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Thread: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservation?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservation?

    As the titles states:

    I recall at one point in time, there was movement at getting the provincial government
    to make changes and us hunters seeing all of our money we spend on tags etc, go back
    100% into the Conservation Fund (or whatever, just not general revenue).

    Just wondering what is happening on that front? (maybe I missed the changes??)
    And yes, even with 100% going back in, it won't be enough.
    Any update would be appreciated, thanks.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    A fishin we will go....a fishin we will go,
    Hi ho the merry oh,
    a fishin we will go.
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    I wasn't asking the BCWF in the context of it being a failure.
    I don't blame them for any of this.
    Just wondering where things are in regards to the money going back in 100%.
    I thought there was some movement coming in that direction.
    And I believe BCWF was doing there best to make sure the government was following.
    Just haven't heard any news on that front, and if anyone has heard anything?
    (again, no bcwf bashing on my part at all)

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    So, first you actually have to know where the money is going. Is the Fish and Wildlife budget smaller tha license revenue? Is non-hunting conservation supported by general revenue?
    How about habitat protection and enforcement costs?
    If you cannot lay out a table of all the costs and revenue sources you do not have an argument to put forward.
    You should be advocating for a budget much larger than license revenue.
    Advertising "supernatural BC" as a tourist slogan is fraud if there is no real substantial investment in the wildlife and habitat of BC.
    History tells me there has been a whole lot of extraction from BC's natural resources with little reinvestment.

  6. #5
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    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    Quote Originally Posted by saskbooknut View Post
    So, first you actually have to know where the money is going. Is the Fish and Wildlife budget smaller tha license revenue? Is non-hunting conservation supported by general revenue?
    How about habitat protection and enforcement costs?
    If you cannot lay out a table of all the costs and revenue sources you do not have an argument to put forward.
    You should be advocating for a budget much larger than license revenue.
    Advertising "supernatural BC" as a tourist slogan is fraud if there is no real substantial investment in the wildlife and habitat of BC.
    History tells me there has been a whole lot of extraction from BC's natural resources with little reinvestment.
    Hey, absolutely right, but that's getting deeper into finding "more funding" for conservation fund etc.
    I am just asking about what kind of movement has occurred with redirecting 100% of our hunting tags etc into that fund
    and not just 10%, while the rest goes to general revenue (which is a crime right there and always was!).
    BCWF as well as other was "pushing" for the government to do that, but that was around the time of our elections.
    At the time, I heard that things were going to change for the positive, thru BCWF.
    However, I haven't heard a thing.
    Odd, when you consider the fact that this site is really the biggest BC hunters Site around.
    (I get FB etc is faster, real time etc, but for longer, deeper discussions, this site rules)

    I am getting concerned as to "whats going on BCWF", inside you Org? (just very quiet these days, imo)
    And honestly, that isn't just coming from me!
    There are quite a few folks wondering whats going on in there as well.
    I think there are a lot of "potential members" hoping BCWF turns around.
    But there seems to be a real disconnect going on right now.
    More folks are feeling connected to the WSS, and imo, rightfully so!.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    okay, guess I will help out here, as I cant remember if I seen this link.
    maybe other can sign the petition as well.

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    British Columbia, Canada

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    In regards to revenues, my understanding is that money is already flowing back in:

    I reached out to my contact to see if there was anything formal regarding the tag/licence revenue and there is nothing right now.
    He pointed me towards this page:

    Through the links I found this. Might be of interest to some folks.

    Phase Two Engagement Progress Update – What We Heard and What is Next

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    Thanks dapesche.
    Going to the BCWF main page, the petition I posted link on previous post is a part of the main page.
    So, sent off 40 emails to friends, both hunters and non hunters.
    So far, many of the non hunters have signed the petition

  10. #9
    Join Date
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    British Columbia, Canada

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati


    I have been talking to a lot of folks about hunting in my town. I haven't spoken to one person who has been against it.

    A lot of people understand why we hunt and see the positives in it. Others had never understood hunting but now are totally into it because of partners being hunters.

    Joe Rogan was the reason someone I know wants to get into hunting. I have friends whose wives are encouraging to get into hunting.

    Guess what I'd say to everyone is to speak to as many people about it as possible. If you're passionate about people will respect that and they understand why you do it (healthy adventures with friends and your kill what you eat).

    Hopefully we can hush the squeaky wheels that are dictating our provincial policies.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BCWF-What is happening in regards to hunting Fees going 100% back inti Conservati

    Quote Originally Posted by dapesche View Post

    I have been talking to a lot of folks about hunting in my town. I haven't spoken to one person who has been against it.

    A lot of people understand why we hunt and see the positives in it. Others had never understood hunting but now are totally into it because of partners being hunters.

    Joe Rogan was the reason someone I know wants to get into hunting. I have friends whose wives are encouraging to get into hunting.

    Guess what I'd say to everyone is to speak to as many people about it as possible. If you're passionate about people will respect that and they understand why you do it (healthy adventures with friends and your kill what you eat).

    Hopefully we can hush the squeaky wheels that are dictating our provincial policies.

    This I agree with and have done this for years.

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