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Thread: thick timber - how quiet are you?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by twoSevenO View Post
    I cant stand even the sound of a water bottle sloshing in my pack. And when the woods are deathly silent you hear everything.

    It's why I never hike for BTs in a rain jacket. I just bring a change of clothes and swap out. No rain gear is silent enough compared to a fleece shirt.

    Also dont just click the buckles on your pack. Hold them in your hand, insert fully, then slowly release. No click!!!

    But if I'm hunting the alpine or open country I dont care. I wear whatever I want so i dont really choose my clothes at the store based on how quiet they are. I just get picky about what I take on my blacktail hunts in thick timber close quarter hunts.
    sloshing water drives me nuts lol

    95% of my hunting is close quarters bush hunting ambush or still hunting so my gear is focused on silence. Alpine open country hunting where you are 100-400yard shots I agree silence is less off an issue

    for rain the under armour water resident stuff with a thin fleece outer layer is what I use. Probably other good combinations that work I just found this works so stuck with it. Not going to stay 100% all day in the rain but good enough to tough it out

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    My pack drives me nuts when branches rub on it. I wish I could find a fleece pack cover. Might have to make one. Anyone ever try using cattle calls when hunting in an area where cattle are common. Of course they aren’t there when I hunt those areas!

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Same thing with my pack rubbing against branches, but is also has a squeak to it that drives me nuts -- I end up dropping it more than I should and then have to hoof it back to pick it up after tracking a deer.

    My boot also squeak a little, the leather tongue - I have put some cloth between the tongue and uppers to stop this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Last weekend it sounded like I had two frogs in my boots! Raaahhh, ruhhhh, raaahhh, ruhhhh. I went back and forth between finding it humorous to maddening. My hunting partner was so happy to split off for the day. I eventually undid my top two laces, may as well been wearing heavy slippers. At least the frogs were gone!

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    I find changing wind more annoying than anything. Its incredibly infuriating to pick a side based on wind only to have the wind change several times when you're in there.

    On a calm day you cant feel it but wind checker into the air shows which way the air current is going. And it changes.

    Not much you can do about that, though

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Squeaky boots get down graded to everyday boots.

    As for wind just pulled out of my blind and head for one of my trees stands just for that reason. Probably climb up get settled in just to have the wind switch back

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The Black Hole!

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Would Rather Be Fishing View Post
    Do you find (or believe) that "silent"/"quiet" clothing matters in thicker brush?
    Yes. I rarely wear clothing that can make noise.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Another bit of advice for timber hunting. When trying to thread a bullet between a very small gap in the trees don’t focus on the trees you will hit the tree not the deer

    This informative post is brought to you from a pissed off hunter

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Fraser valley

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    Quote Originally Posted by twoSevenO View Post
    I find changing wind more annoying than anything. Its incredibly infuriating to pick a side based on wind only to have the wind change several times when you're in there.

    On a calm day you cant feel it but wind checker into the air shows which way the air current is going. And it changes.

    Not much you can do about that, though

    story of my life, perfect wind until the hike ends and I get to an area I’d like to hunt then the switcheroo occurs.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The Black Hole!

    Re: thick timber - how quiet are you?

    When I am still hunting, I am doing it in areas that are not too far from my access point (road etc)

    I will go in 3-400 yards and parallel the road, slash etc.....

    I am old school so I go by compass, I have my rifle (loaded), three extra shells, knife and a short length of rope, no pack, nothing to hinder me or make noise. I will spend an hour and a half before heading back out.....

    Rarely have I not seen a critter or at the very least, seen a bunch of sign......

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