I went for the first time to last years's and it was a real dissapointment. The dinner was well done and there was many interesting dishes served, but they waited hours after the dinner to get to the draws....it took absolutely forever!! By the time they finaly started to draw alot of people were in a very pissy mood due to sitting around for soooo long. When they did finally draw they tried to rush through, resulting in each draw bucket being dumped into a bag and a winner being quickly drawn off the top of the pile. This resulted in a "first in, first out" process with the entries. The final result was that the vast majority of the many prizes went to the first ten percent of the people who arrived earliest and entered first (with their enteries at the bottom of the buckets). The people who arrived first also tended to sit at the tables closest to the doors, so this trend of one corner of the room cleaning house was pretty obvious. Anyway, long rant short! we finaly got out near 11 pm, very tired and a little unimpressed! hopefully things are a little smoother this year!

But just incase go early and enter everything!