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Thread: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    Those of you that have been hunting BC for your entire life, what is the furthest west you have seen or even heard reports of blacktail sightings ??

    Now unfortunately I don't have pictures like caddisguy, but I do have a question..

    Would it be at all possible for a blacktail buck to be in region 3? So far to the point that it's damn near in region 8?

    My self and my hunting buddy were out in our usual stomping grounds trying to pull bear number 8 out of there to keep helping the local moose! We see tonnes of mule deer there on a every outing basis and white tail almost as frequently... But today, mid afternoon in a wide open field what do I see? A rump of a deer, that looked nothing like a mule deer (not nearly enough white on the rump, and and the black on the tail was almost jet black and ran the entirety of the tail pretty much top to bottom)

    Now I log alot of time hunting here, and when I say alot I mean 5-6 days a week most of the season long, spring and fall and could probably start naming some of the deer and bear, but this one was unlike anything I've ever seen locally. Looks exactly like the deer I see when I camp along the sea to sky highway though...

    I'm sure there is an explanation.

    Also not a single bear sighted tonight, but besides this strange deer we also got to enjoy seeing a bobcat perched at the side of the road not a care that we were there and also the coolest thing I've yet to witness hunting... What started as just glassing a nice coyote cruising up a hillside ended up turning into us watching 7-8 mule deer doe chase and try to stomp on the coyote.. obviously he was trying to sneak into their fawning grounds, a damn shame that coyote isn't open or we could have lent a hand.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    I've seen a few WT's with jet black tails (I think there's one in the video I posted?)

    I have no idea what could happen when it comes to BT / Muley genetics mixing and whether or not some BT traits could pop up in MD's perhaps generations later. My understanding is that MD's are a BT/WT hybrid to begin with. I imagine some BT traits pop up randomly once in a while all across 3 and 8. Not sure if I'd call them BT's, but who knows. Tight rack pointing inward AND black stripe all the way up the tail and I'd say there's some dominant genetics there.... too early in the season to see racks like that though. I believe someone posted a VERY BT dominant deer a year or two ago taken somewhere deep in 3 or 8, way the heck away from the coast. I think genes exist in muleys and traits pop up once in a while.

    Definitely some BT genetics in Region 3. Boston Bar (BT dominant there from what I have seen first hand) and Princeton wouldn't surprise me (I have not hunted around Princeton though so 100% guessing based on proximity there)

    In summary: I am clueless LOL

    Very cool about the bobcat and the MD's going after the yote.
    Last edited by caddisguy; 05-25-2019 at 09:30 PM.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    Parts of region 3 were mainly BT in the past and are now MD and MD/BT hybrids. I have not seen a true BT in region 3 since I was a kid

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    the road from lytton to lilouete i have seen mule deer blacktail and whitetail in the same trip.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    Quote Originally Posted by walks with deer View Post
    the road from lytton to lilouete i have seen mule deer blacktail and whitetail in the same trip.
    Not really a far stretch of the imagination that one would make it's way over here. Now probably going to breed some mulie does since I doubt he's going to find more black tails.

    Neat what you learn.. never a dull moment our there !

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    See blacktails on the southern tips of 3-14 and 3-15 regularly

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Sunshine Coast

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    Quite a few years a go we took two mature 4pt. bucks and two does from 3-14 and they were all BT.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: WT in region 2? How about BT in region 3??

    I have taken a full blooded muley and blacktails X in Hope. The Cascades are the mixing pot for alot of animal populations. Last week on Mt. Baldy (east of Osoyoos) I saw a what turned out to be a whitetail doe, with but had a fully black tail. Saw that clear as day as it turned and bounced away.

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