View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 280 Rem Load Data
  2. Hunting with 7.62 Nato surplus, any reason why not?
  3. Storing smokeless powder
  4. Lower Mainland Reloading Course
  5. Hodgdon Hybrid 100V Powder
  6. Rem. 788 - Left - Calibers
  7. Reloading data for Barnes TTSX
  8. norwegian m98K in 30-06
  9. case length
  10. 303 savage :)
  11. Match grade primers? Anyone use them?
  12. rust in powder
  13. Is it legal to saw off a shotgun barrel.
  14. nasty scatch on my bolt
  15. Mag primers in 308 Win
  16. Barrel Band, what do you think?
  17. rifle barrel
  18. Engraving
  19. Bell&Carlson Stocks
  20. what to get rid of?
  21. Best Dangerous Game Rifle?
  22. Barnes Manual #3
  23. lets talk rifle scopes!
  24. Whats it worth?
  25. not nolegable enough, need help
  26. Glass bedding
  27. Sauer 16x16/8x57jr drilling mod 3000
  28. Federal vital shock 7mm-08 accubond 140gr ballistics??
  29. 280 Rem reloaders
  30. traditional muzzleloader shooting.
  31. Tell me about Hawk Bullets
  32. Reduced Powder Loads and Speer #13 Manual
  33. action screw spacers??
  34. anyone shoot a Sako 85 in 300 wsm
  35. Swift Bullets
  36. Information request on old shotguns
  37. What caliber rifle would you choose to customize?? and why??
  38. looking for a good 300wsm recipe
  39. 270 wsm reloading data??
  40. Hornady Light Magnum Cartridges???
  41. Anybody know about buying guns in the US and bringing them back to Canada?
  42. Shotshell reloading
  43. the best rifle for the money
  44. 7mm WSW Ammunition
  45. Anyone know if this is legal or not?
  46. Which stock?
  47. 30-06 Varmint Round?
  48. .375 Ruger
  49. Browning X-bolt
  50. 243 Winchester Bullets and Powders
  51. 7mm rem mag
  52. Ken Waters Pet Loads
  53. what happened? :(
  54. 300 winmag
  55. where to get ammo on island
  56. Reloading components
  57. how to change a rifles caliber???
  58. How much $
  59. Bedding lightweight rifles?
  60. 7mm rem mag vs 308 vs 30-06
  61. is a 7mm big enough for a grizzly?
  62. 8 mm mag / 200 gr. TSX / RL25
  63. 45-70 guide gun
  64. Best loads for 300 win mag
  65. 6.5x55 Model 96 Carl Gustav
  66. Lacquer sealing rifle primers?
  67. case cleaning
  68. Seating a bullet to a specific gun?
  69. .338 win mag high energy loads
  70. What do you use?
  71. Hogue stock
  72. Making Bullets
  73. What ever happened to the Gunrunner?
  74. New Gun Finally Comes Home!!! Pics
  75. .338-06 handloading
  76. 340 Weatherby Loads
  77. Bear Gun For A 12 Year Old
  78. custom rifle
  79. .303 british group
  80. .458 WM ammo
  81. savage 22
  82. Crimping Triple Shock Bullets
  83. Nosler vs Bear Claw
  84. Custom Rifle
  85. How many guns is "a lot of guns" to you?
  86. It followed me home.
  87. Ammunition and moisture?
  88. Remington 870 sticking?
  89. Muzzel break info...
  90. 1:9 Reloading Data vs 1:10 Actual
  91. Reloading 300 wsm
  92. Bullet forensics
  93. Remarkable videos and article !!!!
  94. .22LR versus the .17HMR
  95. used guns?
  96. wsm vs.mag
  97. Winchester 30-30 balsitic tip
  98. Quick Question for the shotgunners
  99. Loads for 7MM mag
  100. Preference for make of Brass
  101. wholesale sports false advertising!!
  102. 300 winmag
  103. Best lever action
  104. Lead core Bullets vs. Evirometal metal Bullets
  105. 250/3000
  106. kimber 260 remington
  107. 257 Wby or 300 Wby ??
  108. price check please
  109. where did you guys get military surplus?
  110. 257 Roberts AI
  111. 280AI Ladder Loading
  112. What to buy?
  113. Shotgun Slugs
  114. .257 Wby
  115. lock time
  116. Primers
  117. 22.250 Loads
  118. 338 RUM loads
  119. Hinged floor plate?
  120. Remington 700 or Model 7
  121. custom rifle stock moisture content
  122. Shotgun Barrell Length
  123. barrel stamped with load data?
