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Thread: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Last edited by huntingfamily; 05-10-2024 at 06:36 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    This really is not news to any one that knows their ass from a hole in the ground. We all seen the writing on the wall last year.

    As klauset shcwab and the elites say "eat ze bugs big0ts".


  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    And just wait for the land closures (land, thats right land not just roads) that they will try after this season.

    Which will eventually trickle into private property. As Canadians something needs to be done in organization and #'s

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    There's an election coming soon, that may just change everything? Sure as hell won't make it worse
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Steeleco View Post
    There's an election coming soon, that may just change everything? Sure as hell won't make it worse
    If Freeby and his morons are not removed it will get worse as they will take it as a support of their mandate and ram the rest of their plan down or up the appropriate orifice.

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Thanks for posting OP... as it stated in the BCWF article, we all need to contact our MLAs and voice our displeasure... and we all need to get unified on who gives us the best hope of displacing the prov NDP: BC Liberals or Conservatives?

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    East Koots

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Make sure you vote. Inform and educate everyone you can about the state of wildlife in BC and how government refuses to do anything about it. Wait for the election to play out. If it isn’t the result you’re looking for then what? I have made numerous phone calls and sent E-mails to different sitting NDP MLA’s. I have only got one response that wasn’t computer generated and they refused to answer any questions I had about wildlife management. So that clearly isn’t going to work. This s*it is getting out of hand, we can’t keep sitting back and just b*tching on our keyboards. I honestly believe it’s going to come down to some civil disobedience, a trucker like convoy of people, to show up in Victoria and show them how pissed we are.

    I attended the BCWF town hall in Cranbrook the other day and amongst a great presentation by Jesse, he also mentioned a similar idea. How many people are willing to drop everything and do a rally in Victoria? I can’t really afford it and probably won’t get the time off work, but if it happens, I’ll be there regardless. I hope wildlife management is important enough to you, that you’re fed up and p*ssed off enough that you are willing to do the same. Enough is enough. Our emails, phone calls and keyboard b*tching is doing nothing. We need to try something else. Anyone have any better ideas, I’m all ears.

  9. #8
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    region 9

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullreaper View Post
    Make sure you vote. Inform and educate everyone you can about the state of wildlife in BC and how government refuses to do anything about it. Wait for the election to play out. If it isn’t the result you’re looking for then what? I have made numerous phone calls and sent E-mails to different sitting NDP MLA’s. I have only got one response that wasn’t computer generated and they refused to answer any questions I had about wildlife management. So that clearly isn’t going to work. This s*it is getting out of hand, we can’t keep sitting back and just b*tching on our keyboards. I honestly believe it’s going to come down to some civil disobedience, a trucker like convoy of people, to show up in Victoria and show them how pissed we are.

    I attended the BCWF town hall in Cranbrook the other day and amongst a great presentation by Jesse, he also mentioned a similar idea. How many people are willing to drop everything and do a rally in Victoria? I can’t really afford it and probably won’t get the time off work, but if it happens, I’ll be there regardless. I hope wildlife management is important enough to you, that you’re fed up and p*ssed off enough that you are willing to do the same. Enough is enough. Our emails, phone calls and keyboard b*tching is doing nothing. We need to try something else. Anyone have any better ideas, I’m all ears.
    I believe you're right about a rally in Victoria, it may be the only realistic option to create change at this point, though we should all still take the time and voice our displeasure to our MLAs..

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    East Koots

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    I believe you're right about a rally in Victoria, it may be the only realistic option to create change at this point, though we should all still take the time and voice our displeasure to our MLAs..
    We must continue to bug our MLA’s. More people need to start engaging as well. I never thought in a million years I’d ever even suggest doing something like a rally, but here we are. When something is this important to you, you step outside the box and do what you gotta do. Really hope others feel the same way and are willing to step up.

  11. #10
    Join Date
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    region 9

    Re: New socially engineered hunting reg's announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullreaper View Post
    We must continue to bug our MLA’s. More people need to start engaging as well. I never thought in a million years I’d ever even suggest doing something like a rally, but here we are. When something is this important to you, you step outside the box and do what you gotta do. Really hope others feel the same way and are willing to step up.
    Indeed..I was at the rally 5-6 years ago in West Kelowna over the issue of guide outfitter LEH allotment. We had quite the turnout, so I imagine a rally in Victoria over a more important issue would gather even more hunters and outdoor enthusiasts out. Because this isn't just about hunting, it's about maintaining everyones' right to enjoy our abundance of crown land and the woods freely. For everyone, not just a certain ethnic group..

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