View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. Bustin' Brush
  2. What do you think
  3. 308 Norma mag loads?
  4. Marlin Calibers
  5. how-to's on cleaning a rifle?
  6. PAL required for reloading equipment?
  7. Speer 70gr Spitzer Sp in a 1in14 Twist. 22/250
  8. Is this normal?
  9. Firearms Act
  10. you'r go to bullet
  11. Best reloading manual?
  12. trying to find ammo
  13. Need Help Picking New Scope
  14. prospectors liscense and restricted firearms
  15. Gun For Wife
  16. looking for a new trigger
  17. Savage Mark II 22LR any good??
  18. barnes Varment grenades
  19. Barnes vs Berger
  20. Del Selins
  21. 303 british /215grain loads?
  22. Opinions on the new Win model 70's ?
  23. 308 Ackley Improved
  24. Barnes Tipped Triple Shock
  25. Nosler e tips
  26. Remington 700 Safety option?
  27. Gun smith
  28. realoading kit
  29. Rem 700 shrouds?
  30. 6.5x55 sweed 260 rem
  31. Stoeger 2000?
  32. Kelowna gunsmith
  33. sauer 202 thoughts
  34. Rifle scpoes
  35. Bad shooting????
  36. To muzzle Break or not
  37. Hunting Loads
  38. gun stalk paint?
  39. New Lead Free Nosler Ballistic Tip
  40. 22-250 for dear
  41. which powder?
  42. Friend needs a .243
  43. LEH Results
  44. Varget?
  45. Browning X Bolt 300 WSM
  46. Re-loading .260 Rem for compact rifles short
  47. My new Savage .17 HMR
  48. Rebarrel or buy
  49. looking for pet loads for 7mm rm
  50. Problems buying powder or other components
  51. toz 122
  52. place to shoot
  53. Powder Group Buy - Vancouver Island (Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo etc.)
  54. changing calibers
  55. anyone re-load 300wsm??
  56. PG group powder buy??
  57. Digital or beam scale???
  58. Caliber for sheep?
  59. Maverick 88 Shotgun combo Kit.
  60. reloading bolt-action 30 30
  61. gun registration info
  62. Finally did it!!
  63. gun registration info
  64. 270 win loaded with 110 TTSX, Is it enough?
  65. Burn rates "Cast In Stone" ??
  66. some old ammo I found.
  67. Win Mag or WSM
  68. Hunting stores in PG?
  69. Ladder Method - 7mm08 Rem
  70. Bartell has gone Whizzum
  71. Partial case neck sizing &TSX bullets
  72. 280 AI and 7 WSM
  73. Marlin 1895SBL?
  74. First Camo Job
  75. terrible accuracy rem 760
  76. Bolt fluting
  77. Marlin 1895 45-70's
  78. Just purchased a Marlin 45/70 guide gun,anyone own one ??
  79. .375 Ruger on a Mauser 98
  80. Blueprinting
  81. Browning BBR
  82. BC Police issue .38s S&W
  83. Ruger 77 problem
  84. "WOW" Hornady FTX .458" Bullets in 45-70 Contender Carbine
  85. Which one?
  86. Gas Checking Hard cast bullets
  87. Browning rings and bases
  88. Browning Cynergy.
  89. SX2 Help
  90. nossler accubonds for 300 win mag?
  91. Does leaving a clip charged harm it?
  92. Shotgun wads
  93. Aguila SSS and 1:9 barrel
  94. Universal Decapping Dies
  95. what which reloading items would you consider essential
  96. Min and Max loads for a 280
  97. Rifled Slugs
  98. 7mm-08
  99. 30 tc
  100. Tikka or Sako
  101. shotshell equivelants
  102. 25-06 120 grain
  103. Super Magnums
  104. What's with the 338 brass shortage?
  105. 270 Whizzum Loads
  106. Nosler E-Tips
  107. Winchester choice....???
  108. At the range with my Marlin...
  109. Barnes Reloading Data
  110. Twist Rate Question?
  111. Savage 111 Range Report
  112. Cant get the bolt back in a Browning A bolt
  113. 6.5 x 55 reload info request
  114. Is this normal?
  115. New Smoke Pole!!
  116. 45/70
  117. Free web based and downloadable Exterior Ballistic Programs
  118. This years moose gun 338-06
  119. what over under would you suggest
  120. Steavens model 200
  121. Rem 700 Titanium 260 Ladder test
  122. .311 Imperial Canadian Magnum
  123. Ballistic Apps for the Iphone
  124. Browning BLR in 308 - trigger issue
  125. lee classic loader?
