View Full Version : Gun Talk,Reloading, and Wildcat Cartridges.

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  1. 25wsm loads
  2. Browning with Sako action
  3. Bushnell Elite 1500 Rangefinder
  4. peep sights ??
  5. 410 slugs
  6. Gun frooze any suggestions for future
  7. sako finn bear
  8. 7mm rem mag
  9. 348 Winchester
  10. best 30-30 factory load
  11. calling all ballistic xperts,advice on .375calibres
  12. calling all ballistic xperts,advice on .375calibres
  13. 1000fps pellet gun
  14. New Additions to the Herd
  15. dismantling a browning
  16. Vibratory Tumblers
  17. High end rimfires
  18. FA Industry - Best New Development for 2009?
  19. Rifle Raffle....what do I pick?????
  20. Hunting rifle for a youth hunter
  21. Custom Rifle Blueprints
  22. Name that cartridge
  23. .458win mag?
  24. Burris scope - aftermarket tactical knobs
  25. 45-70 Loads
  26. Trigger adjustment
  27. best youth range gun
  28. truck gun racks
  29. Sierra Gamekings......
  30. Remington Model 700™ SPS™ Buckmasters® Edition
  31. So does speed really kill better???
  32. wood or synthetic?
  33. squibman .22?
  34. new poll for rifle stocks
  35. Is it possible?
  36. Best 270 WSM factory load?
  37. Anyone know where I can find a Sako 85 SS 300 WSM
  38. Trigger sitting on Browning BPS Hunter Shotty
  39. How to develop a load
  40. best entry-leve bolt-action rifle
  41. Winchester model 70 featherweight
  42. 300 winmag reloads
  43. Bullet Fragmentation Info
  44. Barnes bullets
  45. Need some assistance from the pros
  46. Show use you gun collection
  47. reloading supplies
  48. speer bullets
  49. Bear defence
  50. 30-06 loads for Sheep ?
  51. Sproting Shotgun
  52. Marlin xl7 reviews??
  53. baikal double rifle for $975
  54. Trigger setting
  55. scope rings for guide gun
  56. Painting Synthetic Stocks
  57. Vancouver Island Gun Shows 2009
  58. Anyone shoot a 7mm RUM
  59. 270 ackley improved
  60. Light 6.5x55 Swedish Loads
  61. what is the best bush rifle?
  62. Lets talk about the 25-06
  63. Scoping my new sheep rifle?
  64. help with shotty info
  65. Ruger Single Six
  66. Nosler reloading info req'd please......
  67. Pre War Winchester Model 70
  68. Savage 111FCXP3 Trigger
  69. STEYR MODEL 1892 6.5 ARMY and NAVY - LONDON
  70. SA Titanium Re-barrel
  71. Best Load For....
  72. 7mm Remington Magnum
  73. a good load for 300WSM 180 gr MRX?
  74. 180 grain / 300 winmag reload
  75. 219Zipper????
  76. Browning rifle
  77. What is this worth?
  78. Bass Pro in Calgary
  79. Glenfield Marlin Model 60 Jamming
  80. 243 X Bolt Range Report
  81. west coast ranger 30-30
  82. The New Sako A7
  83. New Marlin 1895SBL
  84. pros and cons rem model1100 win super x
  85. Nosler 125gr Balistic Tip Recipe for 30-06
  86. reloading books
  87. cleaning semi auto shotguns?
  88. New Federal V-Shok Offering
  89. MRX recovered from Moose
  90. bolt on muzzle brake
  91. what scope for 375 H&H rifle?
  92. the voice of canadian gunslingers.
  93. 9mm vs 38
  94. restoring .22
  95. For all you lefties out there
  96. Browning X-Bolt .338 Win Mag Range report.
  97. Pellet Gun info? Just got given this
  98. barrel cleaning?
  99. M96 extractor
  100. Tripod for a gun ????
  101. 30-30 sight removal
  102. Good All Around Rifle Caliber?
  103. I need Nosler reload info please
  104. Wilcox Gun Works
  105. 375 Ruger Alaskan
  106. .270 wsm or .280 Rem
  107. " Strip Tease "
  108. what is a Good bolt action 22 lr?
  109. .204 Ruger
  110. Best 44 Magnum Loads for Grizzly ?
  111. R3 Recoil pads
  112. .308 ammo info
  113. .338 Federalli ! !
  114. Model 11-87 Super Magnum XCS Waterfowl Review
  115. 100 th anniversary john wayne guns.
  116. 7.62x39 SKS
  117. Looking for a sako 85 Bavarian in Canada
  118. Can anyone add some insight on what may of happenend...
  119. Lets see some SKS collections.....
  120. 165 or 180 gr 300 win mag
  121. 1891 Argentine Mauser
  122. Full circle
  123. I want this shotgun
  124. 6.5-06 0r 280 Ackley
  125. .405 Winchester
  126. 45colt vs Deer.
