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Thread: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    region 3

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Quote Originally Posted by Banker View Post
    Sorry to hear about your son's loss. I have been lucky over the last 40 years with no issues.

    This has me a bit worried as 4 of us won a group LEH in 7-28 for 2 moose this fall. 4 man camp with three weeks supplies. We will need to bring 250 liters of extra gas and a ton of equipment. We were planning to split into two groups as we have e-scouted 14 prime locations and will be on site for up to two weeks. If we were robbed while out all day, it could be a life threatening issue as we would not have enough fuel to get back out.

    Looks like we will need to change it up and make it a three man hunt while one stays back at camp each day. Unfortunately this will cut our chances of tagging out by half, but the advantage is a well prepared meal waiting at the end of each day. Odd man out might be able to fish the lake we camp at as well. Fresh trout always make a good meal. With one guy staying back, we should always have a good supply of firewood and a clean camp as well.

    It's a shame we need to worry about such things, but your story (and others on this thread) has made me think it over and the risk in our case could be life threatening.
    Bring an extra person along who doesn't want to hunt but enjoys the camp life.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I'm behind you right now

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Not saying this is the case, but alot of young kids, especially around grad season buy shit from Canadian Tire, go get hammered in the woods, and then abandon some of the gear they can't be bothered to bring home. If the tent and such was gone, perhaps they thought it had been abandoned? Just a thought, I try to give people the benifit of the doubt. As a side note, drove through the tulameen area yesterday for the first time, what a beautiful area and road.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Quote Originally Posted by Banker View Post
    Sorry to hear about your son's loss. I have been lucky over the last 40 years with no issues.

    This has me a bit worried as 4 of us won a group LEH in 7-28 for 2 moose this fall. 4 man camp with three weeks supplies. We will need to bring 250 liters of extra gas and a ton of equipment. We were planning to split into two groups as we have e-scouted 14 prime locations and will be on site for up to two weeks. If we were robbed while out all day, it could be a life threatening issue as we would not have enough fuel to get back out.

    Looks like we will need to change it up and make it a three man hunt while one stays back at camp each day. Unfortunately this will cut our chances of tagging out by half, but the advantage is a well prepared meal waiting at the end of each day. Odd man out might be able to fish the lake we camp at as well. Fresh trout always make a good meal. With one guy staying back, we should always have a good supply of firewood and a clean camp as well.

    It's a shame we need to worry about such things, but your story (and others on this thread) has made me think it over and the risk in our case could be life threatening.
    Dig a hole for gas cans and cover with branches somewhere a little ways from camp

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Quote Originally Posted by russm View Post
    Dig a hole for gas cans and cover with branches somewhere a little ways from camp
    ? seams like a lot of work. Whey not hide them in her bush,

    there’s always lots of bush around there
    He's anything but a hunter.
    More like another, Rain Coast Sociopath Fraud. Living off the prevails of his chronic lies, like the rest of them...

    It's an issue, because these sociopath environmentalist's, will dilute the facts.
    To the point you or Joe public, won't know them any more..
    They count on that big time..

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Friend of mine has several cams out around his property and has pics of ornamentals with fish nets catching young quail also pics of them and some whities looking in his camper, actually had one sleeping in there. Gave the vids and pics to RCMP nothing happened they didn't give a $hit.

    So thinking what good is setting up cams around camp other than just getting a look at yer stuff heading down the road.

    I hook up 12 gage shot shells filled with cayenne powder to bait gas cans and other camp far no one has tried to rip off my stuff. I also have the cams set up in the hopes we get a few laughs if some lowlife grabs a Jerry can!

  6. #46
    fozzy is offline hunting 4 a decent Mulie
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    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzybiscuit View Post
    I set up trail cameras in my moose camp last fall. I had 1 on the road and on it were 7 different vehicles that came down past our camp a mile from the end of the road. Out of those 7 vehicles a second camera showed two stopped and the occupants wandered around our camp not 60 feet off the road. A third camera mounted behind the grill of my truck showed 2 of the five people who wondered around camp peeked inside our wall tent. Out of all this activity nothing went missing.

    I was surprised to have people wonder around our camp like that since it’s not something that I’d ever think of doing.
    Holy crap, some people have balls and zero ethics.
    knock on wood nothing has ever happened to my camps over the years. I do lock up everything though.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    By law, we can not even use our firearm for self-defense... If you shoot the theft then be prepared for a long year’s lawsuits... unfortunately that is the fact.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Thieves on the Tulameen River FSR

    I’ve never been robbed or thought someone was poking around my camp but loosing your stuffs not the worst thing that could come of it.

    Potentially the thief’s could be leaving you in a life or death situation, especially for older folks. You come out and your trucks fuels been drained. How many times have you heard people get lost or stuck in there truck and die on a logging road. Or you come out of the bush wet and tired and your shelters gone. etc

    they could screw you over enough that you could be fighting to live

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