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Thread: Ban of guns in urban areas

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    I'm 100% for pulling these people of the street and trying to rehabilitate them or some sort of other measure. Also agree that leaving them to continue on the illegal path they have chose is not in the public's best interest. I had issue with your statement of letting them die of withdrawal, as it was "their choice" this is a terrible addiction for these people.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    I'm 100% for pulling these people of the street and trying to rehabilitate them or some sort of other measure. Also agree that leaving them to continue on the illegal path they have chose is not in the public's best interest. I had issue with your statement of letting them die of withdrawal, as it was "their choice" this is a terrible addiction for these people.
    Fair enough, but I am frustrated that is an excuse to not jail them and is used as a free pass to comitt b&e and armed robbery dozens of times over with no reprocussion. I'd agree with some kind of temporary treatment... methodone or whatever as long as it's short term weening before or during the first few days of jail.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 12-03-2017 at 07:54 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    it's an unenforceable ban. not worth losing sleep over...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by trowt View Post
    it's an unenforceable ban. not worth losing sleep over...
    It's social engineering to influence popular opinion with manufactured popular opinion. It doesnt seem like a huge deal, but you still need to speak out against it in order to debunk it, otherwise it becomes credible and true popular opinion.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    This is one of the most ignorant comments I've ever read.
    This man is actually a total fool , just read most of his 10000 posts

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by caddisguy View Post
    Fair enough, but I am frustrated that is an excuse to not jail them and is used as a free pass to comitt b&e and armed robbery dozens of times over with no reprocussion. I'd agree with some kind of temporary treatment... methodone or whatever as long as it's short term weening.
    It makes me happy we could find some common ground, I have no issue with a rational person like yourself. I just got heated after reading the first few comments (straw that broke the camels back on this site.) So much racist and ignorant comments go unchecked. I truely believe it's comments/ attitudes of that sort that are the biggest risk to people's gun rights. How do people expect to be treated fairly when they are a minority openly condemning every other minority in such awful ways.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by stan View Post
    This man is actually a total fool , just read most of his 10000 posts
    Thanks Stan, reading just one put me over the edge haha

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Canadia, Kanadizstan

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    Beyond crazy that you value the contents of your locker above somebody's life.
    My least important possession is worth more than any loser that tries to steal it from me.

    I don't think crotch is the stealthiest scent for deer hunting. (Surrey Boy)

    so are you gonna stop spreading it on your nuts for your dog to lick off? (monasheemountainman)

    You weren't there and you didn't get a moose hoof to the balls. (300rum700)

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    "Danny boy 29 " paid advocate of liberals with your taxes

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Ban of guns in urban areas

    I love these posts. A statement or topic is offered and then the "in-fighting" and a pissing war starts. We are so busy trying to sell our own viewpoint and defend our position, that we don't think, collaborate or discuss viable options to proceed forward, in a positive way, that benefits us all equally. In my opinion, the "antis" are gaining traction with the government, because no one else, is suggesting a different solution or remedy.

    I have said it before here, and I will say it one more time. Most of the mass shootings that happen here and in the USA, usually involve people with mental health issues if you view the events with an unbias postion . As firearms owners we never seem to learn to change the conversation, and identify the real problem. I believe that mental health should be front and center in this conversation. it has many forms, from depression to isolation. If a person is unstable enough they will use whatever means possible to gain some form of revenge or fame. Instead of stricter gun legislation, we should be asking the government to address mental health in a meaningful way, and making the case for it. The average joe, only knows people are dying and guns are used. So you can see they will buy into whatever seems logical to stop these events. Ask yourself one question. If lots more people were being killed by people driving automatic cars, do you think they would ban or restrict them. No, they would access drivers more thoroughly before issuing them a drivers license.

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