View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. BC charts
  2. Brands of Dies
  3. Build your custom mountain rifle !
  4. Exploding Primers
  5. choke stuck
  6. Left hand custom stocks
  7. Can you guess the caliber?
  8. ruger ???
  9. how many rounds to reload
  10. Guess the Lineup
  11. Custom buidling a Fire Stick
  12. Leupold Custom Shop?
  13. Remington Spr18
  14. which gun &cal
  15. To Bed or float a barrel?
  16. New barnes load data for 300wsm?
  17. winchester model 70 ss extreme weather
  18. reduced loads for 32-40
  19. Sako A7?????
  20. 30 06 for varmints?
  21. What all do I need to upgrade?
  22. Rusty barrel need help
  23. ruger m77 compact .308
  24. Case brands
  25. 243 62 gr varmit grenades
  26. synthetic stock sako 85
  27. Just picked up the new rifle...
  28. Neck Sizing?
  29. Looking for a chambering reamer in the lower mainland
  30. 338 federal
  31. Bore cleaners
  32. need help with a screw
  33. Reliable updated their website
  34. Would like some advise
  35. trigger adjustments
  36. How to.......chronograph!
  37. How to get rid of old powder
  38. Bulged barrel?
  39. Cz 452
  40. rifle decisions Go custom or Kimber
  41. Barnes .375" 350gr TSX Available Yet ???
  42. 10 gauge, 3 1/2 in. shell, extra full choke
  43. Question for lever action guys
  44. Understanding C.O.L
  45. Sako Rusty barrel fix?
  46. savage 111
  47. looking for a new Marlin 1895 sbl 45-70
  48. Difference between Dies
  49. geebus keerist
  50. 7X57 Mauser for an 11 year old
  51. .22-250 on wolves
  52. 375 Ruger Superformance
  53. Buying 2nd Rifle need info
  54. Lead Bear Spray
  55. Making some rifle sights for a shotgun
  56. Range report .375 Ruger
  57. Coyote/ predator gun
  58. Hornady FTX 160gr
  59. Ruger m77 question
  60. Factory Federal rounds misfires?
  61. nanimo area reloaders
  62. mossberg 4x4
  63. 7mm Mauser
  64. 30-06 bulk ammo
  65. 10/22 jam session
  66. rem 700 tactical vs savage model 10
  67. Picked up a Game Reaper scope mount...
  68. Dialling in TTSX
  69. Anyone shoot a 7mm ultra
  70. New Ammo Company
  71. Redding dies
  72. What Gun and scope set up?
  73. finally committed
  74. Reloading help:::::::::
  75. Browning A Bolt Mt Ti trigger
  76. 338-06 or 35 Whelen
  77. 338 good all around shell?
  78. Solid Bullets
  79. Pets loads for .243 with Barnes TSX
  80. vortex scopes?
  81. Steel clip for X-bolt?
  82. Rings and Bases
  83. velocity vs energy
  84. anyone shoot speer boat tails?
  85. Info wanted to match powder to caliber
  86. .300 WinMag vs .338 Win Mag
  87. weatherby backcountry
  88. Ralph Martini
  89. Ruger pic,shoots just fine
  90. .22 Hornet
  91. old ammo/reloading pictures
  92. where and how
  93. mossberg 590a1
  94. savage model 24
  95. Brass Question?
  96. Fire lapping
  97. Cartridge Value
  98. Cartridge Value NUMBER 2
  99. Williams Lake gunsmith good or bad???
  100. winchester mod 25
  101. MY NEW DREAM WEAPON..those deer gonna git it now..
  102. Recoil pad installation....
  103. Barnes TSX with a "M" ???
  105. Need new 300 WSM brass
  106. which one?
  107. 7x61 s&h shultz and larsen
  108. Reforming 3030 to 3240
  109. rifle problem need help
  110. Loads for Dakota
  111. .22 lever action rifle.
  112. How much "bullet jump"?
  113. Lee reloading supplies
  114. I finished my 338-06
  115. Sako A7 Action - Simialr to Sako 75 or 85?
  116. Hornady Superformance Ammo
  117. Which Caliber...
  118. Reloading binge
  119. Gun Parts in Canada
  120. Need a Part?
  121. 300 wsm handloads
  122. AR Platform for hunting in BC?
  123. Best Firearm Choice for Hiking?
  124. Went and did it...
  125. winchester 2200-12ga
  126. Gun value?
  127. went with.....
