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Thread: How do you call a deer?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Stillwater, BC

    Question How do you call a deer?

    How often would you call a deer once you are set?
    Buck and doe sounds.
    Does the buck scent really work?

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Re: How do you call a deer?

    I dont think there is any "sure" way.
    Its pretty hit and miss.
    Just remember deer dont walk around calling alll the time, so over doing it could be the worst thing you could do.

    Set up, try a couple bleats, wait 20-30 mins and move on.
    Grunts will work in pre rut and rut (again, hit or miss though, never worked for me but I'd rather find them than let them come to me)
    Originally Posted by averagejoe
    thats pretty cool. i bet you get close to those cats some time when there low in the tree hey. when do they have kittens?? do you ever see baby cougars in the tree or do they hide in her pouch?

    Originally Posted by wideopenthrottle
    ....I guess some peeps think a mother griz is like a crack whore ready to drop her baby at the first church door she sees...funny

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Comox Valley

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Well in BC you gotta dial the area code first, nah just messin

    But I've found it varies place to place, and species to species WT seem to be fine with calls where as BT seem to be less inclined to track them down, except in the rut or with the fawn bleat.

    also be aware of who else comes to that call

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy_Farmer View Post
    Yeah but your opinions wrong, so everyone here had to let you know that. Have a nice day.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spampy View Post
    How often would you call a deer once you are set?
    Most hunters call to often, to loud and use the wrong call at the wrong time of the season. Like rattling in the early season when bucks still in velvet or using an estrus bleat before deer are in heat. Deer are not very verbal and certainly not loud, and deer know what they supposed to sound like. I call once or twice every half hour. The sounds I make and the calls I use depend on the time of season.
    Buck and doe sounds.
    In the early season I use social grunt calls.
    When the bucks shed the velvet and through to the middle of October I use rattling anthers or a rattling bag. I only mimic sparring not fights. This works on all deer bucks and does will investigate sparring.
    When the rut get in full swing I use doe in estrus bleats and non aggressive buck grunts.
    Does the buck scent really work?
    Calling and scent is like everything else. To make it work it has to be done right, at the right time of the season and most important on the right location. Deer, unlike elk and turkey, will not travel a long distance to investigate a call or scent. In studies we have done we observed that about 80% of deer will completely ignore any calls and smells outside of about a 120 yard radius. Within the 120 yard radius some deer will react to calls and scent but choose to ignore it. Most positive scent and calling reactions, where deer came to it, happened when we used calls and scent on travel corridors the deer where actually using. In that same study we learned that areas where many hunters call deer and use scent deer will completely ignore it. These deer heard and smelt it all and are not fooled anymore.

    Calling and scent is not a strategy by itself rather it is a part of a well planed and executed overall strategy based on sound scouting results.

    One word about scent. The same holds true for scent as for calls. Doe in estrus scent will not work before the rut, quite the opposite it will scare deer. So does buck in rut and dominant buck scent. In the early season I use normal doe urine and during the rut I use my own. I pee on rubs, brush, into trails and into scrapes. Human urine works as well as commercial deer lure (Don't tell my sponsor that i said that). Testosterone is testosterone be that from a human or animal.

    If you use commercial scent read the label carefully. If it says on the label ten drops do as it says. Some hunters think more is better and empty the bottle in one place. Deer know that they do not grow the size of elephants. or that a hundred deer pee simultaneously in the same spot. In other words to much scent scares them.
    Last edited by huntwriter; 10-08-2009 at 02:51 PM.
    "Wouldn’t it be wise for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life?"

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Stillwater, BC

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Great info...I'll tone it down a notch or two.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Over the years i,ve had some good days using scents as well as calls.Most of my success has been during the rut using very quiet doe bleats, i also use a scent drag to my setup spot. Doesn,t work all that often but when it does it sure is fun. Having a buck grunt his way into your setup is a rush. Another couple of weeks and the bucks on Quadra will start moving. A lot has been said lately about using the fawn bleat to bring in the doe with the buck following. It can work but would not be my first choice,every deer within hearing distance is going to be on high alert.Having said that i got my buck last year after he busted me by wailing on the fawn in distress to hold his attention.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Hhheeeeeeerrrrrreeeeee Deeeeeeer !!!!!!

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    I've got a lot of deer around my home and so tried rattling and grunt calls on blacktails-even when they are in plain view,few ever payed any attention,or even looked up -but once I tried a grunt call-and heard an answering grunt from the bushes and a nice buck had responded to it.Whether they come in or not, I don't know.

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: How do you call a deer?

    I have used a common doe sound and have had both does and bucks respond.I have tried it on blacktails and mule deer.In some situations I have had deer run right to me.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: How do you call a deer?

    Quote Originally Posted by ghost View Post
    I have used a common doe sound and have had both does and bucks respond...
    Common doe or buck grunt, a social call, is the most effective to use. This is a call deer make throughout the year and in most cases before the make any other sound such as doe in heat bleat or buck in rut grunt.
    "Wouldn’t it be wise for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life?"

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