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Thread: Think I Found My New Bow

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Think I Found My New Bow

    Well i made it out to kelowna this weekend and was able to shoot a bunch of bows. I stopped into grouse and tried out the bowtech destroyer and was actually very impressed, i had no intensions on even trying one but was very pleased with how it felt. I then headed over to hardcore and tried out the mathews reezen, z7, and monster as well as the APA black mamba and king cobra. The week before I was in chase at tims archery world and tried out the hoyt maxxis, alpha max and alpha burner. After trying out all the bows the one i felt most comfortable and actually liked the best was the Mathews Reezen 7.0 It kinda suprised me because when reading bow reviews on the reezen I thought i was gonna like it least of all. Going into it I thought I was gonna be buying either the mathews z7 or the hoyt maxxis. Guess everyone has a different opinion on what they want and feels good to them. I haven't laid any money down yet as i still want to try out the Elite bows aswell as the PSE X-force.

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  3. #2
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Think I Found My New Bow

    All the bows that you've mentioned are good bows. All of them. Now you see why it's hard to recommend a certain bow - especially over the internet.

    What you've done is the best way to select a bow for yourself. That is to get out there and actually handle the darned things. Good luck in your selection.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Prince George

    Re: Think I Found My New Bow

    If you liked the reezen for balance and weight distribution ... I think you would really like the "Judge" by Elite ..... if you like the grip of the Reezen ...then maybe ...and you for sure wont like the PSE with its tiny lil risor and side plates (thats actually what I like the most about the PSEs)
    A true Archery Nut

    Willing to help and answer archery related questions to the best of my ability ...all you gotta do is ask

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