View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. USDA - Bear protection firearms tests
  2. savage 30-30 Bolt action - Headspace??
  3. 270wsm LH
  4. Beretta A303 12 ga opinions
  5. Lookin For A Dencent Gunsmith Around Abby
  6. It's what you learn after you know it all that counts
  7. Optimum OAL for 7mm Rem Mag
  8. Your go to bullet
  9. 35 whelen
  10. Blown Scope.
  11. New M305 for hunting
  12. 7mm?
  13. What is the smallest cartridge you have taken big game with......
  14. Scope Suggestions.!?
  15. Misfire
  16. Biathlon coaching info
  17. Fred Williams London Birmingham England Shotgun
  18. Remington Model 7600 308 Pump
  19. Hornady - Zombie Ammunition
  20. Is The 458 Win mag Dead?
  21. Where to buy online.
  22. .270 / 30-06 / 30-30: splitting hairs (@300 yards.) lol
  23. 30-06 Max Load Confused
  24. Broke my bullet puller
  25. buyin a 22.
  26. Vortex Diamond back
  27. Powder coating guns?
  28. 30-30ai
  29. Need to purchace a new rifle
  30. Stevens 200 7mm Rem Mag
  31. 22./scope ?
  32. Educate me
  33. reloading for my 270win
  34. .243w trail boss results AWESOME
  35. Good news for 280 AI owners
  36. Reloading shotshells for buckshot
  37. WTF is this loaded for?????
  38. 375 h&h vs 375 h&h improved
  39. Swift Scirroco bullets
  40. Reduced Recoil Load for .243 ???
  41. You "go to bullet" continued
  42. 300WSM what's everybody shooting
  43. What would you choose?
  44. Weatherby Drop Mag
  45. Remington parts?
  46. BAR Safari or BLR LT WT?
  47. First rifle rebuild, what should be done?
  48. sight removal question
  49. Power shok 243 win product warning!
  50. .444 question
  51. Most influential gun book read
  52. Flying With A Hunting Rifle
  53. Detatchable magazine????ruger????next year??
  54. Why is my case bulged?
  55. reduced oomph
  56. Pressure signs?
  57. .270 pros and cons opinions needed!!!!!
  58. Storage of New Clean Brass???
  59. Sako A7?
  60. Your bear defense prayers have been answered, the 950 JDJ.
  61. 7mm rem mag ,factory ammo " what you guys recommend " for hunt b tails to moose ?
  62. What next
  63. ithaca 500 sticky selector
  64. Left handed iron sights
  65. Rust
  66. Remington 770
  67. A change in focus for the new year
  68. Cr17
  69. 300 WSM or 338 Win. Mag.
  70. Homemade cast slugs and reloading shot shells?
  71. Mossberg 4x4 in 30-06
  72. TSX vs Accubond
  73. how much is it worth
  74. cr 17 gunpowder....?
  75. what is it worth
  76. Reloang pioneers?
  77. what about the Winchester SXP?
  78. The 336 VS the 99
  79. Thinking about a 6.5x55 Swede...
  80. help me understand bullets
  81. Once fired 270 brass
  82. Sks
  83. Inflex Recoil Pad vs Limbsaver Recoil Pad
  84. Ruger M77/17 Mach 2
  85. opinions please
  86. Value of a Remington 870...
  87. combo pack shotguns... Are they worth it?
  88. Where's the hunting rifles pictures thread??
  89. First hand loads experience
  90. Target rifle
  91. Help, fired wrong cartridge
  92. Can't get my ammo of choice, anyone tried Barnes VOR-TX?
  93. 375 Winchester
  94. Let's see your hunting rifles
  95. Bushnell DOA 600
  96. factory loads
  97. 1940's BSA question
  98. BLR trigger issue
  99. barnes 285gr load help
  100. Browning BAR LongTrac/ShortTrac
  101. Tape on barrels???
  102. Solids vs TSX
  103. Tikka T3 Lite
  104. What model 30.06 do you shoot??
  105. Stain on my rifle comb
  106. Scope recommendations? (long)
  107. Cutting down a 300 win. barrel?....
  108. .17HMR, Lead Sled, or wait?
  109. Accutrigger? Like or dislike
  110. Sako 75 vs Sako 85
  111. Sparkling new brass..........how?
  112. 30-06 ai
  113. factory bullets for .308
  114. Reloaders in Prince George?
  115. 30-06 Varmint
  116. Sako 75 and a mcmillan stock
  117. Lever Action Safety??
  118. Sako 85 Synthetic Stock
  119. anyone have a used 375 H&H for sale????
  120. Visionking scopes
  121. Traditions Buckstalker.
  122. 375 ruger recoil?
  123. Redfield revolution scopes
  124. Talley rings and bases
  125. rem 870 / 7600 TIMNEY trigger fix
  126. beginner loading press???
