View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. cci velocitor hp .22lr 40gr 1435fps!!!
  2. hornady interlock
  3. wholesale ammo prices
  4. strange thing happen to my simmins scope?
  5. What type of tip for Deer Hunting
  6. Shooting tips from the experts
  7. Federal Fusions
  8. Brass magnet
  9. If you COULD pack a sidearm...
  10. Pricing and availability on the new Marlin Guide ?
  11. mossberg rollin thunder
  12. 243 youth
  13. What are the best loads for waterfowls
  14. 250-3000
  15. 10 gauge extractor
  16. Help !! with Federal factory 300 wsm
  17. Benelli Nova Plug
  18. Reloading for my BAR
  19. Old LC Smith Double Barrel Shotgun and Steel Shot
  20. .455 Webley
  21. 7.65R - load data
  22. Rem 700 CDL SF
  23. Reloading Die problem
  24. curious about a caliber....
  25. Scope Rings for Brno Zkk-600?
  26. Rem 700 CDL SF DM
  27. Savage 11/111 ?
  28. Which gun to buy?
  29. Sako/Tikka recall??
  30. any info on a marlin 983s .22 mag
  31. The Triangle Gun
  32. 280 Rem X-Bolt Range results
  33. need gunsmithing advice fo .357
  34. Reloading Questions
  35. Reloading Data 270 Barnes Ttsx
  36. Sticky Clip
  37. Winchester Model 100
  38. Accubonds??
  39. .270 Xbolt
  40. Italian or Reliable for a Pistol ??
  41. Tumbler Polishing Media
  42. 742 Remington rail problems ??
  43. Prop Guns in Canada?
  44. Got my grocery getter
  45. Gun Maintinance Question
  46. Laminate stocks?
  47. marlin flaw
  48. Looking for site to purchase gun items.
  49. Tc?
  50. Looking for a new scope
  51. faulty sling stud
  52. Nozler Ballistic Tip 270 Win Load
  53. anschutz/cil mod.470
  54. barrel swap
  55. Rebarrling, 30-06 to 35 Whelen.
  56. Savage Model 12
  57. Browning A-bolt
  58. Aftermarket choke tubes
  59. Beretta M1
  60. P.a.l
  61. Remmington copper solid slugs
  62. My new 338.
  63. Sako Kodiak and Ruger Compact
  64. Rhino bullets?
  65. Re-loading 6.5x55
  66. Good to know
  67. best rings and bases for Abolt
  68. Seating the Bullet too deep
  69. Sako A7,Browning X Bolt ????
  70. 338.wm
  71. 7mm-30 Waters
  72. Ladder Help Needed Building a Load
  73. Barrel too hot after 3 shots???
  74. Sooo...
  75. 30-06 vs 308
  76. Making Gilmores Sheep ammo
  77. 338 Win Mag Ammo?
  78. remington repair shops
  79. Single Shots
  80. 6.5 - 284 Experience
  81. 444 Marlin
  82. Broken Pump
  83. Looking for a hand loading index
  84. New Barrel In Bc
  85. 30-06 for Island deer
  86. bullet that blows up: 7MM-08 REM 139 GR SST LIGHT MAGNUM
  87. grouping?
  88. Shot size for grouse
  89. 7mm mag reload
  90. benelli supernova
  91. 260 partition in 375 ruger
  92. Handloading start up costs
  93. Hot Load?
  94. 6.5x55 question...
  95. browning question
  96. Transferring a rifle into my name
  97. Hornady 190 btsp in 30-06
  98. 12 gauge 3.5 replacing 10 gauge? Is a Remmington 870 express any good?
