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Thread: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Glyphosate, the active ingredient in many herbicides like Roundup, is generally considered to have lower toxicity to humans compared to many other herbicides. Specifically, glyphosate exhibits lower acute toxicity than 94% of all herbicides and has lower chronic toxicity than 90% of all herbicides. Acute toxicity refers to the risk associated with a single exposure, while chronic toxicity involves long-term exposure risks. Glyphosate's structure—a linear carbon chain—differs from most herbicides, which are based on aromatic ring structures, leading to lesser persistence in the environment. Its use, particularly in crops genetically modified to resist it, has increased its exposure risk to applicators. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that the general public and non-applicators have a low potential for exposure to biologically relevant doses. Glyphosate binds tightly to soil particles, preventing it from leaching into groundwater, but its residues can occur in food products, especially if used close to the harvesting period​.

    The references below provide a comprehensive overview of the current scientific understanding of glyphosate's toxicity, comparing it with other herbicides, and its implications for human health and the environment. Sorry, you'll have to put your thinking cap on as I don't have a good reference in YouTube format to spoon feed you with.

    - Glyphosate vs. Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Exposure: A Review on Their Toxicity: This review article provides an overview of the toxicity of glyphosate, its metabolite AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid), and glyphosate-based herbicides, evaluated in various experimental models​​.

    - Terrestrial ecotoxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants: This study discusses the environmental impact and toxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants. It highlights the importance of considering both active ingredients and co-formulants in evaluating the environmental risk of herbicides​​.

    - Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review: This systematic review examines the potential toxic effects of glyphosate on the nervous system, contributing to the understanding of its health impacts compared to other herbicides​​.

    - Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans: This publication by Williams GM et al., in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, evaluates the safety and risk of glyphosate and its formulations for human health​​.

    - Concerns over use of glyphosate-based herbicides and risks associated with exposures: a consensus statement: This consensus statement by Myers JP et al., published in Environmental Health, discusses the concerns and risks associated with the use of glyphosate-based herbicides​​.

    - Controversies over human health and ecological impacts of glyphosate: Is it to be banned in modern agriculture?: This review article by Meftaul IM et al. in Environmental Pollution discusses the controversies surrounding the impact of glyphosate on human health and the environment, and whether it should be banned in modern agriculture​​.
    Last edited by KootenayKiller; 01-19-2024 at 11:06 PM.

  2. #12
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    Mar 2005
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    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Quote Originally Posted by KootenayKiller View Post
    I forgive you ignorance, knowing you might have potential but simply don't know how to source reliable information.

    I am advocating against it buddy, like yourself. I'm simply pointing out that pretty much all pesticides are harmful to human health, and that most alternatives are even worse. I acknowledge it can potentially be harmful to human health, hence why I said that I would not drink it... Next time try not to get your panties in a knot when someone corrects you on a trivial detail. And if you're this concerned, you should start eating all organic because glyphosate is the least of your worries.
    This is a very predictable response. “Don’t confuse me with alternative information my mind is made up”
    I already read that you were against it, yet you still defend it. It’s called taking out of both sides of your mouth. It’s just a brain washed approach and whats wrong with everything around us. Doing the same thing over and expecting a different result. Insanity.
    Your quotes don’t mean shit to me, likely all gamed. $cience.
    All around me in farm country there were lakes and creeks. A Quick Look at historical data and you find the they ALL had fish in them. Today they are all dead. Weeds and algae. Climate change? The temps have really not changed all that much. Glyphosate change?
    Research has shown that some blue-green algae strains could grow using the phosphate produced by the hydrolysis of glyphosate as a phosphorus source (Forlani et al., 200). In addition, the degradation of glyphosate in eutrophic water could increase the phosphorus concentration in the water (Vera et al., 2010).