  127. Choosing a barrel
  128. The WORST Gun You Have Ever Owned?
  129. 300 win mag bullet type and weight question
  130. Broken Stoeger P350
  131. I learned a lot about my 30-30 qualities and limitations this year!
  132. wm moore london twist?
  133. I love the TTSX!!
  134. Rebarrel Marlin/Ruger
  135. Reloading help for my 7mm-08
  136. Savage trigger question
  137. Build or buy a rifle
  138. Mini 14 questions.
  139. 260 vs 7-08
  140. Nosler E Tip
  141. Weatherby Vanguard Series 2
  142. adding a detachable magazine to Weatherby Vangard 300 win mag
  143. Sako help
  144. 45-70 recoil
  145. 410/22 over/under
  146. 30-06 or 308 win
  147. what calibre
  148. Leupld bases
  149. Muzzle loaders
  150. 338 Federal Muzzle Energy
  151. Who knows what make and model this .303 Brit. is?
  152. Winter rifle projects
  153. 45/70 ammo
  154. E.R Amantino
  155. Quarter bore
  156. 7X61 Sharpe & Hart
  157. is there any kimber 8400 or weatherby ultra lightweight owners ? i cant choose!!
  158. cooey 84 / winchest 840 shotgun part cross overs
  159. Ruger 77/357?
  160. Amazing Experience with RCBS
  161. Clarification on Handgun Purchasing
  162. Sako 75 vs Sako AV Deluxe
  163. Berger loading Info
  164. .32 Winchester Special Q's
  165. tap ?
  166. using differant cases ? does it affect accuracy much ?
  167. .22-250 Remington hand load questions
  168. New grouse gun time
  169. Took The 45/70 PlungeH
  170. Savage Axis XP
  171. Burris Fullfield II question
  172. The next coolest cal. to the .260 rem.
  173. Picked up a Beretta Xtrema 2!!!
  174. Looking for model 88 winchester parts
  175. 22 win mag
  176. Winchester Extreme or Ultimate??
  177. 7MM Express
  178. reloader 17 - 270 wsm
  179. Browning A Bolt 243
  180. LF Best Bobcat Cartridge What is your Choice?
  181. 8mm mauser with new 160 gr tsx recipe
  182. TRR Load Info
  183. The new kid of the 6.5 mm 's is digging in it's heels.
  184. Sexy sweet or plain jane or???
  185. Gun Dilema
  186. What Happened? A Misfire but no primer punch.
  187. 270 & 300 wsm discontinued
  188. Remington fires when safety released
  189. Reloader or Handloader ??
  190. What is the .223 rem/ 5.56 NATO "maximum effective range"
  191. recovered bullets!
  192. Anything to say about the Kel Tec SU 16?
  193. Seeing barrel in scope?
  194. 35 Remington bolt action.
  195. Bush rifle
  196. 6.5 x 55SE bigger than 140grain?
  197. 16 gauge shotgun ammo...where??
  198. Nice Ruger Alaskan model.
  199. hunting sks
  200. New Rifle - Fire Forming Brass
  201. Best .308 cartridge?
  202. Semi auto shotgun for a new duck hunter?
  203. Youth Rifle
  204. pistol-type cartridges for hunting... in a rifle
  205. Reminton 770 sportsman
  206. marlin xr7 stainless rifles?
  207. 6.5 creedmoore
  208. Reduced Load for 22-250 Q-n-A
  209. Federal flight control buckshot
  210. Savage rifles, are they quality? or do you get what you pay for?
  211. H & R handi riffle
  212. Bullet samples
  213. open sights
  214. asessing rifle prices?
  215. The ultimate varmint caliber?
  216. Question about scope mounts.
  217. 22 sidearms
  218. Ruger #1 I want one
  219. smallest cal. for bisonhunting
  220. Scopes - 3x9 or 3.5x10 - opinions please (dont' be bashful)
  221. Remington 700 SPS DM
  222. Does it make a difference?
  223. Can someone help me with this one....I am baffled
  224. 280 Remington Bullet weight
  225. Sierra bullets
  226. Remington 870 Express Super Magnum reviews
  227. Comments on a Reminton LSS??
  228. Why a magnum
  229. Remington model 8
  230. 45/70 plunge update
  231. looking for a good scope
  232. Anyone else hunt with T/C Contender carbines?
  233. Duncan gun Show
  234. .410 lever action
  235. Savage Rimfire
  236. Benelli mr1
  237. Thompson center center venture ( recall)
  238. New Gun
  239. next caliber?!
  240. 25 caliber
  241. .270 or 7mm-08?
  242. Deer Gun for the Girlfriend
  243. Lazer Range finding scope??
  244. Interarms Mark X Stock
  245. 30-30 Loads
  246. First Gun question
  247. Ruger reblueing
  248. x-mas present for my son
  249. Weatherby Vanguard recall
  250. what do you all think