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Thread: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fishtrap

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fishtrap

    -- We're going in inch by inch -- From Kamloops Nor Shore on the Westsyde Road all the way to Petersen Creek, Mt McGregor,Gorman lake.
    Hunting from Kammy to Gorman Lake Road to Mt Hagen etc. ---> " look at Chances Gaming Entertainment address, 1250 Halston Kamloops ph 250 -554 - 1030 "
    --This is where we can center out from either way, over the Halston Bridge to get on Hwy 5, Yellowhead to get to Skull - or drive up Westsyde Rd --
    Jel -- Management Unit 3-28 -- is great for mule deer of the bigger kind, nice racks and good meat for pepperoni especially mmm gah hood --
    ------------Big Mule bucks with record size antlers can be seen - PRECISION OPTICS would work wonders at Skull <----------you can see a far distance
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-11-2018 at 11:59 AM. Reason: MULE DEER are thee perfect wild animal in the world

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    =-//--> " Ok hunters of the mule deer bucks, the only hunting we can really call hunting hahahaha, well anyone who loves the muley bucks antlers and meat.
    We all want a nice rack, a " Hat Rack " we can hang the hats on. "
    Now that the MU 3-28 is back on track with the newly changed rules for atv's for hunting use during GOS mule deer season, now is a no no, so the still hunting is back.
    --> This change plus thee one mule buck only or a leh doe, either one not both.
    Mu 3-28 is a beyond world class mule deer buck hunting area, for hunters who like to walk slowly along a ridge searching and looking and listening for the big buck.
    --> Thee m.u. 3 - 28 has enough hunting area with top notch mule deer habitat to make a lifetime spot out of it, in many diverse one day hunting spots, touching each other.
    Jel -- this Skull Mt spot is the one we are going to examine and learn where to spend that one day and get a chance at Mr.Big. this season 2018 and
    ---------> Celebrate together the B.C. Ministry's excellent decision, by hiking around in a planned way and get that nice typical four point or non-typical 8 point.
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-11-2018 at 12:05 PM. Reason: Skull Mountain thee Muley Buck Fountain

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    =-//----------> " I don't expect any hunter or member to add a post even, cuz I'm basically doing this out of experience and have seen for myself. " <---------//-=

    - You can read my stuff on this MU 3-28 Big Buck Mule thread all you want, and need hahahaha, mule bucks get me going hahaha, and you too I understand.

    -- Make sure you read my Buck Fever thread, I'll bump it hahaha, you might need it. Have you seen a record mule buck up by Camp Nine? Let's figure it out.
    Jel -- here's some home work for us, a ruler, a pencil and look up MU 3-28 in your Backroad Mapbook - Thompson Rivers -- Outdoor Recreation Guide --
    -----for a start look up MU 3-28 from Kamloops and go up Westsyde Road north to Fishtrap Creek and you see Skull Mt. and check out this spot on your best map.
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-05-2018 at 06:11 PM. Reason: Skull Mountain thee Muley Buck Fountain

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
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    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    I can agree with you on this jel. The Kamloops area is great for deer hunting. Yes it gets lots of pressure but getting off the roads is key and there is plenty of land to hide big bucks in. There are even some nice 4 points low down where you would never except them so don’t over look the early km marks on a lot of the local roads. Have shot a couple deer in the first 10km

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    Steelpulse, Kamloops is top shelf for mule deer hunting, getting off the road is key, and like your saying plenty of land that big mule bucks are hiding in.
    Down low by the valley bottom and just up a few hundred feet off the Westsyde Road in certain spots can be rewarding.
    From Kamloops out on the Westsyde road from the very start and out a few K and the hunting gets real good, no doubt about that especially a walker type.
    =-//---> Something to work on a bit, and not overdoing it, is getting your legs and hips moving getting ready to hike a little, and not steep or rocky if you choose.
    We got 57 days til Sept 1, so just a reminder to maybe stationary bike a bit. Or go for a walk after or before work. No need to join a gym or lift weights.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    Thanks jelly, I appreciate you pulling the heat off my honey holes in 3-13 haha

    Always a wealth of information !!

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    -- > Hi everyone who digs big racked four point typical mule deer buck's racks. To me the mule deer buck has thee perfect design and shape and form that catches thee eye, if yah know whad I'm trying to say? Hahahahaha. I'm losin it.
    -- > From Kamloops stay on the west side of thee North Thompson River. The Westsyde Road is where we can start from Kamloops -- Mule Deer City --
    Jel -- In this spot we are looking at near Skull Mt and Goudreaux Mt there are huge non-typical mule deer bucks -- you can believe this no B.S. ----------- Non - Typs

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    =-// -- > I'm going to give you a hint of an option, when we hunt leaving Kamloops and we know we are going to Skull we can drive up Hwy 5, from Kamloops along the east side of the North Thompson. We go up The Yellowhead Number 5 and hit the turnoff to Skull at Barriere, check your map for the north end of Westsyde Road. Contest question? Below.
    Jel -- a fast way from Kammy in 60 km you look across the river and see Skull Mtn from Hwy 5 -- then next turn left ( west ) -- you can look at the map with a magnifier .. What is the correct name for that next turn left? --- next left?
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-11-2018 at 12:07 PM. Reason: HBC sticks together and helps hunters

  10. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    Wolsey Rd???
    You got me all worked up for huntin season. My Mulie spots haven't been so good.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: MU 3-28 Trophy Mule Deer Bucks - Skull Mt Rexford - Goudreaux - Camp Nine - Fish

    =-//---> Wolsey is thee answer ? No butt so close, we all were looking for and waserwolf sniffs out the Wolsey Road for a Toad folks! Remember that name Wolsey.
    Butt it's Petersen-Betts road turn left off Hwy 5 ( west ) off hwy 5. then drive up a k or so turn left on Wolsey Road.
    Go 3 miles up and check this spot up Wolsey for a walk --- imagine walks to discover and extend out to see what is there.
    - > Hunt between 3 to 6 km from the beginning of Wolsey, and about 2500 foot level and above.
    Jel -- just one spot to stalk n walk -- good all year but it is winter range and if snow is a foot deep here when hunting, the monster bucks are in here.
    --------- in this thread creeks in this MU 3-28 that we're doing here up Skull as you go in on Wolsey the creeks that cross, come out of ponds and lil lakes that mule deer hang out so you can always learn this spot hunting up a creek to the pond or lil lake like Camp Nine. Check Camp Nine Lake on your topo -- mules love this area
    Last edited by Jelvis; 07-11-2018 at 12:09 PM. Reason: MULE DEER are thee perfect wild animal in the world

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