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Thread: !!Ticks!!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mark View Post
    Carry some cotton balls soaked in liquid dish soap, in a ziplock baggie.
    If a tick becomes imbedded, simply place the cotton ball over the tick for a minute, the tick usually backs out within 30 seconds and will be stuck in the soap!
    I read this tick removal trick on a shed hunting site, guys said it works like a hot dam!

    Sounds great, But I wouldn't recommend doing that. Anything that causes the tick to be aggrevated and back out on its own may cause it to regurgitate and that's not good! The only safe way to remove a tick is pulling it out carefully and making absolutely sure everything is out!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    If you heat a needle to red hot, touch the ticks rear end with the heat and that baby will back out, spit, look around and say, " Whoa dude you don't need to freak out, you got a major problem or whaaaaaa? "
    jelly ticker .... tick tick tick BOOM!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Port Dover Ontario

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    Been shed hunting once so far.....sheds 0 ticks 2.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    Was up at the sheep count in Spences and woke up monday morning with one of the buggers feeding on me.I used the tweezers near the head with steady pulling and he let loose in about 10 seconds.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    You could ah bin pair a lieyesd, sick to your stomach and dizzy, you bin ........
    ..........thunder Ticked ..........You know where you R ...your in the Jungle baby ...
    .. and your going to die ..... from Lyme's dee zzzzzzzz .. so get that sucker off you now
    ..Guns and Roses, .... or .. Pi$tols and Tulips ? Your Goinna dyeeeeee ...G&R
    Jelly ( Two Big Gunz ) Ticking Time Bomb ... tick Tick BOOM!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: !!Ticks!!

    Quote Originally Posted by sawmill View Post
    30 years which way?If you are 18 and she`s 49 and hot,be happy!
    If you are 49 and and she`s 18 ,be twice as happy!
    By the way ,if you brag you have to show pictures.
    Sorry, but it`s a rule.
    haha Im 25!!! and the teacher... shes the student... sorry no pics, class rule

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