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Thread: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    As promised, part 2 of the rainbow trout, ling cod (burbot) catch and cook: sushi and surf and turf. It has become part of our program to expand and refine our portfolio of shore lunches, it adds a whole new element to a fishing trip. The sushi has been a hit for years now and even some of the girls are coming around to enjoy it....

    Let us know what your favourite shore/camp meal is for fresh fish, we'd love to try something new!


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Camrose AB

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    Thanks for sharing, awesome shore lunch.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Gods Country

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    Looks awesome! I’ve done beer batter burbot, perch, and bass here in the kootenays, but never in a sushi roll... great idea!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    Freshwater fish has some Nasty parasites that will infect people.
    Cook it or deep freeze before eating it raw.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    We researched it a bit and it seems that round and tape worms are the thing to be aware of in trout. It seems that the meat could contain adult worms that could survive ingestion and cause infection in humans. Not that I want to tempt fate but adult worms can be fairly easily avoided with a visual inspection. If you eat the egg phase (in the gut) all bets are off.

    Anyone have first hand (or second hand) experience with human infection from fish they caught and processed themselves?

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    It's an awesome video, and I love it.

    On the topic of worms- yup, pretty much any fish from fresh or saltwater can harbour them.

    I have eaten lots of raw, fresh fish and yeah, you take your chances. When on a kayak trip in the QCI I got worms from an undercooked salmon I caught, we didn't realize the internal parts were basically raw since we were dead tired and it was pitch black dark. On the other hand, I've pulled out raw halibut cheeks and chowed down with no problem. Most of the fresh, raw fish I've had has not caused a problem.

    But ALL the fish you eat at a sushi restaurant has been flash frozen to kill parasites.
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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    Back before I knew better I would eat the occasional trout heart or liver raw. I think I watched too much Survivorman... plus you're invincible when you're young LOL. Not sure if I did myself any harm or not. Maybe I'm full of creepy crawlies.

    That shore sushi looks delicious though. I'd be tempted LOL

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Catch and Cook: Sushi and Surf and Turf

    I'm a fan of sushi! This latest vid reminded/shamed me into realizing I haven't been out in my canoe yet this year. What better way to spend Canada Day then at my favourite Alpine lake trout fishing. Although I didn't leave home 'til 12:30 & it takes a good couple hours to get up there & boat in the water, the lake did not disappoint and I bagged my limit of trout! 4 Brookies & a Rainbow. I had every intention of trying my hand at making my own sushi for the 1st time, but in the end, the possibility of worms put me off. I've been dealing with some gastro issues for a number of years & did not want take the chance.

    I did however take inspiration from your previous video and rather than cook them whole, head on, I tried the filet, smoke variation on my BBQ this evening. Combined the brown sugar with some maple syrup for the glaze, how Canadian is that eh? All I can say is wowza! I'll definitely be making trout that way again! Thanks for inspiring me to change it up. I was careful not to overcook, also gave them a 2nd shot of the glaze during cooking.

    Since I don't have a smoker I filled an aluminum tray with wood & covered that with foil. Holes punched in both the tray & foil usually results in some smoke! I have the burner going under the aluminum tray & the fish on the other side, burner off, so indirect heat & smoke.

    One of the Brookies had flesh a bit on the orange side rather than the red of the remainder. The rainbow is at the front of the tray in the photo.

    … and there was smoke!

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