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Thread: Grizzly

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Grizzly

    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Grizzly

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron Glove View Post
    Yes, having taken Statistics in University and working all my life in the Insurance Industry, stats are simply numbers, it's the inferences, right or wrong that one makes with those numbers that are interesting.
    I never carry bear or deer spray in my automobiles and have never had an accident with a deer or bear in my auto.
    Therefore my stats say that not carrying bear spray prevents such accidents.
    Theres a little known statistic that says 99% of statistics are made up on the spot

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Vancouver Island

    Re: Grizzly

    Last August sheep hunting up the Muskwa I was charged by a sow and 3 two year old cubs.She saw me and charged immediately. I was using two hiking poles my gun on my pack, no bear spray. I would not have had time to get my rifle off my back ,she was about 35 yards.My partner ran up the trail yelling and waving his hiking pole and distracted her, I was on my back by this time,she left me and went for him .His son had bear spray and spayed tha cubs and got the sow in the face at close range and they left.All this happened in about 5 seconds.The bear spray worked. Spent the next 9 days with my rifle in my right hand . I pack a 45/70 when I am bowhunting and I will always have a can of bearspray on my bino harness.
    I don’t know if she would have charged if she knew there were 3of us. I came out with out a scratch. Lucky

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Grizzly

    Quote Originally Posted by bowhunter61 View Post
    Last August sheep hunting up the Muskwa I was charged by a sow and 3 two year old cubs.She saw me and charged immediately. I was using two hiking poles my gun on my pack, no bear spray. I would not have had time to get my rifle off my back ,she was about 35 yards.My partner ran up the trail yelling and waving his hiking pole and distracted her, I was on my back by this time,she left me and went for him .His son had bear spray and spayed tha cubs and got the sow in the face at close range and they left.All this happened in about 5 seconds.The bear spray worked. Spent the next 9 days with my rifle in my right hand . I pack a 45/70 when I am bowhunting and I will always have a can of bearspray on my bino harness.
    I don’t know if she would have charged if she knew there were 3of us. I came out with out a scratch. Lucky
    Black or Grizz? I hunt in Grizz country and had a close encounter with two on a kill last fall. I have never strapped my rifle to my pack, and very seldom use a sling. It’s always in my hand if I’m in any kind of bear country. The experience last fall only confirmed my choice. I typically hunt with a lever action, and this year plan to carry my .44 magnum with 16” barrel, as 95% of my shots are 30-50 yards. That’s pretty good bear repellent. It is a Henry, so no manual safety to fuss with. I own bear spray, but seldom bother with carrying it. It’s great on a valley hike with the wife, but if I’m up the hill where the bears/cats are, it’s .44 for me.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Grizzly

    Deleted, catch my content on spike camp.
    Last edited by decker9; 06-01-2024 at 12:33 PM.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Grizzly

    Three young guys take me along, mainly 'caus they know they are much faster.

    The jokes on them 'caus they'ed be a slippin' 'n slidden' in my shit.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Losing something, somewhere!

    Re: Grizzly

    Quote Originally Posted by stoneramhunter View Post
    On a few occasions I've had grizzlies come charging full out from across a valley only to veer off when they got closer and spotted me or winded me so not a full out charge. I'm not sure that i would agree a grizz "bluffs when surprised" it depends on the scenario. You come around a corner and surprise a bear on a kill or a sow with cubs the outcome is more likely a charge and attack than a bluff and usually short in duration they are in defend mode and extremely dangerous at that time. Should you come across a lone bear on a trail just walking surprising them then i may agree that a bear more often will most likely turn and depart or bluff and leave. If there is ample escape for a sow and cubs they too will usually retreat.. In any event extra caution is required especially if you surprise them.
    Holy shit, I think srh is Kyle klassen, the king of resurrecting threads 8 yrs and older!

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Grizzly

    [QUOTE=digger dogger;2444182
    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-31-2024 at 05:56 PM.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Grizzly

    Quote Originally Posted by decker9 View Post
    A good packdog, is the best side arm Iv ever had, saved my arse twice while sheep hunting.

    A few years back, sitting in sheep camp glassing some rams with my lady, a 6.5 swede between the two of us. This guy/gal wondered into camp. A little to close to fire only a warning shot, swung the phone skope from the rams to the bear and got steady with the rifle. Any step forward it would have got one.
    That’s unnerving glad he got the message, yikes!

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Peace Country

    Re: Grizzly

    Excellent footage. That wolf at 450 has to be the best wolf kill recorded

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