Cartridge
  223. went looking for a 223 and came home with ruger 375 alaskan
  224. Wood vrs. Plastic Appearance
  225. Time to Pick an Action for the 6.5-06
  226. Mixing powders bad advice
  227. B.S.A scopes?
  228. new to my collection
  229. Fur Friendly .243 round
  230. Old rifles from the 1870's.
  231. LH sako 85
  232. Another NEW ONE - SAKO 85 GRIZZLY
  233. Grizzly gun
  234. Introducing the Remington Model 700 BDL 50th Anniversary in 7mm Remington Mag
  235. Thoughts on 338RCM
  236. Shilen Barrels
  237. Rem 338 ultra mag (rum)
  238. FL sizing to neck sizing?
  239. Has Ruger stopped making shotguns??
  240. Tikka Bolt Fluting.
  241. Lead Free Bullets
  242. The .338 that's rarely mentioned, why?
  243. .264 win mag
  244. Live rounds sticking in chamber
  245. Marlin X7 - Anyone own one?
  246. Want to buy some cool old guns and knives?
  247. Synthetic or Wood - accuracy - which is better?
  248. cz 550 ultimate hunting rifle [uhr]
  249. .325 WSM vs .338 Win Mag
  250. Dominion Grizzly 12.5 vs Norinco HP9 14"