View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Dummy Ammunition for Firearms Safety Instruction Wanted
  2. SB Dies Versas FL Die question
  3. Anyone with a new Hornady Manual
  4. TSX or Accubond's in a 280Rem
  5. 300wsm Load Data - Hornady GMX
  6. Annealing cases, caution
  7. I think i f@*$#& up
  8. 30-30 ammunition
  9. Too stupid to own guns?
  10. Going to squamish, where to shoot?
  11. Best scope for a 7mm Rem Mag
  12. My new set up!!
  13. Barnes tsx 140 gr
  14. Weatherby Question
  15. Factory Loaded 300Win ??
  16. Winchester parts?
  17. Bought a New Rifle
  18. So....
  19. I'd buy both of the new Marlin's!
  20. thinking of getting a bigger gun
  21. looking for a price on a rifle
  22. got it for FREE!!
  23. Western Canadian Gun Shows
  24. Help With Light Weight Scope Selection
  25. RSBC shooting set up
  26. 6.5x55
  27. do i really need it ?
  28. 350gr TSX
  29. my new thunder stick
  30. Voere Kufstein Austria
  31. where to get 284 winchester brass?
  32. New Rifle
  33. c.o.a.l reloading question
  34. urges at a a gun store...
  35. Cartrage help needed
  36. 30-06 load tips
  37. Challenging PAL
  38. Leupold VXII Ultralight 3-9x33mm Scope
  39. 8mm-06 handloads
  40. breaking in/sighting in?
  41. 7mm WSM
  42. 260 remington
  43. 300 magnum
  44. 40 rounds thru it
  45. Break Free foam bore cleaner
  46. Ruger No.1 - NECG sight upgrade
  47. What scope for a .22?
  48. Thoughts on Over/Under rifle?
  49. RCBS Decappind pins
  50. Case Question
  51. which bullet for black bears?
  52. How low can you go? 6.5 x 55
  53. RCBS powder funnel/drop tube need another attachment
  54. What should we do to Proguide66's rifle?
  55. 300 rum seating depth
  56. Best 30 30 rifles on the market?
  57. Tikka t3 lite model 243 what are your thoughts?
  58. Hornady SST?
  59. looking for 223 brass
  60. Your "Go to Gun" What does it weigh??
  61. mil dot scopes
  62. Tikka T3 30-06
  63. Which caliber is hardest hitting + accurate till 700 yds?
  64. Weatherby Vanguard Sub Moa
  65. Action builders/makers in Canada ?
  66. Long Range Turrets Etc
  67. Black Powder
  68. What gun to get??
  69. do i really need....
  70. 260 Rem Ready for the hunt
  71. 223 loads
  72. Winchester extreme weather
  73. 300 WSM loves the 165 gr TSX!!!
  74. Frustration at the range
  75. us springfield model 1884
  76. any opinions the browning t-bolt?
  77. need rcbs die part
  78. Who has Retumbo?
  79. wanting to build my first rifle
  80. cleaning a bolt
  81. Cartridge effiency
  82. 357 or 44 mag
  83. Wholesale sports
  84. Loading the 300 WSM
  85. reloading info needed
  86. Id The Picture
  87. anyone tried 60gr fb in 1 in14 twist
  88. new 257 Weatherby
  89. Does andybody have an educated guess??? Inherited shotgun.
  90. 180 tsx? 300 win mag
  91. My new addition to the family.....
  92. 887 Nitro Mag
  93. How to break in a barrel
  94. Importing hand loading equipment
  95. firearms you own
  96. TSX 7.62x39
  97. Skb?
  98. Question For Reloaders
  99. Old Ammo
  100. 120 Gr. TSX for 6.5X55??
  101. bullet choice
  102. Hunting Accuracy
  103. Brno rifle
  104. 6.5x55 swede vs .260rem
  105. Hornady 325 grain FTX bullet
  106. Which Bullet in 338
  107. Kel Tec Rifles
  108. ultralight rifle build
  109. US optics great site
  110. new rifle purchace today!!!!!!!!!
  111. Brno ZKK in 243
  112. lone wolf?
  113. Lee dies
  114. .338 Win Mag?
  115. how many rounds in magizine legal in B.C. ?
  116. synthetic stock for sako 85
  117. ruger 375 alaskan
  118. COAL and how it affects me!
  119. Who knows older Savage 99's?
  120. trijicon hunting scopes
  121. Lyman tang sight
  122. Marlin 336 30-30 for a first deer gun?
  123. 375 Ruger ownership poll
  124. Triple Shock vs Nosler Ballistic Tip....
  125. Using a Chronograph
  126. 300 wsm reloading
  127. mossberg 12 gauge
  128. bulets vs rifle lands
  129. Mossberg 835 says no slugs???
  130. Copper vs Lead Bullets
  131. tsx vs ttsx
  132. Gunsmith to flute barrel
  133. Gunsmith in PG
  134. What *could* have happened?
  135. help needed for my bolt ????
