View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. laminate or synthetic?
  2. Grouse Gun
  3. 30-06 barnes X triple shock
  4. Rem7400 vs. 740 magazine
  5. back packer 410
  6. Shell Size
  7. reloading question (once fired)
  8. shotgun barrel length
  9. Scirocco vs Accubond vs Interbond
  10. Lee Collet dies question
  11. Time of year to stock up
  12. Bear gun.
  13. Moly pressures????
  14. Reloading Bullet- Help!!!
  15. Is todbartell here?
  16. Big bore hunters
  17. Here is a serious reloader
  18. New Rifle Choice Problems
  19. Rem 700 30-06 ejector not working
  20. coyte caliber?
  21. 444 Marlin V/S 45/70
  22. One gun...
  23. My New Rifle
  24. top feeder vs. detachable mag
  25. Barrel Length
  26. 30.06 Ackley Improved
  27. .22 Semi
  28. .223 vs 22-250
  29. Help me pick a new rifle
  30. reloading question
  31. Anybody shoot a .243?
  32. pointblank
  33. Scope Covers
  34. 300 Savage 99F, What year is it?
  35. extreme conditions
  36. The Cartridge that could Have been #1 for 20th Century
  37. 243 / 6mm Rem / or 25-06
  38. Gun magazine
  39. Guntech....thanks!
  40. Browning A-5
  41. Christmas Rifle
  42. purdey shotgun
  43. Weatherby Rifles
  44. Winchester model 50 auto
  45. cast lead bullits
  46. .450 Marlin Hand Loads
  47. Need a new shotgun
  48. 6.5 x 55 Cases
  49. RCBS dies and presses any thoughts?
  50. Winter camo stock
  51. New Hornady LeverEvolution rounds
  52. Bell&Carlson Stocks
  53. Mossberg Rifle????
  54. New coyote killers
  55. Any canadian dealers carry Kimber rifles?
  56. Hard Choice is Done
  57. Winchester Model 70 vs. Remington SPS
  58. Throat Burn
  59. SIR mailorder
  60. Best price on a Marlin 1895 GS 45-70?
  61. Can Marlin .450 cartridges be bought in Canada?
  62. H&r 45/70??
  63. Nikon Monarch riflescope
  64. Better bear gun? Marlin 45-70 or .450?
  65. Deadly killer
  66. New rifle is here....... too bad it's not mine!
  67. What is a good coyote gun? Long range?
  68. New Marlin's
  69. Firearms, quality, crap and customer service
  70. 444 marlin
  71. 55 grain 30-06
  72. Winchester 1885
  73. Gas-checked bullets.
  74. please help me out
  75. Scope Help
  76. New barrel
  77. Well, I decided on what gun to buy!
  78. Hinged Floor Plate Trouble
  79. Vari X II
  80. savage mach2
  81. getting barrels acoss the border
  82. How old are these
  83. Varmint Load for the 338/378
  84. New shotgun
  85. semi auto .22 trouble
  86. First Rimfire
  87. Powder choice 300 WSM
  88. Wanted- Once fired Win AA Hulls
  89. Customizing the Winchester '94
  90. Sighting Rifle/Scope Problems
  91. 270 WSM Reloading
  92. New Brass
  93. Hornady M-2 Case Tumbler
  94. reticles
  95. Case tumbler media
  96. Savage Mod. 99 250-3000
  97. WD-40 or Fluid film?
  98. Bullet seating depth
  99. Bushnell Scopes
  100. The .480 Ruger is here!!!
  101. Sako Finnlight
  102. Your loadign rooms!!
  103. 10 Gauge
  104. Winchester SX3
  105. stoney point gauges
  106. Printable reloading manual for beginners
  107. Gun websites
  108. Gun websites
  109. What is your Caliber ?
  110. aarrrrrgggghhaa!
  111. The remington XR-100 rangemaster....
  112. 7x57 Mauser
  113. Powder Measure
  114. 450 marlin? 45/70?
  115. TC Encore rifles
  116. 597 to rebarrel or not to rebarrel
  117. need info no ballistic programs.
  118. Gun and Reloading Rooms
  119. Remington Model 870 Wingmaster
  120. Leupold STD rings and bases
  121. Remington 673?
  122. Merkel Stuhl Drilling
  123. Ballistics Software
  124. cleaning brass
  125. Rifles for Youngsters
  126. Rossi .17 HMR, 270 Win and .50 Cal Muzzle Loader
  127. Shortening a barrel
  128. Loctite
  129. 257 Weatherby??
