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Thread: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Not sure where the better place to put this is, here or on open chat.

    Anyways what are some of the best ways/talking points to bring up and debate or win over anti's or people who are unsure/on the fence

    Dealing with one right now haha
    Last edited by TheObserver; 05-13-2022 at 07:23 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    I would say that it depends on what angle their issues are stemming from.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    East Kootenays

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    I think sharing a meal is a great way to go. Shawn Riley and Göran Ericsson have studied attitudes towards hunting quite a bit in Sweden and the US and found sharing harvested meat with non hunters increased acceptance. Sharing meals is one of humanity's oldest traditions so it makes sense this is hardwired into our social makeup. People get to see the other side not portrayed in anti-hunting media - the work, the food, the gratitude, the connection to the animal through the food. And once they've experienced it as food, it's hard to argue from a sustainability or welfare standpoint that you'd be better off eating a cow from a feedlot.

  5. #4
    Join Date
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    Pemberton BC

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    If they eat meat, it's easy. You prefer to source your meat from free range organic sources while having minimal impact on the environment. They do the same thing you do but pay someone else to kill for them.

    If they are vegans and worried about climate change, I refer you to Quick Dick

    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    As far back as my feet will get me.

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by cameron0518 View Post
    I would say that it depends on what angle their issues are stemming from.
    This one in particular is a very overly emotional young woman who has been severely mislead on both Hunting and nutrition from Animals.

    But I was asking more for in general but how would you take that one on?

    Thinks killing is mean, underlying tone of animal life is worth more than human life, knows about gmo and the dangers of the gmo feed and conditions the animals are kept in and the drugs/hormones/antibiotics but that (my health) takes a back seat.

    Thinks there is nothing wrong with a buddy of mine who is a vegan that has to rely on a cabinet full of expensive pills/powders and supplements because he refuses to eat an animal or anything that came from it.
    Last edited by TheObserver; 05-13-2022 at 08:27 PM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Divorce it
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    sadly, for now, the LM. Soon, Horsefly!!

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Might sound a bit harsh, but if someone is an adult and eats meat, and is opposed to hunting, then they aren't thinking all too clearly.

    Vegetarian, who is fine with someone who eats meat, all good in my books.

    Vegan, I don't understand and honestly don't have much time for.

    I'm at the point where I don't really care what people eat and what their beliefs are. I'll do what I do, and they can do whatever they do. I eat meat. Someone doesn't eat meat...I couldn't care less.
    Try and change my mind about what I eat and how I feel about shooting an animal, just eff off.

    I used to feel differently and entered into discussions with people, but not anymore.

    Just my two cents.

  9. #8
    Join Date
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    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by cameron0518 View Post
    I would say that it depends on what angle their issues are stemming from.
    Exactly. I've run into anti gun folks, found taking a few of them shooting at the range or the bush is a start, then go from there.
    When I started hunting, relatively later in life, Daughter was anti hunting, she worked with animals in her profession. After I shot my first deer I called her to tell her and she asked "Did it die quickly?" to which I answered, quite honestly that it did. She said "that's OK then." A week later she and Son in Law were over for dinner, served venison stew and they loved it. Eventually, got him into hunting and she's totally fine with it.
    Daughter worked with a lot of Peta folks in her occupation, chatted with one of them at Daughter's wedding. Hunting came up and I thought I was going to get attacked but she said "the E in Peta stands for Ethical and it sounds like you are an ethical hunter." She'll never hunt but she doesn't rail against it.
    Attended an anti Grizzly hunt presentation in Hope, great presentation then I "identified" as a hunter. Stayed polite, is spite of some pretty rude remarks, explained my position. One Lady went off about how brutal it was, you know, the poor animal and such. I asked her if she ate chicken and of course she did. I calmly explained to her that the bears that get shot enjoyed a far better life than the chickens she ate and died a lot "nicer" too. We became friends, she appreciated the explanations and such, never hunted but had a better appreciation for it.
    We used to take deer jerkey to our dog's agility classes, hand it out to the dog owners, always well appreciated. Nobody complained about the "poor deer". One guy didn't give the jerkey to his dog, he ate it, said it was too good to feed the dog. I'd say he wasn't an "anti."
    Remember, you won't "win" by arguing, simply state the facts, stay calm and respectful.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Show them a before and after (or google time lapse) of all the logging in the past 30 years and ask what their house is made of.
    Ask if they buy wine, bc wine for example, and tell them they grow it on prime MD winter range.
    Adk if they play golf or enjoy resorts.
    Tell them they have helped destroy habitat thru their glutenous ways and that it alone causes more death than anything else.
    Tell them you are fighting to protect it for future generations. And if that doesn’t work, tell them to F off.
    ( hey, it’s Friday night on hbc Afterall!)

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Best way to deal with/convert anti-hunter

    Watch the “stars in the sky” documentary by Steven rinella (on Netflix I believe), then discuss.

    I work with a very liberal crew of folks, no one has been upset that I’m open about hunting. The grilling question was, “well do you eat what you kill?” - I said, “yes.”

    I don’t like to distill down hunting to one point of enjoyment, it is a very complex range of activities, ethics, motivations, and emotions. Even though I don’t need to justify anything (ask someone why they golf), I’m happy to back up my experience.

    I have fed last years bear to over 40 people now, all of which had not had bear meat. They all ate it knowingly and all were fine with the culinary experience and how the animal was sourced. Go figure.

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