View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Which caliber should i choose?
  2. 270 win accubond recipes
  3. I joined the club!
  4. New .260 and 100gr TTSX
  5. ruger hawkeye m77 30-06
  6. Federal 17 HMR Speer TNT
  7. 22-250 Reloads and advice.
  8. Which rings to use?
  9. new scope mounts
  10. Lefty Question...
  11. 375 H&H or 338 WIN MAG
  12. Parts Question......
  13. .223 Rem for varmints
  14. Might be a shortage of Nosler bullets in the future- Best stock up while you still ca
  15. 300 Win Mag Loads With Boss Setting
  16. what should a person pay for a winchester model 94 pre 64
  17. .338 cartridges
  18. New gun!!
  19. 410 & 20ga slug shooting at the range
  20. Fill in the gap
  21. 2 questions ??
  22. Savage now chambers .300 and .250
  23. 300 WSM help
  24. Factory loads?
  25. Shotgun primers Price?
  26. Really good article on rifle primers!
  27. Nosler factory explosion
  28. 300 WM vs. 300 WSM
  29. Berger .284 (7mm bullets) availability
  30. Federal 30-06 TTSX 110 grain
  31. tri-ball slugs
  32. 16 gauge slugs
  33. Painting a rifle
  34. Marlin 1895G - sober second hearing?
  35. Barnes Vor-TX
  36. Sellier & Bellot Ammo
  37. ? about savage rifel
  38. shipping question
  39. howa/houge rifle
  40. Speer 150 gr Mag. Tip.
  41. Won a 17 HMR BTVS
  42. win model 94 pre64 serial # lookup
  43. looking for mossberg shotgun parts
  44. Aluminium cases
  45. looking for a marlin 45-70 sbl
  46. 270 Winchester ?
  47. 375 or 338 here it is!
  48. Parker Hales ???
  49. Thinking of getting into hand loading.
  50. Slow twist in HVA 7x57?
  51. Replacement stocks
  52. Fur friendy 25.06?
  53. 6.5x55 Loads
  54. 650 yard range
  55. 45 Auto Rim brass???
  56. Need advise on ammo...
  57. New ruger compact
  58. 22/410 combo
  59. h4831 vs h4831sc?
  60. North fork bullets available in AB
  61. P17 & P14 stock
  62. New Center Fire Rifles All brands GARBAGE?
  63. Matrix Bullets
  64. Marlin Bolt Action Rifle
  65. question about conversion kits
  66. 22 hp ammo
  67. Federal ammo who uses it?
  68. ballistics calculator!!!
  69. 30-30 ammo
  70. 45-70govt.
  71. 30-06 and Reloader-22?
  72. 338 Federal
  73. Electronic scales, anyone use em?
  74. Rust on weatherby
  75. 7mm rem mag 160 gr accubond recipes??
  76. I think reloading might be my new hobby, dame it.
  77. Hornady Super Shock Tip
  78. bullet Stabilization
  79. 44-40 Little Big Horn Ammunition
  80. sucess at the range
  81. First Go Round with Handloads
  82. For U .338 RCM owners
  83. New Savge Edge article
  84. Is Hornady not shipping to Canada anymore?
  85. rem .308 tactical
  86. The Mysterious Seven
  87. RN Bullets
  88. 350 Rem Magnum???
  89. 6.5 Rem Mag
  90. Bolt Lock
  91. Anschutz Model 470
  92. .303 british
  93. .303 british
  94. 358 Winchester.......
  95. 7 mm
  96. 7x57 reloading issue
  97. Light rifle?
  98. 30-30 by hornady
  99. New rifle maybe a Ruger??
  100. Another happy Leupold customer
  101. longest shot
  102. Deep throated 7mm mag problems
  103. Muzzleloading Bullets
  104. Recipe for 300 WSM?
  105. multiple rifles?
  106. lever actions
  107. TC ProHunter Questions
  108. source in Canada
  109. Longest shot cont...
  110. 44mag bear loads?
  111. Black Powder
  112. Reloading Explosion
  113. Cut a 300 WSM down to 19 inches
  114. New Brass question.
  115. 7mm-08
  116. 9mm 140gr cast SWC load?
  117. 6.8 for grizzly
  118. .300 win mag 200 grain loads
  119. 300 remington ultra mag
  120. Duds?
  121. krylon webbing spray?
