View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Hammond Game Getter
  2. handgun
  3. Bush rifle
  4. 30-06 vs 300 win mag
  5. my new 99
  6. First New Rifle
  7. Where to buy powder?
  8. can you bring brass across the border without hassel?
  9. looking for brass!!!!
  10. Just got my very first hunting rifle. The RFB
  11. wet cartidges questions?
  12. remington model 271 bolt?
  13. Piston vs Direct Impingement
  14. Rossi single shot vs H&R Handi Rifle
  15. Henry Mini Youth 22
  16. Reloading help info needed
  17. winchester model 70 featherweight?
  18. H&R 348 Gamester
  19. Ruko 410
  20. Trigger lock needs to come off
  21. Speer 7MM Magnum 160 Gr spitzer
  22. benelli vinci
  23. New to shotshell reloading, any advice?
  24. 300 wsm reloading
  25. Rossi Circuit Judge .....RESTRICTED......why????
  26. Difference between Large rifle and large rifle magnum primers?
  27. Can I leave or give away my shot gun/rifle in Europe?
  28. Reloading 30-30
  29. Best scope reticle for hunting?
  30. Internet shotgun hunting
  31. Gunsmith Screwdriver Stes - Where ??
  32. 270 win BC
  33. Where to buy a Marlin 336BL 30.30?
  34. Case change?
  35. Remington Under Fire Documentry
  36. Enfield custom work
  37. Too stupid to own guns?
  38. Sheridan Silver Streak
  39. ballistic tips
  40. Ruger 1
  41. Check it out
  42. nikon monarch
  43. SKS-Scope options
  44. Federal discontinues loading barnes mrx in 30 06
  45. Minox Rifle Scopes
  46. Porting a Shotgun?
  47. .444 Marlin Recoil
  48. New Marlin 30.30 336BL!
  49. Stiff bolt after firing (new gun)
  50. 7.62X39mm in Nanaimo ?
  51. 204 ruger
  52. Where to buy Hornady LnL AP, case feeder...
  53. 338-06 - 338-06 A Square
  54. 270 vs 270 wsm
  55. Lets See Your Custom Sheep/Mountain Rifles
  56. New Long range hunting rifle
  57. helpfull cleaning tip
  58. .375 Ownership poll
  59. Powder scale
  60. Savage 342 22 Hornet
  61. Lets compair
  62. Question re Marlin 30-30, 6th round wont fit?
  63. ruger old army conversion cylinder
  64. Mossberg Maverick Model 88
  65. Winchester 71/348 back again.
  66. Shot Show Report - 2011
  67. 1896 Parker Brothers SXS 12gauge
  68. The Newest member to join the gun safe.
  69. Conversion Cylinders
  70. Looking for answers re: us permits
  71. Browning BLR question?
  72. Storing firearms off premises
  73. My first round of hand loads
  74. Hornady SST
  75. RUGER M77 HAWKEYE Vs REM 700
  76. Shot Barrels
  77. Any serious marlin collectors on here?
  78. .454 super redhawk
  79. Loading Bench.
  80. Win 94 3030 Recipes?
  81. Looking for barnes reloading data 250 sav
  82. Gunsmith tools
  83. 338 lapua Remington mlr vs Sako trg
  84. Weatherby Brass
  85. New Leupold VX-R
  86. need some info on reloads
  87. Cz 455
  88. cartridge feeding issues
  89. Browning Mountain Titanium, who else has one?
  90. P14 Gunsmith
  91. '56 Husqvarna Rifle- Interesting News!
  92. 1960s Parker Hale 308 N MAG
  93. remington 338 police mlr
  94. 338 lapua ownership poll
  95. New to HBC/ Looking to get a new gun this year. Any caliber suggestions?
  96. Penticton gun show dates
  97. 30 378 wtby
  98. Looking for an appraisal
  99. The new Toy!
  100. Which 5.7 loads are legal
  101. Questions re; Lee-Enfield 303
  102. First time hunter (confused)
  103. I'm bored and thinking ballistics
  104. 338 win mag barrell lenght
  105. Caliber gun YOU want next?
  106. 450 marlin
  107. Two little tru-oil projects finished
  108. Antique handguns? Anyone?
  109. 35 Caliber Poll
  110. citori
  111. two firearm ??
