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Thread: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.


    I agree with most of what you say my problem was that if the BHA are in bed with Anti organisations sooner or later there will be a conflict of interest and then which side do they choose and all the effort put in by hunters & fishermen will be of no benefit to them.

    Maybe we should start our own organisation with a mandate created by Hunters & fishermen for hunters and fishermen and this organisation should include members from all interested groups including guides & First Nations.


  2. #102
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    Quote Originally Posted by BriarPatch View Post

    I agree with most of what you say my problem was that if the BHA are in bed with Anti organisations sooner or later there will be a conflict of interest and then which side do they choose and all the effort put in by hunters & fishermen will be of no benefit to them.

    Maybe we should start our own organisation with a mandate created by Hunters & fishermen for hunters and fishermen and this organisation should include members from all interested groups including guides & First Nations.

    Well, read my first few comments about the Provincial activities. Right now, we're ALL in bed together. Everyone. With one objective, more animals on the land.

    Of course, as we gain more riches, more people will split off and advocate for their position. Ranchers will be first, they don't want animals eating their cattle's food. ICBC will be next, wildlife / vehicle collisions are going up.

    To your comment about the opportunity to hunt. In my opinion, we must ensure Government set 'huntable populations' as an objective. And we must have numbers.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.


    Keep up the good work!
    You are, in my opinion, one of the best "watchdogs" we have in the Province, and I really appreciate that.

    To everyone, I just want to add this:
    There are lots of characters on this site, and to me, they are all important.
    I know some wanted to see guys like Fisherdude out of here.
    Then there a folks like Bownut (that I don't agree with on direction etc)
    And lots of folks in between.
    We don't have to agree with everyone.
    But it's good to see their point of view, their direction.
    We have members from BCWF, WSS etc.
    Ranchers, Guides and Trappers.
    And we have just us regular Residents who hunt.
    I can honestly say, I have no issues with different opinions, nor do I want them gone.
    But, I feel comfortable disagreeing with people I know have the heart of a hunter inside.
    May not eye to eye, but be assured they all care about hunting and its future.

    That being said, there are a few on here that I don't feel comfortable with, as I don't think they have that passion, at all!
    It's those folks on here that concern me, and why I can never see working with the Anti's.
    We would hit a wall.
    If it has no effect on hunting, and is a betterment to wildlife and the environment, I am all for whoever that is that runs it.
    But where hunting is concerned, I am sticking only with my comrades.
    I trust them, regardless of opinion.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrispryn View Post
    Do a quick google search fellas. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.

    Non profit organisation originated in US where they are battling the public land issues.
    BC opened a chapter in 2014 in the Kootenays. They are working with local local organizations, guides and first nations out there.

    Region 2 ( the burnaby meeting ) only got rolling in Feb of 2018 with 12 guys having a beer. Now the room is full of eager and willing to contribute outdoors people.

    Obviously BC doesnt have the public land issue in the same way that the US does but we sure have our own issues.

    Come down, have a beer, see what you think.

    January 31st
    7 - 9 PM
    Burnaby Rugby Club
    Also interested for region 8. Some key questions that someone might have answers to.
    Since being US based organization do hunters and anglers receive the representation we need with regards to ministries and politics? Money spent on dues and donations plus money from fund raising campaigns.... does this money stay in BC or does a % go back to mother ship?

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    If anyone is interested in what BHA is about and they like listening to podcasts then check out the latest episode of BHA podcast and blast. It's mostly about the US side of the boarder, but it gets the philosophy of the organization across well. Give it a listen.
    Last edited by Greenthumbed; 01-27-2019 at 04:48 PM.
    "A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children." John James Audubon

