View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Old Powder?
  2. Scopes
  3. My New Toy
  4. grouse river
  5. Mountain Ti good price??
  6. looking for new gun
  7. Got a new shotgun for my birthday...
  8. Kit for a browning A-bolt?
  9. Hornady 160 gr TFX at the range
  10. Canucks Ruger build....
  11. 6.5-06 info needed
  12. Guns that we have bought and sold
  13. Browning B78 45-70
  14. Winchester model 94 P.C.M.R .30-30
  15. Remington 700 300 H&H
  16. Bass Pro Shops
  17. Hornady Custom SST
  18. xcr bone collector stock
  19. COL not coming out consistent
  20. Bushnel Scopes?
  21. CZ Rifles
  22. Have you ever done this..........
  23. Info on sako optilock
  24. Bullet Breakdown
  25. Marlin 308mxlr or 338mx
  26. Timney Trigger
  27. muzzle blast marlin 1895G
  28. 300 win mag or 300 weatherby?
  29. Barnes Reloading manual #4?
  30. .257 stw
  31. which is better for moose, elk, deer, etc.
  32. Shotgun lenght - 26 or 28 inch
  33. Barnes verses Partition
  34. sako kodiak .375 H H
  35. TC Icon
  36. Brownells
  37. gun powder,,????
  38. He has risen
  39. Thompson Venture or Icon
  40. will warne detachable mounts fit a sako 85 ??
  41. which scope mounts for sako 85?
  42. Info needed on Pre-64 Winchester 94
  43. Model 70 modifications
  44. shotgun shells for a 16 ga
  45. Getting my new sheep killer built
  46. My home done Cerakote project
  47. Used Rifles in Lowermainland
  48. SS tumbling media
  49. My first hunting rifle!!
  50. Remington alskan ti
  51. TSX bullets
  52. parker hale 308 norma mag
  53. 7MM REM MAG or 300 WSM
  54. Lever action or Bolt action 300 mag
  55. 270 winchester or 280 AI trade
  56. My New Rifle from Reliable!
  57. Hogue Rifle stocks
  58. Ruger m77 compact
  59. Browning X-bolt rings and bases
  60. Stainless Tumbling Media
  61. New gun is in the mail!!! Thanks Dennis!
  62. Hunting scopes... BDC or turrets
  63. Leupold STD mount windage adjustment screws problem ....
  64. Thick bush thumpers???
  65. Cooey 64b Dissasembly?
  66. 243 Browning BLR ammo?
  67. dominion arms grizzly shotgun
  68. Peep sights
  69. sako 85 , which scope mounts do you use ??
  70. Thank you Todd Bartell
  71. 270 win or 270 wsm
  72. 185 gr ,.338 ttsx?
  73. M1917 (American Enfield) stock options?
  74. Cast Lead Bullets in Your Rifles
  75. long range hunting bullets?
  76. Shotshells reloading
  77. what is a Browning BLR in .308 worth?
  78. taking the shine of gloss rifle mounts ?
  79. Brass Remington Or Winchester?
  80. 10+ year old cartridges -- any problem?
  81. Which Ammo to buy for Grizzly?
  82. Light weight scope for my sako.
  83. Reloading .270
  84. Fill in the gap
  85. Savage/Stevens re-barreling
  86. Custom Husqvarna 30.06 is done!
  87. Holy f&*#!
  88. which pump action shotgun to buy for waterfowl
  89. Trouble Sighting in new rifle
  90. some air rifles are just plain cool!
  91. Group powder buy from Higginson's.
  92. 338 question..
  93. Remingtom Recall 17HMR Semi Auto
  94. Winchester SXP Defender VS Maverick 88???
  95. christensen arms rifles
  96. WARNING! .257 Cal GMX
  97. I got a new toy :)
  98. .257 Weatherby
  99. 338 Federal or 338 RCM?
  100. 30-30 grizz cartridge
  101. Need some help! Firing pin broke.
  102. New Winchester "HEX SHOT"
  103. how exact are the measurements
  104. Swift Scirocco II 270win recipes
  105. would like to start reloading in 30-06, advice please.
  106. Ruger mk11 350 Remington Magnum
  107. Reduced loads for 45/70
  108. Two quick reloading questions
  109. Need a little help with 338 win mag load, suggestions ?
  110. 450/400NE 3" in Ruger #1
  111. Zastava Rifles.
  112. Looking For 180 Grn .309 Diameter Cast Bullets
  113. Grizz guns?
  114. which 338 cal
  115. Bear Cal?
  116. bullet prices?
  117. 6.5 Creedmoor rifles
  118. load density.
  119. Just when we thought we had it all figured out :-(
  120. Mossberg 4X4
  121. swarovski z3
  122. Cost of a custom rifle
  123. Any 300 WSM pro's out there?
  124. got to test my ttsx out to 700m
  125. new to reloading
  126. If You Could Bring Back One Rifle?
  127. .303 british wildcats?