  130. Bell & Carlson stocks
  131. Stock finishes
  132. My new scope - and dang it!!
  133. Powder and bullet of choice for .308
  134. 444 marlin
  135. new 204 ruger ammo.... Got any???
  136. New News about Winchester?
  137. 12 guage vs. Big Bore
  138. stevens 200
  139. Shooting slugs in 12 gauge
  140. reloading for the 45/70
  141. mossberg 22's
  142. Muzzle velocity 1895 Cowboy
  143. bc barrel makers
  144. savage 17hmr bolt gun
  145. Finishes on stainless guns
  146. 325 Wsm
  147. Load Data For 325 WSM
  148. Which powder ?
  149. Is Duratouch the Real Deal?
  150. winchester model 12
  151. Barnes Triple shock x
  152. .270 WSM reloading?
  153. Rocky Mountain Rifles
  154. Looking for Marlin 336 Cowboy
  155. New load for my .338 win mag
  156. .14 squirrel ?
  157. Reloading Once Fired Igman Brass
  158. suggestion for hand gun
  159. 300 savage
  160. .338 best distance ??
  161. 7mm-08
  162. 223 capability
  163. Cranbrook Gunsmith
  164. buying a handgun
  165. controlled round feed v/s push feed
  166. Gunsmith on north Island
  167. At what point is a .223 too much gun..
  168. 7mm-08 or 308?
  169. 45/70 recipe
  170. 870 wingmaster
  171. 25 Wssm ?
  172. Stock sizing
  173. How many weapons ya'll got
  174. Fusion Ammo
  175. 338 Win Mag
  176. non-permanent bond for metal and wood
  177. Newbie Reloading Question(s).
  178. 17hmr
  179. weatherby vanguards
  180. mounting scope
  181. Adjust Trigger pull
  182. Smoked cases??
  183. whats a stevens model 79 30"bbl worth?
  184. Tikka vs Sako
  185. 444 marlin loads & bullets
  186. Ghost ring set-up
  187. Savage Stevens 200 in .243
  188. Browing Titanium?
  189. first time gun owner
  190. Savage - Stevens - Confused
  191. 270 recipe
  192. Winchester Model 88 Scope Advice
  193. 215 grain Woodleigh 303 bullets
  194. sks gas tube problems
  195. day at the range
  196. M1 carabine forsale?
  197. .22 smooth bore
  198. H&R Ultra rifles
  199. 7x57 info needed?
  200. 20 gauge
  201. Anyone with a Sako,Tikka better see this !!!!
  202. Pet loads for the .458 Win
  203. for discussion 30-06
  204. is it a good deal
  205. FN - Browning 22
  206. German gun auction site
  207. LFP in cast bullets
  208. Rifle Problem??
  209. new stock for my 6.5x55 sm
  210. benneli barrel
  211. Grizzly Loads
  212. Scattergun advice?
  213. bi-pod who uses them and what type
  214. Composite Stock Painting?
  215. nickel cases
  216. puzzling results...please help
  217. Stevens 200 in 223
  218. Whooo Hoooo got a new rifle
  219. New 30-30 ammo
  220. My new rifle
  221. .338 Federal
  222. Penticton - Gun & Antique Show
  223. 7mm-08 for my wife?
  224. 308 norma mag
  225. 16 Gauge question
  226. ammo quo?
  227. Ruger .338 Lapua
  228. (stupid)Remington 870 question
  229. Browning Gold Hunter Semi shotgun- Opinions?
  230. Happy hunter back from the range today
  231. Got my shotgun finally
  232. Bennli Barrel
  233. ring selection
  234. Stevens 200 SA 7mm-08
  235. Just got back from Gun Show in Carp Ont, Win,375 $$$
  236. confirmation of gun show
  237. shorten 30" barell legally?
  238. A-bolt help
  239. I need help.
  240. .17 hmr
  241. Sako/Tikka
  242. Bismuth shot
  243. 9mm question
  244. Remington 7400
  245. Mossberg 22
  246. Marlin lever guns
  247. Browning BLR
  248. Bipod question
  249. suggestion on .357 magnum
  250. RWS air rifles.