    You will say this is not credible research because they say “could”, they actually say “could” because they need to leave the door open, and they don’t want get cancelled or ostracized. There are dozens if not hundreds of articles just like this. The source of much of the “reliable information” is the inverse of truth. Pretty clear especially in the last 4 years.
    Last edited by Husky7mm; 01-20-2024 at 12:44 AM.
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

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  3. #13
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    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Quote Originally Posted by stoneramhunter View Post
    So Husky what your saying is if i had a phd in evolutionary psychology "from the school of mass instruction " "Garbage in Garbage out" i wouldn't be able to offer an opinion of your state of mind? its an easy diagnosis
    Bret Weinstein was a professor in evolutionary biology at Evergreen State, he took a stand against the lefty woke nonsense, and the pandemic response, and was canceled. This fact is lost on you. You are not a part of some all knowing elite club, you are the brainwashed and bamboozled. Not only that but a pompous ass that thinks he doesn’t need to even back up what he says.

    My diagnosis for you is a blend of brain virus and bamboozled.
    Last edited by Husky7mm; 01-20-2024 at 12:42 AM.
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  4. #14
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    Dec 2017

    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Quote Originally Posted by Husky7mm View Post
    Bret Weinstein was a professor in evolutionary biology at Evergreen State, he took a stand against the lefty woke nonsense, and the pandemic response, and was canceled. This fact is lost on you. No Bret has nothing to do with evolutionary psychology you are the brainwashed and bamboozled.t only that but a pompous ass that thinks he doesn’t need to even back up what he says.

    My diagnosis for you is a blend of brain virus and bamboozled.
    Lol last i checked Brett was into evolutionary Biology not evolutionary Psychology but i digress husky i think that psychology and psychiatry and perhaps biology owes you a great debt of gratitude its people like you that ensures that they will have patients for generations to come. A little professional advice "look in a mirror " "You are not a part of some all knowing elite club" Reflect on that and maybe the play in the sandbox would be more amendable.
    \have a great evening tip the glass

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Jesus... You passed a background check? What is much more dangerous than glyphosate, is you being allowed to possess weapons and vote.

    Oh and thanks for educating me about eutrophication being caused by glyphosate, I really enjoyed that. You used some big words there. I'm curious, does it also make the frogs gay?
    Last edited by KootenayKiller; 01-20-2024 at 02:43 AM.

  6. #16
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    The mighty peace

    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Here’s a none puff piece that made it into publication under the good old NIH. ( corrupt and captured) In it unlike the other puff pieces they published about glyphosate as they present all the damages of round up and it’s not good. The postulate that it’s the secret co-ingredients in round up as being the cause of much damage and harm, however the majority of the paper is about glyphosate and corruption of the regulators. Anyone with 2 brain cells can read between the lines. They need to publish articles like this because so they can claim they did inform you.

    Roundup is the most widely used herbicide in agriculture. It contains glyphosate as the ‘active ingredient’, together with formulants. There are various versions of Roundup, with somewhat different effects depending on the formulants. Most genetically-modified crops are designed to tolerate Roundup, thus allowing spraying against weeds during the growing season of the crop without destroying it. Having been so heavily used, this herbicide is now found in the soil, water, air, and even in humans worldwide. Roundup may also remain as a residue on edible crops. Many studies have found harm to the environment and to health, making it imperative to regulate the use of Roundup and to ensure that its various formulations pose no danger when used in the long-term. Unfortunately, regulators may only assess the ‘active ingredient’, glyphosate, and ignore the toxicity of the formulants, which can be far more toxic than the active ingredient. This omission is in violation of a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union. There are close ties between the regulators and the industry they are supposed to regulate. Objectionable practices include ‘revolving doors’ between the regulators and the industry, heavy reliance on unpublished papers produced by the industry while dismissing papers published by independent scientists, and strong covert influence on the regulatory process by industry. Although this paper focuses on the European Union (EU), the situation is much the same in the United States.

