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Thread: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    It's called Class Action Lawsuit.
    And BOTH governments involved are very very vulnerable under what is being proposed here.
    A class action suit is a possibility (and likelihood), but there will be individual suits before it gets to the class action stage. It usually takes a number of separate suits being joined as one to form the “class”, but given the enormity of what is potentially going to be taking place, I’m sure the vultures will begin circling and enrolling stakeholders into a class very quickly after the signing of any final agreement.

    I would hope BCWF would be having conversations with their counsel about forming a class in the event that this agreement is ratified. Given the generally negative sentiment towards BCWF on here, I’m sure most of you will be thinking they are not on it as of yet. For those of us that are members (through clubs or necessity), it would be a good idea to send them a message outlining our concerns. The more members that bring it up, the more likely they are to put some resources into this issue. We may not all love the BCWF, but they are by far the biggest voice we have.

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    Langley & Magna Bay

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    Why isn’t this hitting air time?
    I like drinking beer and whiskey, shooting guns, jetboating, love a nice rack and a tight line, I am simply a sophisticated redneck...

  3. #73
    Join Date
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    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    No on air just smoke in thee air hahaha just yokin, Smoke Signals people, let's see thru the smoke, it's no joke but we gotta go thru the haze, the maze, the craze, the blaze, b4 we see the heavy smoke in thee air folks.
    Jelly - Smoke Signals -- Bo Jangles - Burton Cummings, Linda Lovelace, Betty Grable, Janice Joplin, Elvis, Fabian, Bert Reynolds, Eva Gabore, Solly Mon!

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Horsefly BC

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    If I'd have known this was going on I would never have renovated my place.
    This is going to put the chiefs income up to $400000 a year now. Being self governed. Councillors will be $300000. Do politicians even care about the people who's taxes pay for all this money they throw around. 4.2 million to the fn for signing this agreement.
    This is a sad day for people of BC. You know this will turn into a shit storm.
    The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money.
    The worst day slinging lead is still better than the best day working.
    Look around is there someone you can introduce to shooting because that’s the only way we will buck the anti gun trend sweeping Canada! "tigrr 2006"

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    North Cariboo

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    Quote Originally Posted by browningboy View Post
    Why isn’t this hitting air time?
    Very good question. The potential public backlash could de-rail the whole process I guess. I remember hearing years ago that the entire province of B.C. is still un-ceded Native land. Right now the urban populations aren't concearned because they don't believe they are also vulnerable or most aren't even aware what's happening. Give it time. What we are seeing in the Cariboo District now is just the "thin edge of the wedge."

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    It's a new generation folks, the young people teenagers up to the eldest -- have changed the way things are done, from the 60's to the 2018 we got high tech and the cell phones, cut, paste, and still got human haste, in a hurry, like a flurry of Whisky Jacks being hairy assed by a Raven for mis bee haven and steelin the chunk of meat under his feet.
    Jel -- we gotta stand our ground -- S. tand Y. our G.round -- SYG -- on your own two feet as they hit the Tranquille street -- The Rockumeet
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-25-2018 at 07:35 AM. Reason: TAKE A STAND -- for the weak

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    Quote Originally Posted by Max Ranger View Post
    Very good question. The potential public backlash could de-rail the whole process I guess. I remember hearing years ago that the entire province of B.C. is still un-ceded Native land. Right now the urban populations aren't concearned because they don't believe they are also vulnerable or most aren't even aware what's happening. Give it time. What we are seeing in the Cariboo District now is just the "thin edge of the wedge."

    The review is part of a “colonial audit” that will cover lands including Stanley Park, Spanish Banks and other beach areas around the city.

    Stuart Mackinnon, the chair of the park board, said such lands had been used for thousands of years for food gathering and for settlements. And taking Stanley Park as an example, when that land was declared a park, the people who lived there were forced out.

    “We have a colonial history, and that is we imposed our view on them. We have not sought the expertise or the wisdom of the First Nations people who have been here for millenia,” he said.

    “In the Truth and Reconciliation process, truth-telling is the first step. And so we must go back and look at our history. From truth telling we can move on to healing and truly to reconciliation.”

    The audit, approved by the board earlier this week, will document ways in which colonialism was and is embedded in park board operations, according to a staff report. The identification of meaningful next steps would be possible after the audit was complete, according to the report. No end date was set.

    Mackinnon suggested one option going forward could be to co-name, re-name or use traditional place names for areas now managed by park board. But re-naming places is not enough, he said.

    “The United Nations and the federal government have established that Vancouver sits on unceded territory. Unceded means it was not conquered in war, signed away in treaty or given away,” Mackinnon said. “This has serious ramifications for the city and especially the park board.”

    Asked whether reconciliation could open the door to land like Stanley Park reverting to First Nations control, Mackinnon said that was “a question for governments much higher than the park board.”

    The Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh nations did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    B.C. should be renamed to reflect indigenous ownership

    Yup... the far lefties love it. I believe they are using "unceded" and FN as the tip of the axe to chop at the roots of western civilization, they dont like it. Want to replace it, save the world from climate change. Can't do that under "western, cis white, patriarchal, christian, capitalist society" will never happen. Capitalism and nationalistic citizens are a threat to the world, Socialism and "global citizens" will save us all they think.