  126. Marlin lever actions
  127. rifle scope
  128. 280 X-bolt range report - exceptional MV!!
  129. Day at the range with the 45/70
  130. .308 ammo info ?
  131. anything factory compatable ??
  132. Remington 710 .270
  133. Reloading: Anyone seen this before?
  134. 180gr Accubond Seating Depth
  135. what scope size
  136. New Rifle
  137. surplus 308 ??
  138. One more sleep
  139. 3006 or 7MM Rem Mag
  140. Remington Model 5
  141. 1/2 MOA Vanguard Varmint
  142. best round for 7mm rem mag?
  143. One more reason to own a Marlin 45/70.. 560gr bullets..
  144. Lefty shooting a RH rifle...
  145. 45-70 stuff
  146. Wanted Gunsmith for Sako Finn Wolf 308
  147. Re crowning a rifle
  148. 300 WSM Sub Sonic
  149. Browning x-bolt trigger adjustment
  150. So I went to a rodeo...
  151. need help choosing a rifle scope (newbie)
  152. SS or blued
  153. Why the difference?
  154. primers
  155. The Introduction Of Stainless Rifles
  156. Going for my restricted any pointers
  157. Handgun question
  158. Berger VLD hunting bullets.
  159. 338mx
  160. Ruger rings
  161. Vintage Reloads
  162. Winchester Mod 70
  163. Marshall Arms Co?
  164. Kahles scopes
  165. Factory 338 recommendations?
  166. reloading question?
  167. nosler ballistic tips?
  168. Pre 64 Model 70 Question
  169. Nozler Bullet Info
  170. 224 70gr speer spz in 1in14inch twist
  171. Camo Stocks?
  172. Tried & True shotgun sights "Any ideas or suggestions to buy"
  173. Dominion Arms Outlaw-durable?
  174. Winchester XP3's
  175. Husqvarna HiPower
  176. 275 gr Swift A Frame for 338 Win Mag
  177. H4831 vs H4831 sc
  178. Berger load data?
  179. Primer question.
  180. Bell and carlson stock
  181. Remington Trigger
  182. Replacing ol' rusty
  183. 300 winmag
  184. 338mx
  185. cow town
  186. Loads For A 30-06
  187. Has a safety saved your lower anatomy
  188. Remington Stock
  189. Semi auto .22 maintenance question.
  190. Favorite Handgun
  191. rcbs trim pro manual case trimmer????
  192. Long leade in 300WSM ??
  193. 300WSM what bullet
  194. New boomstick in 6BR!
  195. Starting to decide what rifle I want.
  196. .22-250 bullet weight selection
  197. Speer Bullets
  198. 7mm rounds
  199. 7mm rounds
  200. First Rifle!
  201. Barnes TTSX
  202. Breaking in a Gun ??
  203. Kimber Montana 84M
  204. 257 Roberts
  205. synthetic stock
  206. Looking for RL15 powder
  207. Need help disassembling my Parker Hale 1200C
  208. Ditch Chickens - Beware!
  209. Vangaurd
  210. loading data
  211. Cheap Amo
  212. TTSX 7mm-08 load data?
  213. compresed loads
  214. Powder and Primers
  215. 12 gauge bear rounds
  216. Ramshot powder
  217. Winchester 94 open sights
  218. ruger 10/22 clip
  219. Getting ready for hunting season
  220. Bullet Expansion Charts
  221. .410 question
  222. Where to get Brenneke in or near kamloops?
  223. New cases
  224. old reload equipment
  225. Bushnell Elite 6500
  226. Just found a new local gun talk site.
  227. Victoria Gun Show in October
  228. Victoria Gun Show in September
  229. Vancouver Island Gunshows 2009
  230. 300 Wsm 168TTSX c.o.l ?
  231. Dominion Arms Grizzly
  232. What's your weapon of choice this year?
  233. slugs
  234. Book: Rifle Bullets for the Hunter - A Definitive Study
  235. lyman powder scale
  236. Browning Boss results
  237. 220 Speer Hot core?
  238. Which bullet for 7mm Mag?
  239. 7x57
  240. Savage 110 Trigger
  241. Mossberg NightTrain grouping issues
  242. 270 &7mm wsm loads
  243. Problems with grouping
  244. primer shelf life ?
  245. S&w Mp15-22
  246. 300wsm v.s. 325wsm
  247. 7mm RM and 140 barnes x (original)
  248. Unretiring my gun this year
  249. Left handed rifle recommendation
  250. Remington Genesis