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Thread: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Kamloops, BC

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway View Post
    Bud, show me a natural source that congregates deer like a truck bed full of carrots. There’s nothing that calorie dense in nature. If there was there would be no need to bait.
    You must not have any alf-alfa fields around you. Any field here has minimum 20+ deer in it.

    You obviously haven't tried baiting either, maybe other areas are different, but where I've tried, you're unlikely to get more than 2 or 3 deer come through at the same time and usually it's just individual deer and usually the same dozen or so deer over the whole year. There aren't hordes of them coming out left right and centre and they do not seem to go out of their way to come to bait so you're not pulling them from all over the country side.

    I have had 3 stands/cameras setup within 200 yards of each other and each cam has different deer, none of them overlap or wander to the other stands, so the deer obviously only use the same trail time and time again. Even when the bait ran out, they never went to either of the other 2 stands. There is so much natural food out there its basically if they happen to wonder across it they will eat it, otherwise they don't go out of their way. In the interior here some areas water can be more scarce than food at times so I imagine some small water holes that last through the 40degree heat of summer would have substantially more deer visiting than a random bait pile. Even the neighbours hay barns seem to have more deer at them.

    If they can prove that CWD transmission by bait piles is a substantial risk compared to agriculture and water holes etc then by all means I'll stand behind a ban, but if we are talking about something that accounts for less than 1% of all the other means of transmission, then there's absolutely no point. As I said previously, they need more research/info.
    Last edited by russm86; 01-23-2019 at 12:19 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    The reality of it is measures to prevent CWD reaching BC is the only real concern BC has at this time. BCs present restrictions on what is brought into BC from out of province hunts is wise. Creating a plan to combat CWD from taking hold in BC should be considered because it is spreading west and bait bans along with culls are not stopping the spread

    Supporting Alberta/Saskatchewan in finding away to end CWD or at least stop the spread would be wise. Presently many are probably thinking it’s not BCs problem or we will deal with it when it gets here.

    Those freaking out about bait in BC because of CWDs you’re efforts would be way more effective put towards trying to prevent CWD ever reaching BCs ungulates. Bait ban is not going to do it Alberta has had one for a long time and CWD is still spreading

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Grew up in Southern Ontario. Well familiar with baiting and ag fields full of deer. A whole field doesn’t compare to a 10 x 10 patch at the end of a shooting lane. Also it’s not one time congregation it lives in the soil. 5 infected deer out of a 100 across an acre is a lot different than 5 infected deer on a bait pile. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re right but baiting is a weird cross to want to die on. I’m not talking legislation making baiting illegal I’m just saying maybe educating hunters in the Kootenays and Peace that baiting COULD have POTENTIAL adverse impact. Is that fair enough bro?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway View Post
    Grew up in Southern Ontario. Well familiar with baiting and ag fields full of deer. A whole field doesn’t compare to a 10 x 10 patch at the end of a shooting lane. Also it’s not one time congregation it lives in the soil. 5 infected deer out of a 100 across an acre is a lot different than 5 infected deer on a bait pile. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re right but baiting is a weird cross to want to die on. I’m not talking legislation making baiting illegal I’m just saying maybe educating hunters in the Kootenays and Peace that baiting COULD have POTENTIAL adverse impact. Is that fair enough bro?
    I don’t bait or could careless if it’s legal or not but I do know for a fact a ban on baiting has done nothing to stop CWD from spreading

    So ask your self this is it worth dwelling over baiting in BC where there is no CWD or is it worth pushing for effort into researching options to prevent CWD from reaching BC?

    Like I said baiting has been illegal in Alberta for along time and CWD is still spreading west towards BC so do you think a bait ban in BC will stop CWD if it reaches BC?

    Personally I don’t like wasting effort into ineffective precautions when it could be focused in a more effective manner that is more likely to be supported by all.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Is this thread about recipies for CWD?

    Nice move HBC....

    Trail cam discussion goes to Gear....
    Should I be looking for BCWF announcements in the Bugs and Glitches forum?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Finally, something that associates this thread to the Recipe forum.

    Prions "killed by bleach".

    Bambi and Bleach Broth.
    Two pounds CWD positive venison.
    A gallon of 40% bleach.

    Put bleach and venison in a pot and simmer for a while.
    Keep the overhead fan on.
    Pour the broth into a separate bowl.
    Send the remaining venison to gov.bc for disposal.

    Enjoy your CWD free meal.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Bleach does not destroy prions in tissue. Read the article. This is important.
    Bleach only destroyed residual prions with no tissue on tools and equipment.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Read the recipe. This is important.
    Throw out the meat.... drink the bleach.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    I'm not one for lame humour in a deadly serious topic.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: The CWD epidemic is still growing...

    Quote Originally Posted by saskbooknut View Post
    I'm not one for lame humour in a deadly serious topic.
    This is the Recipe forum.

    This thread finally includes a recipe for CWD.

    Lear about Dark humor, it may be enlightening.

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