    Certain branches in the Universities even started referring to Canadian citizens as "Settlers" and "Settler colonial society" "travelers"

    A traveller that passes through. A home that one leaves or returns to. A haunting. Unsettled Sites is a group exhibition that slips amongst the complex entanglements of belonging and refusal from both settler and Indigenous perspectives. The works disturb the ubiquity of settler colonialism

    This seminar explores the role of culture in anti-colonial movements, with special attention to settler colonialism in Canada.
    Explores diverse Indigenous perspectives on governance, resource, land and water management, intergovernmental relations and economic development in the context of contemporary settler colonialism in Canada. Skills include critical thinking, anti-colonial, economic, political and policy analyses. Students with credit for REM 407 may not take this course for further credit.

    This course examines a variety of Indigenous perspectives, priorities and complications with respect to governance, and resource, land and water management in British Columbia. We begin with an exploration of Indigenous worldviews, values and principles, especially as they relate to “resources,” and matters of kinship, responsibility, respect, and reciprocity. We will then seek to understand intergovernmental relations within the context of settler colonialism and neoliberal capitalism. Students will receive an introduction into the complex issues and difficult decisions faced by Indigenous peoples, including diversity and divergence of values and principles, economic and community development pressures, poverty, settler colonialism and the ongoing struggles for Indigenous self-determination.

    By the end of the course students will have gained:
    1. An understanding of various Indigenous perspectives on resource and environmental management issues in BC.
    2. A basic understanding of Indigenous governance institutions, community priorities and complications.
    3. Critical thinking skills, especially from Indigenous, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist perspectives.
    4. To cultivate and nurture empathy, solidarity and allyship with Indigenous communities with respect to their struggles for self-determination and resource relationships.
    Tip of the day: Whenever you hear "NeoLiberal capitalism" Chances are you are dealing with far left Marxists. When they say "critical thinking" im guessing its more like critical theory (a branch of marxist philosophy from the frankfurt school)

    Decolonizing Teaching: An Integrated Seminar Series and Grants Program

    In the last two years, the Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines (ISTLD) has received an increasing number of applications to its Teaching and Learning Development Grants program for projects that incorporate Indigenous topics, issues, perspectives or ways of knowing into SFU courses. In response to this trend and the caution from SFU’s Aboriginal community, “Nothing about us, without us”, the ISTLD announces a pilot offering of Decolonizing Teaching: An Integrated Seminar Series and Grants Program, funded by SFU's Vice-President, Academic.

    Through this seminar series we hope to avoid the concerns expressed by the Aboriginal Reconciliation Council, Decolonizing curricula and incorporating Indigenous knowledge may be difficult for non-Indigenous faculty, and well intentioned but misguided efforts may in fact cause harm” (p. 6, ARC executive summary).

    Participants will:

    Gain critical background knowledge related to the process of decolonizing teaching
    Craft a project proposal for implementing and evaluating the changes they wish to make to their teaching
    Receive feedback from fellow seminar participants and facilitators on their designs
    Receive up to $6000 to support their design and evaluation work
    Receive support finding research assistants to help them with their design and evaluation work
    Receive on-going administrative, curricular and research support from the ISTLD team throughout the implementation of their projects
    People are also pushing things like decolonizing Canada boardgames for grade school kids in the public school system "In the spirit of helping to decolonize Canada"

    This is on simon fraser university website... upside down canada flag, home ON native land.

    Decolonize Canada 101. unsettle Canada 101 folks.

    Thank the Universities.

    Last edited by Sirloin; 07-25-2018 at 08:30 AM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    At first I thought this was a joke, or I guess wanted to believe it was. I really can’t even believe this. So if this gets finalized and finished, all the crown land in that area in the caribou is now under the control of 2,600 NStQ First Nations? They are to govern all of that land? And we need to ask for access or permission to hunt? I have quickly scanned the documents , but does someone have more info on what kind of game management they plan to implement? Or are we (tax payers) going to be footing the bill for that? Do they get a cut of the habitat trust foundation? How is this even going to work? I really feel bad for the people who are living in the caribou right now.
    Keep everyone informed of anything that needs attention. Polls, GoFundMes for lawsuits , etc. I’ve already sent emails to Scott Fraser of the Provincial NDP and Carolyn from the feds.
    Is there any media outlet that would do a story on this from a BC residents pint of view ?

  9. #79
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirloin View Post
    No. we must follow our hunting regulations AND theirs it says. Who knows what theirs are or what they will change them to in the future. They would have the power to freeze us out entirely and with other bands recent claims of shutting down all LEH moose hunts in their area, i dont like those odds.
    and their laws will certainly be two tiered - one set for themselves and another for non-indians.

    ... so we are cutting off government funding to them? They are going to be self sustaining now?

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: NStQ First Nations, B.C., Canada advance to final treaty negotiations

    The INDIANs are SOLELY dependant on the Whitey TAX payers MONEY GIVEN to them ! Remember THAT ! Our HERO leader JT will give them all they want ! jmo RJ

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