  127. savage 116FSS or remington sps dm?
  128. Trajectory theories for steep angles
  129. Heads up for all you 22LR Rimfire shooters
  130. painted stock
  131. New Hunter needs advice on Rifles
  132. A .243 recipe
  133. Restricted
  134. 300 RUM Reloads
  135. IMR TrailBoss loads ..308...303 British
  136. Gunsmith in lower mainland
  137. 30-30 Winchester ?
  138. .50 BMG Rifles
  139. what do you to report a gun lost / destroyed.
  140. reloading .303 with 150Gr Barnes TSX
  141. 270win or 270wsm??
  142. marlin 45/70 or 450?
  143. Handgunning for Cape Buffalo anyone?
  144. new t3 300wsm stainless
  145. Husky 30-06 Value
  146. Reloading Intro
  147. Trimmed Cased too short
  148. Midland Rifles
  149. Rem. Model 7 XCR vs. Model 700 XCR??
  150. my rabbit shootin gun
  151. powder shortage?
  152. please value! Kliengunther (veore) K15
  153. browning a bol tin 338 winmag
  154. Taking gun apart
  155. Browning semi-auto .22 jamming
  156. whats my shot gun worth.
  157. New and need advise
  158. Hunters Sporting goods in Surrey out of bussiness?
  159. The Mighty 375 Ruger gets a Facelift!
  160. Which tumbler to buy?
  161. All-round rifle? my dilemma
  162. XP3 Supreme Elite
  163. 270 win reloading Question
  164. Security 'Flashlight'
  165. Riffle info
  166. Crossman air rifle -500X, anyone have any experience?
  167. new tikka barrell break in
  168. 30-06 husky project
  169. 7x57, enough gun for big bulls?
  170. Tight bedding
  171. gun show
  172. Friend's Rifle Project, need a little help
  173. First day out with my Tikka T3 .270wsm
  174. short pull length 22lr
  175. is a 375 Speer BTSP equal to a Nosler?
  176. RCBS digital scale problem?
  177. 6mm rem target load?
  178. Cheap Entertainment
  179. big bore accuracy
  180. 25-06
  181. Gun caliber decided
  182. Ammo Art?
  183. Oma Bullets / Marlin 1895G
  184. Barrel burner
  185. Does anyone shoot a sako finnlite
  186. 375 Ruger build
  187. Looking for a sako 85 Finnlite 300wsm in Canada
  188. federal primers
  189. Synthetic stocks?
  190. working up a load
  191. Leupold vx-L or Trijicon Accupoint??
  192. What's with the $$$ increase in GUNS?
  193. 45-70 Barnes 300 TSX reloading info?
  194. 7mm-08 ???
  195. gun painting
  196. .444 marlin
  197. Hornady's new rifle bullet
  198. What Am I!?
  199. Older 303
  200. Remington 710: Good gun or bad gun?
  201. Barnes TSX Seating Depth ????
  202. Which Rings and bases?
  203. lead shot
  204. .338 info needed
  205. Lightening a 1895 Marlin Guide Gun
  206. .217 rifle??
  207. Husky H5000
  208. 30-30 Moose Gun
  209. 300 Mag scope of choice ?
  210. NEF 223 single shot
  211. 338 federal
  212. Shot reloading
  213. Bear With Muzzleloader
  214. 30/06 or 300 win mag
  215. Price for Sako L691?
  216. 7mm stw
  217. Quarterbore for Elk??
  218. New Hornady......
  219. Savage firearms???
  220. Bear Defense......?
  221. Breda Shotguns
  222. Whens the next gun show on the mainland?
  223. 308 Norma Mag loads
  224. A thread for the 44 Fans.......
  225. Dangerous Game and the 30-06... Survivors of Magnumitis
  226. Case Trimmer Advice
  227. Free float or not to float?
  228. 17 hm2
  229. Favorite Make of Rifle??
  230. Bullets, Bullets, Bullets......
  231. ammo
  232. Question about powder
  233. 7-08 barnes tsx
  234. Norinco SKS
  235. .30 TC Has anyone shot this caliber
  236. 44 mag dies - what am I missing here?
  237. need a new reloader
  238. .405 winchester
  239. Hunting with open sights eg. no scope
  240. m77 hawkeye all weather 300 wsm or vanguard stainless 300 wsm
  241. stoeger shotguns
  242. Group powder/primer buy from Higginson's.
  243. reducing the shine of S/S
  244. 280 Remington
  245. Test Medium
  246. Reliable Sporting Goods in Vancouver
  247. setting up a williams sight
  248. berger bullets??
  249. 30-06 Nosler Partition
  250. 257 Roberts