  99. best overall gun
  100. I need your guys help with mounting my scope asap
  101. Federal 210
  102. Took the new gun and scope for a test
  103. TC Venture
  104. Gun Smith
  105. .300 win mag 130gr ttsx results
  106. Best 30-06 bullet for moose?
  107. .303 bullet choice
  108. Another Hornady question
  109. kwik clip conversion
  110. clips for an old .22
  111. Rebore?
  112. 270 weatherby magnum
  113. Weatherby cases
  114. Slug Question
  115. scope movement
  116. Your preference for a reload manual?
  117. Question for Handloaders out there
  118. .260 rem
  119. Knoxx Axiom U/L Stock
  120. Browning Lever .22
  121. Need some input on a new rifle
  122. Shotgun help
  123. need help, old 22
  124. BLR or Marlin in .450 Marlin
  125. Scope advice needed?
  126. RL 17 - anyone try it yet?
  127. 410 vs 22lr
  128. Questions about cleaning your rifle.
  129. Tumbling Media?
  130. Bullet Manufactuer
  131. Is the 7mm RM being watered down?
  132. polishing feed ramp
  133. Question about piece that went missing from my gun
  134. Project gun.
  135. Marlin XL7 + Handloads = Accuracy!
  136. RWS loading 6.5x54 MS again...
  137. Swift Bullets
  138. Mentor or tor-mentor? Elk bullets and ol' farts...
  139. What brand of bullets do you use...
  140. Lone Wolf stocks?
  141. WARNING!!! .410 in a 45/70 not a good idea
  142. Rate of twist for CZ550 375 H7H
  143. thermarest?
  144. Banged up Fiberglass stock
  145. Savage rifles
  146. Remmington M597 VTR
  147. 338 lapua
  148. Layaway
  149. Bringing ammo across the border?
  150. Sauer 80 or 90
  151. The Annual Victoria Gun Show
  152. Powder Recommendations
  153. 270 vs. 30-06
  154. Barnes Ttsx 130 Grain .277
  155. Help........ Ammunition
  156. Gun options???
  157. Kelowna Gunsmiths
  158. 257 Weatherby
  159. Browning X bolt vs Remington 700
  160. reloading for a 300
  161. Stupid Mistake - Dropped Gun
  162. 270 win 150 or 160 gr noslers
  163. registering firearms
  164. Gun Barrels
  165. FAIR Combi Guns...
  166. Does anyone shoot a 30-378 Weatherby
  167. Waterproffing your reloads?
  168. New Remmy
  169. 338win Mag Recoil!
  170. Fouler?
  171. buying New rifle and scope
  172. Ruger Frontier Rifles
  173. I'm at it again
  174. Nosler ammunition
  175. Bulk powder purchase
  176. .338 Federal
  177. winchester model 50 12 ga.
  178. Reloading Video!
  179. Fluorescent lights
  180. Centurion .243 bolt action
  181. what next
  182. leupy,warranty on there scope caps?
  183. Reloading recipe for Savage chambered for 270
  184. 270 Savage reloading recipes
  185. wanted Sako Bavarian
  186. Official LML powder order..
  187. dry firing a Winchester model 12
  188. refinish scope
  189. Halloween present!
  190. Why do you buy a gun?
  191. Pink gunstock stain??
  192. Dropped rifle question...
  193. sako 85 or what?
  194. .410 need some help.
  195. .303 Britsh rounds
  196. Let's see your recovered bullets!
  197. how to dispose of old ammo
  198. Varmint / target calibers
  199. H&R Rifles
  200. What Should I do?
  201. What Data?
  202. Blaser Rifles - For the man who has everything
  203. Videos - exploding barells
  204. RCBS vs LEE
  205. big bores
  206. Brenneke dealers
  207. T/C Pro Hunter Question
  208. brass question
  209. Reloading off Ebay
  210. .356 win lever model 94AE
  211. 9.3X62 loading data
  212. .444 Marlin experiances
  213. How water proof are cartridges?
  214. It arived today
  215. 25-06 or 6.5-06
  216. Bringing a canadian registered gun back from the states.
  217. Ruger Hawkeye
  218. today at the range....
  219. 270 wby loads
  220. Blueing
  221. Target Round
  222. Ruger #1 Question
  223. Stock Question
  224. Browning x bolt??
  225. SKS from lever arms
  226. gun stock
  227. butt pad replacement
  228. Scope necessary for my .22?
  229. Reloading components from US
  230. 300 Win Mag Load for Bison?
  231. 300 WSM Speer SP 165gr Load Info
  232. Smallest grain factory ammo for 300 wsm
  233. 270 WSM reloading?
  234. Mossberg 185K-A
  235. Anyone know what the terms on the Tikka website mean?
  236. caliber choice
  237. What gun to suggest for my lady friend?
  238. Barrel cleaning and accuracy
  239. Rem 300 mag problems
  240. RE: Marlin 336 Barrel?
  241. Whitetail with Nosler e-tip
  242. Recrowning a rifle
  243. put a new rifle on hold
  244. Scoping out a 30-30?
  245. Leupold Warranty
  246. How much for a Chronograph??
  247. Let's talk about the 6.5 Creedmoor
  248. rem 710 clip destroyed
  249. Bullet suggestions?
  250. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas, (please god no feelings though)