View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 120 gr's in a 7mm ?
  2. Baikal IZH-12 vs IZH-27 Shotgun
  3. New Rifle
  4. 2011 new from models - sako
  5. what are your thoughts on the rem 700 xcr 2 ?
  6. aprox. value ??
  7. 7saum
  8. what is sako stock is worth
  9. Bedding a Husqvarna M96 Sporter
  10. Savage? Marlin?
  11. Thompson Center Pro Hunter 300 Win Mag?
  12. Another bedding question
  13. Ballistics question for the more knowledgeable?
  14. Using 110s and 120s in a 30 06?
  15. 300 gr hybrids???
  16. FAC renewal
  17. sako bolt fluting
  18. wont group
  19. Which Savage would you choose?
  20. Aftermarket gun stocks
  21. PACT dispenser/scale combo
  22. Winchester Model 70
  23. 257 AI mod 70
  24. 303 British No. 4 Mark 1, Sporterized, Disassembly help please
  25. side by side
  26. Hornady 190 BTSP Interlock's
  27. Cure for crack in stock?
  28. 7 rem mag bullet?
  29. Vortex Review
  30. Rem shotgun
  31. relading scales
  32. loads for a short .338WM
  33. Which .22LR Would You Buy
  34. new bearcat
  35. Savage 111 S/S
  36. Accubond Or Partition?
  37. Barrell length & ballistics
  38. Went for it!!!! with a question to you guys
  39. Why .303 in the .303?
  40. Hornady Superformance powder from Hodgdon
  41. Who is working on a custom these days?
  42. Firearms history
  43. Large pistol primers
  44. Held a REALLLLLY nice gun today!!!!!!
  45. Stock for ruger M77 300 win mag
  46. 8mm Remington Magnum Scope
  47. Norma Brass Question
  48. Shooting Left Handed Ins and outs?
  49. .300 Rcm?
  50. Cartridge adapters?
  51. Primers
  52. model 94 winchester 30-30
  53. Considering a custom build?
  54. Packaging rifles for shipment?
  55. Sight-in Question
  56. First Impression of Matrix Bullets
  57. whats up with rifle manufacturers pet cartridges?
  58. Great article on barrel break in
  59. Bell and carlson
  60. 25-06 Ai
  61. Russian Over/Under Combination Guns
  62. Piece Of Poop Cooey Semi-auto .22
  63. military 308cal
  64. Looking for New Rifle? Part 2
  65. Ammo selection ?/ 243
  66. RCBS 5-0-5 reloading scale
  67. old pa know his shooting
  68. Kimber montana
  69. 300 wsm opinion?
  70. Finding out manufacture date on ammo
  71. 50gr for 30-30 win
  72. 300 mag suggestions
  73. Marlin Lever action
  74. which rifle brand too buy
  75. Post your custom stock paint jobs !
  76. 223 Berger bullets
  77. anyone have rl 17 loads worked up
  78. Krico 30/06 rate of twist
  79. Great gunshow
  80. Anyone have any Idea what a x bolt barrel goes for?
  81. Left hand semi-custom project
  82. die set up question
  83. Hornady die "warranty"?
  84. GRIZZ Bullets??
  85. Scope Basics for Dummies
  86. which semi auto 22 to buy
  87. Guns 'n Exchange Rate?
  88. 200 grainers in 300wsm
  89. weighing bullets???
  90. Pros and cons of 300 wsm!
  91. What scope?
  92. Boyd Rifle Stock arrived!!
  93. the newest King
  94. Painted stock
  95. What scope do you use for deer?
  96. browning x bolt 25-06
  97. 3:10 to Yuma anyone?
  98. Best 2nd rifle?
  99. Air Gun Hunting
  100. Factory 7mm Ammo
  101. 300 Wm
  102. Got my "Mare's Leg" 45LC
  103. What Brand Of Gun Do You Use For Deer Hunting?
  104. New stock for sako AIII
  105. 303 British #4 Mark 1 Refinished (Pic Heavy)
  106. Ruger SR-22
  107. side mount on Winchester 1894 30/30
  108. Stoeger P350 barrel
  109. Mod. 95 Win. 303 Br.
  110. Bit the bullet on a 6.5 Creedmoor
  111. Stevens any good?
  112. 45acp or 40s&w ?
  113. hyper light mountain rifle.....
  114. where to get a stock refinished
  115. Remington 597/CCI Stinger question
  116. Building a light LEFT hand rifle
  117. Head Space
  118. what do u think of Bell ans Carlson stocks
  119. Best bullet for close elk shots
  120. Remington Fires Back
  121. My new stock custom Ruger
  122. Decisions Decisions,Long range Savage
  123. barnes bullet
  124. sako a7 25-06
  125. Anybody Using RL-17
  126. crossing the border with guns??
