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Thread: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Hunting Chukars along Kamloops Lake One fall, my buddys Brittnay was doing an awsome job pinnging them birds down. We weren't exactly keeping up our end of the deal but we had bagged a couple of birds. Then Cleo started getting birdy and we were slowly making our way over to her, waiting till she went on point. It wasn't long till she locked up on a couple birds, she was always so intense on point she wouldn't move a muscle. This time however she kept side stepping a bit every couple seconds to the left and the right. This was aggravating my buddy, so I let him walk upon her. " What the hell is wrong with you you damn mongrel .....WHOA WHAT THE F$%@!" He then yanked the dog back by the collar and let both barrels off into the hillside. As he described it Cleo had a Chukar pinned about 18" from her nose, and a Rattle Sanke coiled up about 10" from her nose. Obviously the reason for her nervousness.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Me and snakes do not get along very well. Let’s call it what it is – I have a phobia of these critter. Many years ago I hunted with some friends in Alabama, I drilled a nice fat corn fed doe and now had the job to blood trail her in ankle deep leaf litter. The only way one can do that is on hands and knees with the nose close to the ground and the rattlesnakes. Not one of my favorite positions to be in with rattlesnakes around.

    My friend knew about my dislike for snakes and shares it with me. However he does like products made of rattlesnake, like snake boots and a rattle on his key chain. As we searched for the blood trail - which has faded out into small droplets – my mind was occupied with finding blood drops in ankle deep leaf litter. Right behind me I heard a distinct rattle from an angry snake. In a split second I turned around - and almost soiled my pants at the same time – with the rifle ready to whack it over the snakes head.

    What relive when I saw my friend with his stupid rattle key hanger in the hand and a big silly grin on his face. Not a story about a real rattlesnake encounters but as close as it will get, for me anyway.
    Last edited by huntwriter; 07-05-2006 at 10:53 PM.
    "Wouldn’t it be wise for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life?"

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Burnaby B.C

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    huntwriter, i couldn't agree more i hate snakes, and if the day comes when i come across one it better move fast in the other direction, or it is going to get shot!!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The Okanagan Valley

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    I go through the paper and cut out all the pictures of snakes I see as my wife is very afraid of them. If she is reading a book and it flies across the room I know there was a picture of a snake in it. A friend on a lark threw a rubber snake at her and after she had a panic attack he didn't find it very amusing.
    We all have our fears and we deal with them as best we can.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    mid island

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Not a story about a live snake, but still good for a chuckle. A few years ago me and golfing partner were playing outside of Vernon. My partner is deathly afraid of snakes any kind, any size. well coming up the fairway I found a snake that had been hit by the mower, I put it in my golf towel and while I was pulling the flag, I coiled it in the hole. When my partner went to get his ball, he jumped about six feet in the air and was off the green in a flash. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't run away and I thought he was going to kill me. We still chuckle about
    red neck pick up lines:
    do you have a library card, cause I'd like to sign you out.
    if Yer gonna regret this in the morning, we can sleep til the afternoon
    You might not be the best lookin girl here, but beauty's only a light switch away.
    Your eyes are as blue as window cleaner

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Come to think of it, 5 years ago I was down in Idaho near Brownlee and hooked up with an old friend for Chukar hunting. My dog was on point and just before the covey flushed, I noticed a rattler 3 ft away from my dog's nose. Make the long story short, I killed the rattler with my stock and the covie flushed away unharmed.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    PG Baby!

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Funny that I read this tonight as I was fly fishing in the Similkameen river this afternoon and saw one half in the water half on land with a fish stuck in it's mouth... I had seen rattlers before, but never one that "fished". He was worried about me but not about to let go of it's prey. We both went our separate ways. I did better than him, catchin four trout (but keeping none, so I guess he did better than me...).


  8. #18
    Rainwater Guest

    Re: "Rattlesnake memories", anyone?

    Hockey stick and a garbage can are all you need, move 'em back up the mountain and let them keep their rattles. Too many rattlesnake stories to list here and have never been bit yet. 7 at my house last year. All relocated.

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