  128. Sig Sauer
  129. anyone shoot 300 wsm 168 or 165 tsx
  130. Barnes TSX 7-08 Bullet Weight?
  131. ruger hawkeye accuracy?
  132. 1 grain difference?
  133. Federal 215 Large Mag Primers?
  134. 30 30 value?
  135. "Lite" loads in Benelli M-4 12G.
  136. 260 vs 7mm-08
  137. hear the bullet hit
  138. Thanks, Grouse River Outfitters
  139. sako stocks
  140. Ladder method, how's it look?
  141. Info needed
  142. .338 Win Mag Load Advice
  143. 22-250
  144. The perfect "Hunting Rifle" colection
  145. Need Ruger 10/22 help!!!
  146. Liege united arms co.
  147. .22 amo
  148. marlin sights
  149. Ramshot powders
  150. Nanaimo gun show
  151. Ruger No 1
  152. 300 win mag bullet choice
  153. Anybody reload 150 gr TSX for 30/30
  154. gunsmith
  155. teach me aboot single shot rifles, please.
  156. Ruger compact
  157. Brambles New Custom Build
  158. A good book
  159. Speer 150gr Mag. Tip load info
  160. Lee loads for 270 win ?
  161. within canada shipping for ammunition question
  162. sks hunting rounds
  163. Lead free reloading
  164. 7MM WSM Rebarrel Question
  165. Wtb 7x61 Norma Super Brass
  166. Lead free/weight retention factory loads
  167. How many of us use BRNO's
  168. Stock options
  169. Renewing old brass
  170. Old Savage 99
  171. Lite rifle
  172. hornady SST????
  173. Savage 24P .22/.410 conversion to .223 Rem?
  174. .450 Marlin - is it here to stay?
  175. scope question
  176. Midway USA
  177. HISTORIC AND NOSTALGIC RIFLES , amazing items of interest,
  178. 6.5x55 ANYONE RELOAD?
  179. hhhmmm .270 win or .300 rum
  180. 300 WSM...Like it?
  181. 260 vs 6.55
  182. 325 Wsm?
  183. Anyone using a 'new' Model 70?
  184. 338/303 Epps
  185. Vortex Crossfire Riflescopes?
  186. Free Bullets on the way!!!
  187. .270 vs .270 wsm
  188. Spider Webbing Colours?
  189. Laser-Cast Bullets
  190. Firearms Owner - saftey concern comment got to me
  191. Interest in Model 94 30-30 levers
  192. Vxii
  193. compresed loads
  194. hello folks
  195. Powder
  196. bush ranger 7.62x39
  197. More noobie reloading questions
  198. free to a good home
  199. Picked up a new scope!!
  200. marlin XS7 bolt action - opinions please
  201. Gun room pic
  202. New Gun!
  203. Duplex or BDC reticle?
  204. Rem XCR II
  205. What Gun For 2011 Antelope Hunt ?
  206. Speed loading the Ruger No. 1
  207. Cooey model 64a
  208. Tikka T3 338 Win Mag
  209. Installing Timney?
  210. .204 Ruger
  211. 260 kimber montana vs finnlight
  212. Open sights?
  213. Steyr Manlicher
  214. HACS gun show in Chilliwack?
  215. Is the reloading bug dangerous?
  216. Remington 597 VTR
  217. Numrich gun parts...Deals!
  218. 8mm Rem Mag - old and slow?
  219. Most diversified rifle company?
  220. Case Trimmer Needed?
  221. Anybody into oddball calibers?
  222. Folding shotgun stock...?
  223. Hot and cold
  224. Remington Copper Solid
  225. 7-08
  226. What bullet to use
  227. Wanted: Grizz load recipe
  228. SKS sales
  229. Painting stocks....
  230. 45-70 load data
  231. x bolt extractor plunger?
  232. Would this hurt my gun??
  233. How Hot is Too Hot?
  234. Union Fire Arms Co. 1909-12 Toledo Ohio
  235. 7.62x39
  236. Re-barrel to 280
  237. Norinco SKS in 7.62x39mm
  238. Speer 220 Gr in 350RM
  239. Top the new rifle with a ??????not with a Turd
  240. 7mm-08 vs 25-06
  241. re-blue and re-finish
  242. Turkey Loads ???
  243. transporting a shotgun from down south
  244. Sling preference?
  245. new brass
  246. need help new to reloading
  247. bellcarlson, mcmillan etc
  248. 6.5x55 bullets
  249. 303 savage
  250. Not sold on Barnes Bullets?