  136. 30 30 capabilities?
  137. Are imr 4350 and h4350 the same?
  138. Ruger M77 trigger adjustment?
  139. Cooey Model 71 Winchester
  140. Sierra manual
  141. 44cal round ball?
  142. Confused on load charges
  143. What bullet....
  144. A joke for you and a question about 243
  145. Weatherby Accumark V vs Remington Model 700 CDL SF
  146. Scope with more eye relief
  147. Shell Holders
  148. Met a couple of Fudd's today at the Range
  149. Mounting scope
  150. Ballistic Coeffient
  151. 358 Winchester
  152. 450 marlin or marlin 45/70 "guide"?
  153. 7mm-08 powder help
  154. Buying Scopes From Amazon
  155. ordered ruger compact in 260
  156. 270 wsm
  157. dillon press
  158. Savage Edge
  159. 7.62x39 vs .223
  160. cheap rings ?
  161. Quarter Bore
  162. 300WSM bullet choice
  163. Swift A Frames VS Nosler Partitions
  164. 22 subsonic
  165. Seating depth question ???
  166. Weatherby Mark V Ultra light Questions
  167. Alliant announces a new powder line.
  168. Federal to sell lotsa components!
  169. FMJ's in Lever Actions
  170. Group powder/primer buy - Higginson's.
  171. Now the LOOOOOOOOOOONG wait
  172. Ramline synthetic shotgun stock + forearm
  173. .280 vs. 7mm rem mag
  174. Accubond vs. Interbond ??
  175. 280 Rem Handloading
  176. cast bullets in 32-40 problem
  177. Marlin 45/70 SBL?
  178. ai reload dies
  179. Reloading 45/70 1895 Marlin
  180. 5mm/20cal pellets?
  181. camo dipped guns
  182. Cooper Rifle's
  183. 1000 yards - Getting feet wet
  184. blue box federals
  185. ??help??
  186. New Gun
  187. 420gr crater lite cast bullets
  188. If you had the choice
  189. comments on Savage model 16 FCSS and Tikka T3/lite?
  190. CSSA POLL: Relations between Canada's police services and lawful firearms owners.
  191. long range scope issue
  192. Stainless Gun, Black Scope
  193. 7mm-08 reloads
  194. matrix bullets
  195. New starting gun?? suggestions
  196. Timney dealers -
  197. gophers and .22s
  198. New calibers with nothing new......
  199. BC Used Firearms Websites?
  200. Best way to start reloading?
  201. Moose cartridge for youth
  202. looking for a good reloading kit
  203. Reloads: X-Bolt Magazine Issues???
  204. looking for 6.5x54 Mannlicher dies
  205. Savage 99
  206. Battle of the Short Mags.
  207. New Rifle!
  208. 250-3000
  209. too hot
  210. Ruger #1 in 303
  211. Ammunition question ?
  212. 7 mm rem mag
  213. primers???
  214. where do I buy an sks and a case of ammo
  215. best starter rifle?
  216. 338 Lapua build?
  217. Heavy Duty Bore Cleaner
  218. whats it worth?
  219. Rifle Cleaning
  220. 45-70 Brass
  221. reloading for 303 brit
  222. Reloading the 338 federal
  223. Bullet Casting
  224. 308 Surplus ammo (7.62 x 51)
  225. C96 Broomhandle
  226. Gun Shows
  227. Gun Club
  228. rifle restoration question
  229. Finally made up my mind...
  230. Is really old ammo worth anything?
  231. Right Expander Ball
  232. Model 70 XTR Too Heavy
  233. 30 06 vs 270wsm
  234. Starline brass
  235. Zeiss,or Swarovski Scope?
  236. Burns Lake 1000 yard shoot May 28/29
  237. Lever Gun Faster Than Pump??
  238. Need help guys. TIKKA T3 or BROWNING A BOLT
  239. Who has custom barrels on there guns
  240. 16.6” barrelled .308 goes how fast ?
  241. .35/.284 information
  242. My new rifle came today
  243. Reloading/Shooting Results Log Options
  244. .300 win short barrel
  245. How bad is this idea?
  246. I bought a new "El cheapo" .308
  247. Stock refinish
  248. Scope mounts
  249. Trading Brass
  250. 325 WSM Bullet Options