  128. Don't have time to load my own........
  129. Worst reloading info from manufacturer
  130. Single shots for grizz
  131. Rifle build
  132. 200+ Gr. 308 "shelf" ammo
  133. First Hunting Rifle
  134. Game king recipes
  135. A7 sako
  136. Looking for some T TSX,s in 250gr .375 ?
  137. What's the point....?
  138. load data for barnes .375hh 250gr ttsx ??
  139. Lets see what you think
  140. Custom stocks for antiques?
  141. Check it out!
  142. Need .300 win mag advice!
  143. Kimber/Cooper rifles
  144. 270 win reloading question
  145. Ruger mk11 stock upgrade questions
  146. More 6.5 Creedmoor
  147. Quad Gun
  148. Cynergy Euro Field O/U Issue
  149. Bell and carlson dont waste ur money
  150. How much power you got?
  151. Boberama's How to Calculate EVERYTHING
  152. primer missfire
  153. scout rifles - crazy or cool ?
  154. 7mm-08
  155. T.C. Venture
  156. New Win. 70s
  157. Savage 116 FCSS 300WM or 30-06???
  158. P17 30-06 conversion
  159. Kimber Montana vs Winchester M70 extreme weather
  160. How much would it cost?
  161. My buddy made a cannon
  162. New To Reloading Looking For Advice
  163. Anyone shoot heavy bullets in the 300 WSM?
  164. looking for 7 saum brass
  165. Leupold Canadian questions?
  166. 30-06 #0 Round ball loads
  167. what do you think of the Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressi
  168. Why using a magnum on bear?
  169. Blue book of gun values
  170. savage-arms 300 win mag model 111fc
  171. Wildcatting/ reloading
  172. .338 marlin express
  173. 300 win mag or should i go bigger?
  174. Wanting to purchase rare .222 Remington Mag Brass
  175. cleaning of brass
  176. first hunting rifle, thinking sako 85
  177. rifle stock
  178. Your suggestions and opinions needed for rifle choice for a smaller girl.
  179. 7mm rum 160 accubonds recipe
  180. Is this a good choice for first shotgun? Opinions please.
  181. John Wayne lever on my M94
  182. Left handed Ruger Scout rifle
  183. PH going back to slower velocity cartridges!!
  184. Waterfowl Shotguns: Auto Vs Pumps
  185. rws 350 mag spring Mag.
  186. Shooting .303 British
  187. Question on hornaday reloading press
  188. problem with sako L61R 338 win mag
  189. Minor Firearms License?
  190. Making 257 wea brass
  191. The 275G 338 speer.
  192. Brambles Budget Rifle Test Drive
  193. reloading a .303 British
  194. E-tip vs Ttsx
  195. 338 rum Barrel1
  196. reloading questions ?
  197. Brenneke slugs
  198. shotgun question:
  199. Pre '64 Winchester
  200. XS ghost ring sight for 1985 marling GG
  201. 25 wssm
  202. Just ordered a new gun!
  203. gun cleaning
  204. 870 or SXP
  205. Winchester Supreme Elite XC3 factory ammo...opinions?
  206. Ruger 96 Questions
  207. shortening a ribbed shot gun barrel ?
  208. Leupold VX-3 vs Bushnell elite 6500
  209. Custom Gun
  210. Primers?
  211. Williams fire sights source ?
  212. Ruger Compact Mark II model 77 questions
  213. Ruger Predator who has one
  214. A little reloading help
  215. Is it worth it to reload 12g shotgun shells?
  216. Pellet rifles
  217. sako mounts
  218. 225 hornady load data for .375hh ?
  219. Upgrade your Tikka T3 New Bolt handle and shroud
  220. sako 1 piece ring mounts
  221. Help - Appraisal
  222. The 338 sweat spot!
  223. sako 85 bolt is a little stiff on cocking?
  224. Well that wasn't a good idea.
  225. Herter's primers
  226. .300 WSM vs .300WM
  227. 7mm-08 / .243?
  228. Is 300 win mag overkill for deer ?
  229. A good rifle for a young hunter?
  230. rifle calibre for bison?
  231. Gevarm .22 semi-auto value
  232. Savage Axis?
  233. 350gr woodleigh sp .375 loads
  234. 270 WSM for Moose
  235. My dream battery
  236. Double Tap Ammunition
  237. The most tactical AR15 ever
  238. US purchased optics
  239. 25-06 or 257 WBY
  240. Pre-hunt scouting gun. What do you carry?
  241. need some feedback on ammo selection for the 300 WM
  242. Gun for my son
  243. please, teach me aboot the 35 whelen.
  244. Marlin Bolt action rifles
  245. Howa 1500 rifles?
  246. Anyone come up with a good load for the 325 wsm?
  247. Browning bps shot gun issue
  248. CZ 550 Scope Mount???
  249. New Cartridge coming-45/70 GG now a 400 yard gun
  250. Boyd stocks