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Thread: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Fart Fart Away!

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    Have you considered the possibility that they are gay?
    Males have have a moustache, females have breasts.
    Last edited by BlackOwL; 06-21-2023 at 06:45 PM.
    May the 4art be with you

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackOwL View Post
    Males have a moustache, females have breasts.
    Wishful thinking my friend, wishful thinking! No disrespect but you live in the past Facial hair and breasts haven't been a reliable predictor for a while!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Vancouver, BC

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    Sometimes the birds fall in love and you don't have to lift a finger. I've forced breeding before. I would lock them up in a 2' x 3' x 2' H pen. Once it took them two months to finally produce eggs. I generally just leave strw in the boxes and on the floor. Then the male will build a little nest for itself. My meeting areas are 2' x 1' " 1' H. With a little pony wall to keep contents in. I know people have 5 gallon buckets on its side and do it successfully.

    How old are the pigeons?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Vancouver, BC

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    One other thing. The mesh on your cage is quite large. It will allow rats to come in. If they're being harrassed by rats, they're not going to feel safe. They're not going to have babies and maybe not even come home.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    Those pigeon coops are to drafty to keep pigeon in and rase young ones

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Need Advise/Help Troubleshooting My Homing Pigeon Coop

    have you tried playing some Barry White for them ?

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