  124. Bc Cowboy rifle
  125. Rem XCR ejection problem
  126. Lone Wolf rifle stocks?
  127. Stripping/Refinishing a stock
  128. TSX Seating Depth
  129. 22-250-220 swift
  130. Buying and selling firearms
  131. Model 88 Winchester Cost?
  132. 22lr revolvers
  133. savage99 trigger work??
  134. Marlin 1895 45-70 info needed
  135. Brass Availability
  136. Lets see and hear about your custom mountain rifles
  137. Vinci by benelli
  138. shotguns
  139. 7mm mag reloads
  140. Primers
  141. 7mm rem mag loads for bears
  142. buying a marlin xl7
  143. Goat road hunting rig.
  144. Shipping Amo?
  145. 32 ACP ammo?
  146. What is the best 22 lr bullet
  147. Your 375 Ruger loads
  148. Winchester still making firearms?
  149. Browning blr
  150. Custom Rifle Question
  151. guide gun vs 1895
  152. Golf technology in bullets.
  153. 6.5 ballistics vs. barrel length?
  154. Which bullet?
  155. best bullet for a 300 win mag
  156. Americans are Hunkerin' Down
  157. RCBS Case Trimmer Question
  158. where to buy powdered graphite lubricant?
  159. Lefties - Semi-auto Shotguns
  160. Browning versus Tikka
  161. Lower mainland reloading eqiptment
  162. 7.62x39 brass
  163. Gunsmiths
  164. 20 ga buck shot
  165. My new toy
  166. Globe Firearms Ltd???
  167. Barnes TTSX vs. Nosler Accubond
  168. Best Slugs for Grizz Backup
  169. 100gr tsx or 115 gr tsx
  170. On line registrar?
  171. tried a new load for my 270
  172. Load Density?
  173. 140gr accubonds out of my 7mm-08
  174. 44Mag
  175. Old powder, best before date?
  176. 410 in a 45 70
  177. Looking for once fired .416 rem mag brass.
  178. 70Gr Speer Spitzer in 1in14"twist 22/250
  179. Who in the Kamloops area Can i get to bed my rifle??
  180. Hornady GMX reviews
  181. Nosler E tip
  182. seating bullets, bottleneck cartridges
  183. Need advice on weatherby youth .243 shooting all over
  184. Where is Viht N550 Powder??
  185. New rifle advice needed
  186. let's talk slings!
  187. Rookie Reloader
  188. 375 H&H range report.
  189. Best rifle under 800$
  190. Where to get quallity ammo near Surrey?
  191. Wipe Out Bore Cleaner
  192. Best powder for large magnum calibers?
  193. Browning X Bolt stainless stalker barrel 30-06
  194. Good places to shoot near squamish?
  195. Hodgdon powders
  196. Barrel Brake-In on New Tika T-3 Lite Stainless?
  197. well its official - he made up his mind
  198. reloading .32-40 win
  199. Shilen Trigger
  200. Bullet porn.
  201. 600 yards
  202. 300 win mag loads
  203. 300 WSM Loads
  204. Adjustable turret?
  205. T3 Deluxe
  206. 16 gauge slugs?
  207. need advice
  208. gun smith in Prince George
  209. Cracked 300wsm Winchester brass
  210. This Years Grizzly Hunting Rig 375JDJ
  211. Old muzzleloader fans- need your opinions
  212. 300 h&h
  213. .243 Bullets
  214. .358 Winchester
  215. South of town
  216. Lyman No. 2 Installation
  217. Turret Press
  218. Marlin XL7 (30-06) Range Report
  219. No1 Mrk3 whats it worth
  220. 30 rnd sks duckbill clips
  221. the new ruger's
  222. shotgun newbie
  223. Ruger Mk II trigger ?
  224. Browing BAR .308 reloads?
  225. Boyd Stocks in Canada?
  226. k31 swiss
  227. if you were only allowed 1 gun
  228. Ultrasonic Cleaner?
  229. Leupold vs Warne
  230. I fell in love today
  231. What scales / dispensors ??
  232. What would you hunt with a 12 gauge shot gun??
  233. reloading press
  234. Sighting in.
  235. Browning X-bolt
  236. what type of game have you taken
  237. 7mm Mag vs. 7mm WSM
  238. Working up loads
  239. need to find clip
  240. opinions please
  241. speer sp
  242. im just so happy :)
  243. trimming brass
  244. Mod 700XCR 375 H&H
  245. worst load ever for a 270 win
  246. 280 reloads
  247. Gunzilla gun cleaner
  248. RCBS V.S. Hornady
  249. 260 at 4/10 mile
  250. 280 X-Bolt range report