  112. Savage 20ga/22 over under combo
  113. NEW VARMINT GUN any caliber suggestions?
  114. Registry
  115. Anybody have an A bolt or X bolt in 30 06?
  116. stevens 200 223 project
  117. good gunsmith in B.C
  118. This Bullet.
  119. Special Thanks..
  120. Case Trimmer Recommendations
  121. Browning 71 Question
  122. Predator gun question
  123. Stevens model 200 question
  124. Ques. about Lee neck sizer
  125. Cabela's and RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Deluxe Reloading Kit
  126. Penticton gun show dates
  127. Ruger 10/22 ammo
  128. At the range today
  129. How heavy can you load the Uberti Revolving Carbine .45 Long Colt?
  130. Bartell's King
  131. Browning/Weatherby??
  132. Axiom stocks
  133. Is a 243 win or wssm good ?
  134. What Caliber???
  135. New Toy(s)
  136. Pistol Grip vs Rifle stock - BEAR defence
  137. Millet LRS 6-25x56mm
  138. remington 766
  139. Montana Rifle Company opinions
  140. rifle range past 400
  141. Old Rifle Head Space Question
  142. Case Probes
  143. Todays 375 Ruger ladder load
  144. More 250 Savage load development
  145. Are all bullets created equal?
  146. Question for the rifle pro's.
  147. guns froze!
  148. 30 378 wtby successfull Berger reloaders ?
  149. 348 Winchester
  150. Who here sells Wipe Out and Acces?
  151. 7mm Rem Mag powders
  152. 12 gauge shotgun
  153. Let's see your .50 bmg's
  154. quick detachable scope mounts /
  155. Tips and Tricks
  156. painted my tikka varmint 22-250
  157. Weighting powder?
  158. Want to be like Steve McQueen? Here is your chance...
  159. converting a .22lr to a .22wmr ?
  160. Russian SKS- who's got one?
  161. HS Precision
  162. Win 25-20
  163. Short Rifle Options?
  164. Anyone Have & load for the 9.3x57
  165. guide guns pictures.
  166. custon tikka t3
  167. Chiappa KODIAK .45-70
  168. .270 wsm bullet choice.
  169. info on tc venture 300 win
  170. What does your rifle weigh?
  171. Rifle stocks made in B.C.
  172. power shock 338 win mag
  173. 20 Gauge Savage 30 Series C & #2 Steel Shot
  174. Midwest Gun Parts
  175. Has anyone ever seen or fired one of these?
  176. who uses a chronograph here
  177. "Berger Bullets on BIG Game"
  178. Legal "RIFLE" or not
  179. opinion and or experience
  180. Buying a rifle in the States
  181. Rebluing your rifle
  182. Model 1873 Springfield Trap-Door 45-70 Value?
  183. Break Action fine-tuning?
  184. How many times has the Wheel been re-invented?
  185. Ideal bullet weight and type 7x57
  186. which progressive press?
  187. Stoeger condor outback
  188. how to level a scope yourself
  189. Expandiing bullets
  190. lets see some 30-378 or 338-378's
  191. gopher rounds?
  192. Thoughts on a lee enflied no 4 mk1 as a hunting rifle?
  193. Bolt Or Lever for BC hunting?
  194. Reloader -17
  195. bullets
  196. Update on the '56 Husqvarna Project
  197. New sponsor of Canadian Gun Nutz
  198. 338 win mag
  199. Noob question: deciding cartridge overall length?
  200. L.E Wilson dies
  201. 270 or 243 ??
  202. Marlin XS7
  203. Non mainstream reloading gear
  204. Accurate Powder?
  205. Heavy Recoil
  206. 350 rem mag in mod 7/673
  207. what do u consider a big boar rifle.
  208. Twist rate
  209. Mannlicher....
  210. Whats yer grouse gun?
  211. what .375 HH ??
  212. 257 or 270wsm?
  213. do you shoot left or right?
  214. Ruger Hawkey SS 6.5 Creedmoor
  215. Burris fastfire
  216. Leupold Zero Point Boresighter
  217. have brought a Winchester WCF 1894 lever 30/30
  218. shotgun scope on 375????
  219. 30-06 reloading talk
  220. stainless ??
  221. Allen Sling Swivels
  222. anyone willing to teach me to reload?
  223. Guess this cartridge lineup
  224. replacing stock on .243 A-bolt
  225. Controlled Round Feed VS. Push Feed
  226. Scope Mounting
  227. handgun acquisition
  228. Guide gun hammer extension.
  229. Would like some help with a custom build
  230. anyone use these?
  231. Zombies everywhere....what do you grab from the locker?
  232. who is shooting sako rifles
  233. Recoil energy
  234. Tikka T3 Bolt Shroud
  235. Bear defence while fishing
  236. Who is shooting CZ rifles?
  237. When looking for a new rifle
  238. Question on pulling bullets
  239. New Website - Canadian Double Riflemaker
  240. My new Gun
  241. rifle dry firing
  242. Help me choose...
  243. 30-06 and 38-55 question
  244. Shotgun bear defense
  245. Lewis & Clark AIR Rifle
  246. DIY Run-out guage.
  247. Old School Look for a new Henry !
  248. Bsa Majestic mag conversion??
  249. Looking at the new Cynergy Classic Field grade VI
  250. 270/270wsm