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Thread: LEH Draw results

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Quote Originally Posted by Huevos;[URL="tel:2259430"
    2259430[/URL]]I would disagree with alberta being better than BC draws. I guess it helps to know that you wont be getting that moose draw for another 17 years unless you drive up north, where in bc that far north is over the counter for trophy bulls. Once in a lifetime goat draws....great! No stones, no rosies, no blacktails, no sitka blacktails, no dalls, Black bears in bc on a regular day of hunting is about the same either province, great bears all across Canada. Wait years for a mule deer draw, no thanks. I'm glad you can buy otc whitetailed deer, but so can BC. Bottom line is there is way more hunting opportunity in BC, hands down, and if a guy is ambitious enough to drive for a few hours, you can hunt otc goat, roosevelt elk, rocky mountain elk, moose, sheep, whitetail, blacktail, sitka blacktail (15), mule deer, cougar, lynx, bear, wolverine, bobcat, wolf, coyote, fox, stone sheep, caribou, big horn, california big horn, turkey, etc. ANd we have a LEH for dalls and bison. The only thing we are lacking that Alberta has are speed goats. and even that takes near 10 years to draw over there. I think I will take my chances hunting over here, but hey, at least you can plan your hunt coming up 7 yrs down the road!
    33 years putting in for elk in bc and zero draws... bc sucks .

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Quote Originally Posted by Huevos View Post
    I would disagree with alberta being better than BC draws. I guess it helps to know that you wont be getting that moose draw for another 17 years unless you drive up north, where in bc that far north is over the counter for trophy bulls. Once in a lifetime goat draws....great! No stones, no rosies, no blacktails, no sitka blacktails, no dalls, Black bears in bc on a regular day of hunting is about the same either province, great bears all across Canada. Wait years for a mule deer draw, no thanks. I'm glad you can buy otc whitetailed deer, but so can BC. Bottom line is there is way more hunting opportunity in BC, hands down, and if a guy is ambitious enough to drive for a few hours, you can hunt otc goat, rocky mountain elk, moose, sheep, whitetail, blacktail, sitka blacktail (15), mule deer, cougar, lynx, bear, wolverine, bobcat, wolf, coyote, fox, stone sheep, caribou, big horn, california big horn, turkey, etc. and we have a LEH for dalls, roosevelt elk and bison. The only thing we are lacking that Alberta has are speed goats. and even that takes near 10 years to draw over there. I think I will take my chances hunting over here, but hey, at least you can plan your hunt coming up 7 yrs down the road!

    I apparently touched a soft spot. Lol. I didn’t mean to offend you.

    BC does have some fantastic hunting for sure. I never said it didn’t and while I’ve made the best of the last 8 years here in Alberta I prefer to hunt in BC myself.

    What I meant to imply was that the limited entry hunting system in Alberta is much better than the system in BC. I put in for 29 years for a Rosie draw without a sniff while I know another family of 3 that have had 5 draws total. That’s a screwed up system.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Since 2016 (when they started keeping digital copies) I've applied for 29 LEH draws (not including the 6 I put in this year) and have been successful 9 times in the draw and have filled 1 of those tags (not that I haven't had the chance to fill more).

    31% success in drawing
    11% fill rate (on the 31% success) / .04% fill rate on applications

    2020 results were out June 22
    2019 results were out June 24
    2018 results were out June 19 (1st time 100% online)
    2017 results were out June 15 (last paper applicaitions)

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Quote Originally Posted by KBC View Post
    I wish I got that memo…I started 7 years ago and put in for draws usually 5-1 or better. I still haven’t drawn anything yet hahaha.

    Edit: This year I gave up on trying to just get a draw and put in for all the long odds dream stuff. It would be funny if this was the year I finally drew a tag.
    I’m the same as you. Never drawn squat. Not holding my breath this year either.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzybiscuit View Post
    I apparently touched a soft spot. Lol. I didn’t mean to offend you.

    BC does have some fantastic hunting for sure. I never said it didn’t and while I’ve made the best of the last 8 years here in Alberta I prefer to hunt in BC myself.

    What I meant to imply was that the limited entry hunting system in Alberta is much better than the system in BC. I put in for 29 years for a Rosie draw without a sniff while I know another family of 3 that have had 5 draws total. That’s a screwed up system.
    I agree BC has some great hunting opportunities but the LEH system is less then desirable imo. I do like the AB priority system.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Agreed. I would much prefer a point system like Alberta

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Alberta is a broken system as well.

    A combination of preference/bonus points or a certain number of draws issued to preference points and a certain ratio issued to random lottery would be a great mix. A bonus point system may also work, or a weighted bonus point system, similar to some US states that run that way.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: LEH Draw results

    A pure lottery system is the most fair. Everyone has the exact same chance of drawing. Those of you that look at odds and go "Oh, 5:1 means i should get drawn every five years if i keep putting in" don't understand stats.
    Do you 6-49 purchasers complain about the unicorns that have won more than once? They got lucky. Just like the LEH.

    States that run points based systems are running into massive issues. Guys that have spent 30 plus years PAYING FOR POINTS realizing that they are unlikely to draw in their lifetimes. Points systems will guarantee that many draws will be once in a lifetime tags due to point creep and trying to rebuild preference points.
    Do some homework on other jurisdictions and be careful what you wish for.

    Besides, we live in a place where you can hunt every species (yes,i know not necessarily every sub-species) on a general tag. There are folks in the world who are beyond envious of our OTC opportunities.
    Our OTC cupcake is huge. LEH is just sprinkles on the icing.
    -Just a simple minded guy with a longbow looking for fun.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: LEH Draw results

    Alberta is an okay system IF you grew up there and started applying for tags as soon as possible. If you're an Adult onset hunter it's horrible for certain species. If you're like me and moved here at 35, good luck with getting any Sheep draws in your lifetime.

    I cannot wait to be back in BC and have the same chances as everyone else to draw a tag for certain areas. But realistically the amount of OTC tag options in BC for world class trophy animals is unsurpassed anywhere. If you're bitching about lack of opportunities in BC you haven't lived anywhere else, or are too lazy to travel throughout the province.

    Last thought, take advantage while you can. It is highly unlikely to get better moving forward in our emotionally charged cancel culture world.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: LEH Draw results

    This just in!

    Leh cancelled this year due to pre planned fourth wave of covid, that is not effected by any of the vaccines. Triple mutant.

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