  127. getting recoil pad off older sako
  128. 308 winchester
  129. Reloading
  130. max load
  131. Good score on some bear bullets
  132. Bergers in a 6.5x55?
  133. Getting into reloading
  134. Barnes Vor-Tx
  135. X bolt question
  136. broke my sako AIII stock today
  137. reloading links
  138. Primer discharge,
  139. Trying to turn my Stevens Model .308 into...
  140. Re-loading
  141. 243 Vs. 25-06
  142. Blackpowder forum
  143. 7.62x54 Snap Caps in Vancouver??
  144. groups for first time reloading
  145. Off the lands? Help
  146. Tikka t3 with blue laminate stock?
  147. Lock Time
  148. 6.5mm..which one?
  149. Bore Guide
  150. security six 357
  151. New Reloader
  152. Sierra load data help
  153. gunsmith in the LML
  154. Light weight mountain rifles.
  155. sako actions
  156. Ruger No.1A shooters
  157. Added a few beauties to the collection
  158. so, was resizing today and had a question?
  159. Is it Safari or ?
  160. Dura Coat Projects
  161. Custom build time
  162. Ruger Hawkeye Alaskan Stainless 375
  163. Favorite .30/06 Powder
  164. 375 Winchester
  165. Troubleshooting my shooting
  166. Do you reload for family/friends?
  167. My new Customgunworx .280AI is here!!!!!!
  168. 1886 wivchester
  169. New Shotgun
  170. Powder Charge vs. Accuracy
  171. 380 grain 375 bullets
  172. .243 on Deer and other small game?
  173. wincester 748 ball powder
  174. 7MM-08 or 280Rem
  175. Leverevolution ammo
  176. A bolt feeding problems
  177. My new Ruger No.1A .in 303 British
  178. Sighting in a gun!!!
  179. gun registration
  180. Winchester model 70 hinge plate?
  181. .308 Winchester Load???????
  182. Powder Question?
  183. R15 data for 250g ttsx 375H&H
  184. Browning BOSS
  185. still looking for a sako stock
  186. Firearms Safety Course- lesson plans?
  187. Field experience with Leupold vs Zeiss 3-9x40mm scope?
  188. 30-30 hard cast lead bullets
  189. 300 win vs 300wsm
  190. Teflon gun coatings
  191. Crimping Question
  192. good grain for my 300 win mag
  193. Another KING has found a home
  194. loading without a chrony
  195. Browning Mountain Ti vs Sako Finnlight
  196. 4 popular rifles tested Ruger, Browning, Remington & Steyr
  197. To crimp or not to crimp
  198. A1 optics
  199. Fluting barrels and bolts
  200. My old Ruger M77 Mark II 7 mm Rem Mag
  201. The Grey Wolf 30.06 is almost ready!
  202. Youth gun
  203. Today's 375 Ruger 250 TTSX ladder load
  204. Chamber PSI
  205. 270WSM load options/choices
  206. Reloading Questions
  207. 308 reloading
  208. What is the next step?
  209. .303 British Reloading
  210. want a new riffle
  211. Registering an Unregistered Firearm
  212. Hornady DGX(Dangerous Game Expanding) for Bears?
  213. sako 75
  214. drop ratio question for the pros :)
  215. *** wow, are these for real? ***
  216. Can a guy still register gun's if all he has is a pol??
  217. reticle
  218. For the Experimentalists
  219. good grain for my .338
  220. Scope bases for Browning BLR 81' ?
  221. Help
  222. PAL questions
  223. XS sights, where to buy?
  224. .22wmr or .22 hornet, cant decide ?
  225. .308 Norma Mag reloading tips
  226. Gunsmith Courses?
  227. Sako 85 300WSM ejection problems Help!
  228. How to clean up surface rust on a barrel
  229. Win a shotgun!!!
  230. TTSX 180 grain
  231. 223 55gr with reloader 7
  232. 12 or 20?
  233. .22-250 reduced loads?
  234. BRAMBLES......a BIG thank you
  235. AR15 for hunting
  236. Weird Question
  237. Gun safe
  238. New to pistols
  239. which gun
  240. Help with my 16 gauge
  241. shotgun barrells
  242. Weatherby Vanguard.... Review (shooting date April 9 2011)
  243. Husqvarna H5000 aftermarket stocks ?
  244. 35 Whelen AI + 200 gr Barnes TTSX
  245. whats your shooting program?
  246. reloading supplies south island
  247. 375 Epstein
  248. Recoil
  249. .357 bullet choice
  250. Bigger game, Bigger Guns