    7. Conclusions

    The regulation of glyphosate in the European Union and in the United States is corrupted by malpractices arising from conflicts of interest. Officials from the industries that produce pesticides and genetically modified crops are placed in high positions in the regulatory agencies, and the actions of the agencies are then steered towards ensuring a favourable outcome for applications to bring to market the products of those industries.
    Sweeping regulatory reform is urgently needed to prevent further harm to humans, animals, and the environment. In spite of the large and growing number of papers published by independent scientists revealing the harm, the assessment processes have largely dismissed these papers on bureaucratic technicalities. The long-term toxicity of the formulations needs to be included but is not part of the regulation by the EFSA, ECHA and EPA, and was not part of the work of IARC. Governments and regulators need to understand that their primary purpose is to promote the welfare of the population and the environment. At present, governments are narrowly focused on bolstering the economy via the huge profits made by giant corporations selling pesticides and GMOs, and regulators work closely with these industries. The result of these practices is that the health of people and animals suffers, and the environment becomes degraded.
    It is time to excise the corruption
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  7. #17
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    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    The dangers of Glyphosate, the world’s most common agrochemical. Dr Mark Hyman and Robert Kennedy JR.
    We're living in an age where it's increasingly hard to avoid exposure to toxins. Some of the most ubiquitous are right on our food, on some of the most commonly eaten items in the American diet. It's no wonder that illnesses related to toxicity, like cancer, infertility, and neurological diseases, are on the rise. The most widely used pesticide in our food supply is glyphosate. It's used all over the world on more than 70 different food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat and is linked to some serious health risks, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It's terrifying to consider that a bowl of Cheerios has more glyphosate per serving than vitamins D and B12, both of which are added to try to boost nutritional value.
    We need to change our food system if we want to change our health, and it's issues like these that need our help. I was so happy to sit down with my good friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to dig into the topic of glyphosate and corruption in the
    agricultural industry. Bobby
    Kennedy serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, Chairman of the Board and Chief Legal Counsel for Children's Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice. He was
    Previously Chief Prosecuting Attorney for the Hudson Riverkeeper, Senior Attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council, and a Clinical Professor and Supervising Attorney at Pace University School of Law's Environmental Litigation Clinic.
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  8. #18
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    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Mexico to ban glyphosate,
    GM corn.
    Presidential - decree comes despite intense
    pressure from industry, US authorities
    Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador quietly rocked the agribusiness world with his New Year’s Eve decree to phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn. His administration sent an even stronger aftershock two weeks later, clarifying that the government would also phase out GM corn imports in three years and the ban would include not just corn for human consumption but yellow corn destined primarily for livestock. Under NAFTA, the United States has seen a 400% increase in corn exports to Mexico, the vast majority genetically modified yellow dent corn.

    The bold policy moves fulfill a campaign promise by Mexico’s populist president, whose agricultural policies have begun to favor Mexican producers, particularly small-scale farmers, and protect consumers alarmed by the rise of obesity and chronic diseases associated with high-fat, high-sugar processed foods.
    In banning glyphosate, the decree cites the precautionary principle and the growing body of scientific research showing the dangers of the chemical, the active ingredient in Bayer/Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. The government had stopped imports of glyphosate since late 2019, citing the World Health Organization’s warning that the chemical is a “probable carcinogen.”
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  9. #19
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    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Quote Originally Posted by KootenayKiller View Post
    Jesus... You passed a background check? What is much more dangerous than glyphosate, is you being allowed to possess weapons and vote.

    Oh and thanks for educating me about eutrophication being caused by glyphosate, I really enjoyed that. You used some big words there. I'm curious, does it also make the frogs gay?
    There are more people here reading than just you, and besides you already know everything and I should commend you on a job well done. It’s clear all around us what a great job the knowledge from the school of mass instruction has contributed to our Forest, agriculture and our health.
    I am not going to argue with brainwashed pompous lefties about the clear present dangers of glyphosate and the cover up of that, I see it everyday all around me. The cut block spraying is nothing short of eco terrorism. The small pathetic and often blown over portion of the riparian left is often killed and about 100m into the bush on the down wind side. The block is void of ungulates for some time.
    I am a regulatory consultant for an environmental company in Northern Alberta. I see what I described everyday. It’s absolutely disgusting, and that’s just one aspect.

    Anyways, I am glad they are getting sued, they deserve it and I hope it not only sets a precedent but bankrupts them, and I hope they have to drink it.
    I am not investing my time on this. Don’t forgot to get your boo$ters, also $afe and effective.
    If the world is warming why are there so many new snowflakes?

    If we are all equal why do you demand special treatment?

    You can not comply your way out of tyranny.

    Fire them ALL!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: Class action Against Bayer for Making Roundup

    Comedy gold

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