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Thread: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    Well Said Rob

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    Quote Originally Posted by rageous View Post
    I wonder if he seen this thread?...
    Probably not, he doesn't care.
    He did say in his podcast that he knows he will get flack for it and he didn't care.

    So maybe it's all ElectricDyck's fault for introducing this podcast to a wider audience
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  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    I just listened to 1/3rd before I had to shut it off.
    The amount of utter bullshit comming out of that Chris D's mouth and Pryns lack of knowledge or willingness to engage and clarify some issues. Made my head hurt.

    I will say he did start the podcast by explaining what was inevitably going to happen but why.

    Maybe I missed the point and I can see what Rob was saying but still. Damn man. That shit was weak.

  4. #44
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    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    I am a hunter: Therefore I am (one of you).
    The BCWF has also endorsed the BC Cattleman's Association.
    Maybe BCWF has taken the philosophy, Keep your friends close; Keep your enemies closer. Not sure if the Fed has kissed and made up with the guides and out fitters.
    For me, when it comes to cozying up to an organization, if that organization is not 100% in the same room, then I do not want any part of it.

    As Adriaticum explained, when he wrote "Raincoast has obviously found an audience with BCWF, which Darimont is openly hostile to" he (Adriaticum) misheard what the host and Darimont were saying. In fact, Adriacticum conflated "BHA" with "BCWF".

    That said, Chris Pryn, the host, was explicit in saying he wasn't representing BHA or speaking for BHA.

    It's important to make this stuff clear. The non-Indigenous resident hunter team makes a few too many intellectual leaps and quickly follows up with a condemnation of a group that is helpful. I don't know why we do that aside from a lack of discipline. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is a legit conservation organization made up primarily, but not exclusively, of hunters and anglers.....exactly like WSS is (see recent videos by Greg Rensmaag where he points this out). Pryn made a mistake. Blame him, and blame him wisely and constructively. DOn't tar the whole BHA organization and don't make a simple error and tar BCWF, which was not even involved in that podcast.

    When you say "The BCWF has *endorsed* the BC Cattleman's Association" I think you're either going to far or you know something I do not know. What BCWF has done is refrain from pissing in the cattleman's pocket because ranchers exert a significant amount of control over what non-Indigenous hunters and anglers do and over conservation in general. That's not *endorsing* anyone or thinking of them as the enemy. It's more like not shooting ourselves in the foot.

    The idea that non-Indigenous resident hunters should not "cozy up to any organization that is not 100% in the same room" is a problem if you don't define "cozy up" or "same room". If we're too strict with our definitions we're going to end up becoming a smaller and less significant group.

    I hate to be the one breaking the news to you, but we're already largely small and insignificant. We don't need more of that. We need the opposite.

    If you don't want to work with a guy who has demonstrated that he's a hunter and a conservationist because he made a mistake? That does not sound like a smart move. We're out-gunned, out-resourced, out-funded and have a substantial list of other handicaps. We can't win this on our own.

    Are First Nations organizations like the Tsilhqot'in 100% in the room with us? Probably not. If we don't cozy up to them and figure it out how are we going to access LEHs that require transit through their territory? We gonna call a mountie and see if he'll help? Good ****ing luck with that.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  5. #45
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    Surrey, BC

    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Chipman View Post
    That said, Chris Pryn, the host, was explicit in saying he wasn't representing BHA or speaking for BHA.

    You can't be a part of an organization, mention that you are a part that organization and not speak for them.

    It's very much like "Know your limit, play within it" advertising bullshit.
    It's just to limit liability.

    If you are a part of an organization everything you say represents that organization.
    Believe it.

    No, I wouldn't blame the whole BHA because of the words of one person.
    That's just plain wrong.

    But if Pryn every becomes part of the leadership of the BHA, I know what to expect.
    Perhaps he will learn by then.
    Last edited by adriaticum; 03-22-2021 at 01:26 PM.
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  6. #46
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    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    "You can't be a part of an organization, mention that you are a part that organization and not speak for them."

    That's true, but its a lesson that everyone has to learn. Before you learn it you *think* you can say "I'm not speaking on behalf of the organization; I'm only speaking for myself".

    The reason you can't say that is because some members of the audience won't accept it. It's a very counter-productive in a lot of respects, and I'm not sure what purpose it serves.

    "But if Pryn every becomes part of the leadership of the BHA, I know what to expect.
    Perhaps he will learn by then."

    If you think he can learn and you think he *might* become an influential leader, wouldn't it make sense to enlighten him?

    "he doesn't care." I'm 60/40 that you're wrong on that. I've had a very brief chat with him.


