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Thread: 2019 Fall Ladner

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    2019 Fall Ladner

    Got skunked first morning at Brunswick Pt. but other hunters got success.

    Snow geese are here but in small numbers so far. They are high flying right now.

    Ducks were flying but the tide was way out so my opportunities were pretty random as I couldn't put my dekes anywhere on water. I got some shots off but more or less random fly pasts, no decoying.

    I talked to a couple who had a canoe who got six. Another friend also was on a canoe in the area and got to chase dabblers out into the water and he got close to a limit.

    Other hunters around me were able to pick off random ones. But too many skybusting too.

    Also a CO and TFN officers working together were checking licenses and guns at the end of the morning. So be sure you have all of the documentation and that your guns are in order.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    Lots of widgeon, got my first GW Teal this weekend - those guys are fast. Occasional mallards flying but they seem pretty wary. I was able to bring in widgeon, Bufflehead using just floating dekes. SO COLD but I've been trippling up my layers so I am reasonably comfy even with my ass in the water. Ponds freezing up around my legs even.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    At Brunswick got a mallard and three GW teal today over decoys that were moving well in the water. Great blustery morning but tainted in that I lost two to the tide and wind including another fat mallard. One that I retrieved I only managed to reel in with a monopod I was carrying at full extension. They landed in my spread but by the time I could get out there the wind had carried them beyond safe wading.

    I was so mad at myself I decided to pack it in but I noticed the only other hunter in my corner hadn't had any luck so I waved him over and gave him a chance in my spot since the birds were decoying pretty good. He was new to it and was happy to see how dekes drew in the singles and doubles. He wasn't able to seal the deal on three that fluttered in but he was appreciative and helped me break down my setup. I ended up giving him one of the teal as consolation prize.

    Sadly also I saw that a cormorant had been shot in that area and left to float around.

    Lots of teal and widgeon coming in waves from the bay but only the singles and doubles seem to want to land but with enough frequency was a fun day. I aim to be even more conservative with my shooting so they don't fall too far to the edges without a hope of bringing them back.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    Sounds like you need a good bird dog! Makes all the difference in the world. A friend of mine just informed me that I guy he works with just had a litter of German Wire-haired pointers hit the ground a couple of days ago,,,,strong hunting lineage.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    It sucks to lose birds. If birds can drop or drift out to deep for you to retreive, should probably re-think hunting that spot until you have a way to retreive all your birds or chase down cripples. And it sounds like you have.

    Before I got my dog, I dragged a canoe into some pretty crappy areas so I can retrieive. Even something like on of those cheap kayaks at canadian tire or bass pro will work. Cheap, compact, lightweight
    Last edited by Ron.C; 12-05-2019 at 08:42 AM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Sunshine Coast

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    Waterfowl hunting without a good retriever is like having a car without a trunk, but until it is feasible for you to hunt with a dog what Ron.C says, a cheap kayak/canoe would work wonders to your retrieval rate.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    thanks everyone. I like that spot but plan to bring in the dekes closer in so I'm not tempted on longer shots. I wish I could have a dog right now but need to change lifestyle to accommodate it. It's a longterm goal.

    The cheap kayak idea I've been mulling over as I already pull in a sled, so if I replaced the sled with a kayak to bring in the same stuff that might work.

    Another friend suggested the fishing tubes with flippers but I'm thinking the current and wind there would overpower it. Not a fan of being pulled out there just for a duck.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    Those 10' Ascend Sit in Kayaks would make a pretty sweet layout too. A bit of grass matting to break up the shape, and they would be perfect to follow the tide as it rises or falls. They weigh about 60lbs, and are on sale at bass pro and cabelas right now. Be the perfect rig for sheltered tidal flats. Drop a couple dozen dekes in, your shotgun and shell bag and your set

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    RonC I follow a Facebook group called Kayak hunting and those Ascend models are quite popular. They even help some of them bring deer out.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: 2019 Fall Ladner

    Yesterday conditions were awesome. I went out with another guy and set up in different spot on Brunswick that was guaranteed to be hit hard by the tide and it was stormy! Made for very hard core conditions as we had to reset twice and both of us were submerged at different times. Buddy had to get soaked up to neck once to retrieve. Lots of pintails swooping up and down the coastline and mallard groups crossing the swamp from Canoe Pass which wasn't that far away. Couldn't get any to decoy but had plenty of fly overs in our covered spot so was pass shooting. I was being more conservative in my shooting but still got a mallard hen and a widgeon hen. The mallard hen had me chasing it like a fool as it kept diving. If I had been more aggressive or had good way of retrieving I would have got more. My poor gun needs a full break down. I can still taste salt in my mustache.

    I met a first timer out there and had to get him to move because he basically set up within stones throw distance of the dyke. He had no idea. And he had two relatives who were hoping to join him and in conversation with them they had the idea they could actually take his gun and help him hunt. Again I had to set them straight because they just shrugged when I asked about permits and warned them the COs and Wildlife Officers had been hitting Brunswick hard. I've been checked three times this year.

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