  122. scope mounts for savage model 16
  123. What zero do you set your 270 Win for?
  124. Winchester model 70 extreme weather SS
  125. Take the 9" challenge!
  126. Removing Marlin 1895 action
  127. Any Last Minuite Hints?
  128. Voere Rifle Information/Value Help
  129. 444 Marlin
  130. 300 Win Mag COAL
  131. Tikka T3 Plastic Magazine
  132. Bushnell 3-9 x 50mm for my x-bolt 300 Win Mag??
  133. Folded/pinched brass neck/shoulder... did i do it? (pic size warning)
  134. good deal???
  135. 338 wm federal blue box????
  136. replacement gun stocks
  137. HS Precision stocks
  138. 444 Marlin
  139. Gunsmith suggestions?
  140. 300WSM - Load Data
  141. removing recoil pad
  142. Barnes TTSX Load Data?
  143. 7mm Rem Mag reloading
  144. M-98 question
  145. Savage 11 FXP3 Reviews
  146. Got a couple glitches with my brand new 870 wingmaster
  147. Just bought a Browning 300WSM 1000 Eclipse
  148. which scope??
  149. fair chase... semi auto or no
  150. looking for a marlin 45-70 sbl
  151. Gun smith
  152. 100g TTSX in a 260 rem????
  153. New lone Wolf stock
  154. Does anybody know where i can get one of these?
  155. Inexpensive Rifle and Scope Packages?
  156. for the .260 lovers
  157. Ruger Alaskan stock
  158. Thinking about buying a muzzle loader
  159. Looking for a Blaser R-8 in canada
  160. Marlin lever question
  161. Which scope for what gun?
  162. Barnes 260 rem load data 100gr ttsx
  163. Shot my 270 Win today. Wow!
  164. Any .312 ???
  165. Accubond Tip Loss
  166. Barrel Break In
  167. Reloading question
  168. which ammo hornady leverloution 325gr. or remmington 405gr. 45-70
  169. holy bore sighting
  170. what is it about 7mm-o8
  171. crap federal ammo
  172. powder in Federal 7-30
  173. wanting to reload
  174. How much does a hot barrel affect accuracy?
  175. Vernon gun range location
  176. Looking for reloading opinions.
  177. bore sighting. variance
  178. 30-06 150g Bullet?????
  179. 44 Mag reloading concerns
  180. 35 Whelen,,Anyone have one?
  181. Caliber choices for deer?
  182. hand rolled
  183. Bullet choice?
  184. A nice gift
  185. Is case tumbling necessary
  186. Sighting in during hot weather, hunting in cold?
  187. Am I resizing correctly?
  188. New Ruger Hawkeye in .358 Winchester
  189. new stock for 308 win mag savage 12bvss
  190. .44 Mag. for bear defense.
  191. Barnes manual #3
  192. XS, Williams, WWG
  193. Some of my brass doesn't chamber?
  194. which one and why?
  195. My new finnlight 300wsm
  196. .280 Remington
  197. 25-06 loads
  198. best price out there for the tika t3 lite
  199. Reloading question: .204
  200. Reloading question
  201. New Sps Varmint
  202. 358 Winchester brass arrival
  203. New Browning X-Bolt Question
  204. 1954 Husqvarna 30.06 Mauser
  205. mossberge 500 question
  206. Mossberg Maverick 88 Field
  207. Sometimes even WipeOut needs help.
  208. RL17 in 30-06
  209. .375 Ruger
  210. Rem model 7 project
  211. Legal to hunt with solid copper bullets?
  212. Chargemaster won't turn on
  213. Sako vs tikka
  214. factory cases for reloading
  215. Thoughts on Vernon Outdoor Store
  216. barnes/marlin bought out?
  217. Replacement stocks?
  218. Best bullet for elk? at long range
  219. Rookie Reloading Questions
  220. Berger bullets?
  221. Any prep for new cases?
  222. Have you guys seen this vid? Crazy!
  223. 338 federal vs 7mm mag
  224. Savage heavy trigger
  225. Lever Actions?
  226. importing firearms
  227. 30-06 best long range take down cartridge and grain
  228. 300 Wsm
  229. Sidekick to 30-06
  230. mossberg 500
  231. 338 wm turn into 338 rcm
  232. What 22 would you buy
  233. oh , oh !
  234. Flattened primers
  235. new 7mm-o8 thread...
  236. Guide Gun To the Gunsmith
  237. Stock painting help
  238. Cold Blue
  239. 35Whelen
  240. 6.5 x 55 swede
  241. Load development
  242. Reloader 17 question.....
  243. 338/284
  244. Take off scope and re-mount or not....
  245. 1000 yd Rifle/Cartridge Combo
  246. black lubalox coating?
  247. Lee Anniversary Reloader Kit
  248. savage edge
  249. Ruger Compact?
  250. Need recommendation for rifling twist rate for 260 Rem chambered rifle?