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Thread: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Bit of backstory on myself. I grew up in Vancouver my whole life and always was fascinated by guns and hunting. My grandpa always wanted to take me but never got the chance before he passed. I've applied for my PAL and am planning on doing CORE when I'm back from school this summer. Sadly, none of my family hunts and I'm wondering how to really get into hunting?

    I don't have a car, but spend a lot of time on the Sunshine Coast in the Sechelt area. Unfortunately, I'm at university in Ontario during most of the hunting season, and I'm only back for a week in October and a bit of December. I was gifted a pair of Mavens B1.2 by my dad, but he seems uninterested in actually going out with me. I hope to do backcountry hunts in the future as I've hiked a decent amount in the past, but with my knowledge and experience this doesn't seem to be a possibility in the near future. I guess my question is since I don't know any hunters how do I really immerse myself into the hobby with limited resources and knowledge? How do I learn how to process game and various things like that, that I feel are best learned hands on?

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Well, if you don't have a vehicle, the first thing is to get one.
    After that everything is easier.
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  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Unfortunately in your case until you are permanently back in BC you can't legally hunt.

    You must be a resident for six months before eligible for a licence.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Does it have to be 6 month consecutively, because I did the math and I spend 6 months per year including summer and my reading breaks. Where I live in Vancouver is also my primary as listed on my credit card. Considering this can I still not legally hunt?

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    My lane

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    YouTube is your friend. There's so much excellent informative hunting content on there and you could learn so much in the off season by educating yourself with a bunch of those videos. And then you can apply what you learned in the field. Lots of great books out there too.

    There's a number of folks on here who didn't have someone to teach them how to hunt while growing up. I had lots of anglers in my family but no hunters and had to learn everything on my own. Its a steep learning curve but extremely rewarding.

    Like you were mentioning the best way to learn is to immerse yourself, so after you educate yourself on the basics, pick an area and get out there and start practicing the basics (like moving extremely slowly and silently and constantly looking around and recognizing sign etc). The more you practice these things the more natural they become.

    Now is a great time of year to get out there and do some scouting to find an area that holds animals. Once you find that area you should become extremely focused on learning everything about that area and figure out how to hunt it. This can take years to learn but its vital if you want to be successful you need to learn the best ways to get in and out of your hunting spot with as little disturbance as possible, knowing the prevailing winds and thermals and where the animals like to hang out and when they're there.

    Get a couple trail cams once you've identified your hunting spot and set them up where game trails intersect or near a food source or bedding area. Don't bounce around to new hunting areas every few weeks until you've got your first hunting area really well dialed in.

    These things take time to learn so don't get discouraged - that's the nature of the beast. Good luck and go get em' tiger
    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." - Benjamin Franklin

    "The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it" - George Orwell

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Peace Country

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by zfamz View Post
    Does it have to be 6 month consecutively, because I did the math and I spend 6 months per year including summer and my reading breaks. Where I live in Vancouver is also my primary as listed on my credit card. Considering this can I still not legally hunt?
    You’re legal. Get some good boots and just go for it. Don’t worry too much about guns it’s just a tool. Get some good cAmp gear and you’ll learn the best by failing. You’ll have deer bounce away on you then you realize to go slower... etc etc.

    wind will be the most important factor of hunting. Sometimes I have to circle 2km to hunt a spot properly. When I first started hunting no one taught me I just went out and learnt as I went. You’ll be as good as how much you want to invest. This will be my 9th season and I’m no pro but managed to put maybe 14 or so heads of big game in the freeZer. I know a guy who’s been at it the same time and has only shot 2 deer. And by saying how much you want to invest isn’t dollar related it’s time , sweat, blood, tears, and dedication. Some guys like going out once a year with buddies to get drunk and stumble around the woods in the morning , some guys like me spend weeks a year solo in the bush on and off season. It is what you make of it.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Consider getting into archery too. While you'll still need your CORE & hunting license this will allow you to get out & hunt while waiting for your PAL, depending on season of course. Even if you can't hunt yet, archery is a rewarding pursuit in itself. A decent take down recurve set up isn't terribly costly either.

    CORE can be done on line then you only have to find an examiner to do the written test. The practical firearms safety part of the CORE won't need to be done if you've done your PAL course. Join a local fish & game club and/or range, even in Ontario while you're there. Bound to run into some hunters there.

    Last edited by mike31154; 02-09-2023 at 04:46 PM.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Harvest the Land View Post
    YouTube is your friend. There's so much excellent informative hunting content on there and you could learn so much in the off season by educating yourself with a bunch of those videos. And then you can apply what you learned in the field. Lots of great books out there too.
    Do you have any specific books or channels that you would recommend?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by zfamz View Post
    Bit of backstory on myself. I grew up in Vancouver my whole life and always was fascinated by guns and hunting. My grandpa always wanted to take me but never got the chance before he passed. I've applied for my PAL and am planning on doing CORE when I'm back from school this summer. Sadly, none of my family hunts and I'm wondering how to really get into hunting?

    I don't have a car, but spend a lot of time on the Sunshine Coast in the Sechelt area. Unfortunately, I'm at university in Ontario during most of the hunting season, and I'm only back for a week in October and a bit of December. I was gifted a pair of Mavens B1.2 by my dad, but he seems uninterested in actually going out with me. I hope to do backcountry hunts in the future as I've hiked a decent amount in the past, but with my knowledge and experience this doesn't seem to be a possibility in the near future. I guess my question is since I don't know any hunters how do I really immerse myself into the hobby with limited resources and knowledge? How do I learn how to process game and various things like that, that I feel are best learned hands on?
    There are plenty of hunters on the site that would be happy to share knowledge out in the field on a hunt. im willing to help new hunters. Next time your on the coast pm and we can set something up.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Newbie question: How to get into hunting

    Hunting forces you to pay a great deal more attention to your surroundings , than if you are just hiking. Even when you don't get anything, you are well rewarded.

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