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    Hi BriarPatch. Until reading these posts, I had not heard of the PEWs foundation. From a quick scan through Google and what I can see, they are not against hunting or fishing, but support it and openly acknowledge the financial benefit and contribution to conservation that we provide. They certainly seem to sponsor and promote conservation and healthy wildlife and habitat, but work against the procuring of species that are in a threatened state.
    Would you be able to share your perspectives? I can appreciate that PEWs may have affiliations with groups that may be antihunting, but I don't necessarily see how that would equate PEWs to be anithunting. If the argument is made to say that a hunting group who receives money from a foundation that has also donated to a nonhunting, or some form of antihunting group, is likely to have the antihunting group's ideals forced on them, couldn't one also say there is just as much chance the the ideals of the hunting group could be forced on the antihunting group? (Sorry about the wordiness).
    Hopefully what I am trying to ask/say makes sense.
    Also, on your questions you have for BHA, I am in the process currently of trying to filter what I can find of the unanswered questions in this forum to the BC BHA lead for some clarification.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    your post makes perfect sense.
    "A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children." John James Audubon

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.

    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.


    A few years ago I was a member of a fishing club, we all saw the numbers of fish declining and knew the reasons why. Basically it does not take a genius to figure out that any ecosystem can only support a certain number of predators and a prime factor in any ecosystem is the availability of food further down the chain, if there are no bait fish the predators are not there. A Representative from the PEW foundation who claimed to be a fisherman came & spoke at a meeting about some reports that they had obtained, these reports were dubious at best (if you have enough money you can get a scientist to say anything I come from a family of scientists so I know how this works). The representative assured us that they were not in favour of outright closures just some bag limits or catch & release which seemed ok, a few months later despite what fishermen, guides and everybody else thought a total closure was imposed based on the science provided by the PEW report and with their full support and lobbying. The ban lasted for a couple of years and had no effect on fish populations, eventually it was repealed after much legal argument and real scientific evidence was provided to show that that it was a bait fish problem. As a result of the real science a total ban was placed on Shad fishing. Shad are an important food source for predators but they also have value in the cosmetic & other industries due to their oil content, huge boats were using vacuum fishing and literally sucking every Shad from the ocean which meant there was no food source and hence no predators.

    Within 2 years of the closure being lifted and the ban on Shad fishing taking effect the bait fish were back followed by the predators, I personally had the pleasure of witnessing a school of bait fish approx. 500m wide and at least 2 km. long x about 10m deep. A single throw of an 8' cast net caught so many fish that we could not lift it back aboard. We also got to watch the predators working the shoal and the larger predators working the smaller predators who had now become prey right up to the sharks preying on the king fish etc. This was a truly remarkable experience. Unfortunately the original total closure of the fishing based on dubious science resulted in the permanent closure of fishing stores, boat dealerships and guide operations and other businesses some of whom were good friends of mine.

    The PEW foundation at the time said they were not against hunting or fishing but from their actions they acted otherwise. They lobbied for outright closures and bans on culls etc. in other areas based on opinions from people affiliated with the PEW foundation and although they may claim that they support hunting & fishing they do not. They are a powerful democratic lobbyist organisation who in no way support hunting or fishing. When I last looked them up a few years ago the profiles of a large number of their executives, affiliates and supporters were openly against culls and anti hunting, fishing & firearms.

    I agree that everyone needs to work together for a common goal BUT I am concerned that when working with organisations like the PEW Foundation who are rich and powerful, they can exert pressure when push comes to shove and since the interests of hunters do not align with their own and their supporters views they will simply be pushed to the side and forgotten.

    This will the leave hunters who have allied themselves with an organisation and done much of the work in a no win position where whatever they do or say they will look bad!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Bc backcountry hunter angler assoc.


    The statement "against the procuring of species that are in a threatened state" is very open ended and could be interpreted in many ways by different people.

    With regard to forcing hunting ideals on some of these rabid antis good luck with that, most hunters would a least try a vegan dish, try getting a vegan to sample a dish containing even an egg and let me know how that goes.

    There is no compromise they live in a sheltered world where the Police or someone else will come & look after them. They believe all hunting, fishing or even eating meat is morally wrong. My daughters teacher who openly projects her vegan, left wing views onto young impressionable children was offended by my daughters shirt which said "Some girls wear bows real girls shoot them"

    Good luck getting any agreement from people like that
    Last edited by BriarPatch; 02-01-2019 at 08:55 PM.

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