    "Damn man. That shit was weak." Yeah, hunnerd percent. It's one of those things where the guy may be trying his best, but you have to explain to him that, sadly, his best wasn't even in the ballpark of cutting it.
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  7. #47
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    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    I don't think Pryn had any malintent, he is probably just young and naive.
    We have far bigger hills to climb.
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  8. #48
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    I'll just keep being..

    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    One thing is sure the tactics used by raincoast are smart and are working, I already hear there slogans in other hunters mouths..." I only shoot what I eat", "I'm not a trophy hunter, Im a meat hunter" These 2 slogans will be used to discontinue all predator hunting and then sheep, goats and black do you fight back against it?

    Personally I don't like to see things suffer but to say the killing is the worst part is a lie. I either like killing things or I would hire somebody to do it for me like everyone else that eats does, its way cheaper.... I enjoy trophy hunting for goats and sheep and if the meat was un edible I would still do it. I enjoy looking at a large mature animal mounted on my wall. I think to play "their" game is a losing battle, the general public will see that we are lieing.... the battle for the "Trophy Hunter" and "Meat Hunter" divide seems to be lost. Now hunters lie and identify as "meat" hunters only and and then the argument can be made that predator hunting is "trophy" hunting.. Its not a far stretch to to argue that sheep and goats are not a "meat" animal...and so it goes.

    All this is being said with hindsight of what has already happened and is happening. 5 years ago I wouldn't have guessed we as hunters would be where we are now but now I fear there is no stopping it, we have been painted into a corner by ourselves..hiding away our sport like a guilty pleasure and calling it ethical to do so. An ambassador of hunting with a podcast that whatever they might say to the contrary represent their sport and their organizations seem to not understand or communicate or defend hunting explaining for example that a cougar isn't chased by dogs for hours, the dogs chase the scent, the cougars perception of the chase is usually brief and he runs up a tree...and publicly admit they agree with 90% of a paper written by an organization whose goal is to stop much money in environmentalism and anti hunting it makes me wonder who is legit and who is not..
    "Our arrows will block out the sun!" "Then we shall fight in the dark!" K.L. Government is not the solution to our problem, it is the problem. R.R. “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.” M.F.

  9. #49
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    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    What rubs me the wrong way far more than Chris Pryn, is the fact that CO's are used to eliminate problem animals.
    They killed 3 cougars in Coquitlam because they killed dogs.
    This should never be done by a CO.
    It should be done by a hunting group, specially licensed to eliminate urban problem predators.
    This really rubs me the wrong way.

    We need to make this a priority to bring this awareness to the public.
    COs are no more skilled than good hunters.
    1. Human over population
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  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Northern BC

    Re: Behind the glass hunting podcast? BHA?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Chipman View Post

    That said, Chris Pryn, the host, was explicit in saying he wasn't representing BHA or speaking for BHA.

    It's important to make this stuff clear. The non-Indigenous resident hunter team makes a few too many intellectual leaps and quickly follows up with a condemnation of a group that is helpful. I don't know why we do that aside from a lack of discipline. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is a legit conservation organization made up primarily, but not exclusively, of hunters and anglers.....exactly like WSS is (see recent videos by Greg Rensmaag where he points this out). Pryn made a mistake. Blame him, and blame him wisely and constructively. DOn't tar the whole BHA organization and don't make a simple error and tar BCWF, which was not even involved in that podcast.
    And that is fine to state that. HOWEVER, one thing to keep in mind in this day and age is that people are terminated from jobs all across North America for being on their social media platform and saying or doing something that is deemed to reflect poorly on the company they are employed by. Almost daily there are examples of this were people are terminated for simply making a tiktok or instagram post and a piece of advertising merchandise is visible in the background or worn and their message doesn't reflect the views of their employer.

    Everything a person does online be it a podcast, facebook post, anything, can be deemed to be representative of your employer. And actions have consequences, the only thing BHA can do to downplay the damage that Pryn did on his podcast is to publicly renounce his membership and issue a public statement. Otherwise what they are indicating is that they don't take issue with his representation and by not publicly renouncing it then by default they agree.

    This is a different world now, in the era of social media people have to be cognizant of potential repercussions on things they say; you can't say "I am a member of xxx but I don't speak for xxx but here is my take on it" and not have people hear only "I'm a member of xxx and this is what we think".

    That said, I haven't listened to the podcast nor do I have any interest in listening, nor do I have any interest in BHA or Pryn. On this issue however, I agree with Adriaticum, barring a formal statement from BHA, Pryn's views have to be taken as acceptable by BHA.

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