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Thread: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    A little late from when he originally posted it but its still a good read.

    Steve Ecklund - Next Level Hunter

    January 14

    I actually haven’t said anything for some time on this but felt I needed to at this time.
    First off, the latest thing in this Edm journal is nothing more than paid propaganda from an anti hunting group, its more of a scare tactic than anything. Do not pay it much attention at all.

    For those of you that might be confused and most certainty frustrated with the recent shit storm of anti hunting attacks and media propaganda. My words of advice to all of you on this page are to stand together, hold the line proudly as outdoorsmen and women.
    I talked to a good friend today that guides and outfits and he’s scared to death seeing this crap in the papers and on the news and I don’t blame him!

    Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are constantly under attack and this is nothing new, right now it seems larger than life because many of us are involved one way or another.
    I am a fighter, simply, that is my stance and that will not change. I do believe that proper tactics, grace, common sense and even humour are key elements to winning any battle.

    I don’t have the right to tell anyone what they can and can’t do, should or shouldn’t say, write or post.....that’s an individual decision that each of you will have to make come the time.
    I get forwarded news articles every second day it seems, plastered with my photos! For the record, I have not given a single interview, not talked to a single reporter nor have I given “permission” to anyone to use my photos (images)......guess what....that doesn’t matter, they take whatever they want to create any story they need!!
    My point, I personally haven’t been in control of any of what has gone on since the get go, nor do I know what post will show up in tomorrow’s news feed!!

    I’ve been asked a few times to lay down and sweep this under the rug.....but I don’t actually even know what that means, other than maybe take my pictures down.....?(which won’t happen)
    If your wondering “WHY Steve Ecklund’s cat” well you’re in good company because I wonder that myself. For example do you guys remember my cat from two years ago in BC???? that’s what I wasn’t news then and it’s not news now!!........then what is it you ask,’s an anti hunting agenda fuelled politically and their timing is key.
    Now more than ever, we need to stand together. Pointing a finger, disrespectful jabs directed at fellow hunters, these are not moves in a positive fact, IT’S PART OF THE PROBLEM!!
    Love me, hate me.....I really don’t care at this point but for the sake of all hunters and the future of our hunting heritage you need to stand up as hunters, for hunters!

    “Trophy Hunting”......a term that makes me so mad!! It’s a term that allows non hunters to imagine the worst!! Heads cut off for the wall and carcasses left in ditches!! It’s the nastiest term in today’s hunting culture if you ask me! A hunters trophy is many things, the meat, the hunt, the place, the people, the call, the set up, the stalk, the shot, the skull, the hide, the rack, the memories, the photos.......etc!!!
    I hate that a guy like me gets reminded to tell people that I eat the meat.....I actually can’t even believe wasn’t long ago that if you stood in front of a crowd and announced that you would be eating all the meat from this kill... you would be looked at like you were from outer space🤔🤔

    Listen, we all have to understand that things are changing and changing quickly, I want more than anything, to believe that our right to hunt will be in place for many generations to come but if we don’t first and foremost stand up and support each other as sportsmen then ultimately unite, WE WILL LOSE!!.....FACT....we are out numbered now.....massively!! We need unity....rifle hunters, bow hunters, duck hunters......I don’t care what you’re niche is.......we need you! He’s a dork, she’s so nasty, he’s so full of himself......I don’t care, we need you, I need you, your hunting partner and best friend needs you!!
    ......I ask myself this question all the time....united can we win??......I answer that to myself the same way every time, (I simply don’t know)
    Here is what I do know, if we choose to do nothing we will die out, it may grab us a few more years but our culture will fade and be crushed with a simple stroke of a pen.

    The decisions you make as an individual right now are of the utmost importance. Whispers of not sharing your hunting photos with others, (a long standing tradition) can lead to next years decision to teach you’re children not to tell anyone at school that they are hunters, so on and so forth we slowly and quietly we will pound nails in our own coffins!
    Me, I’m going to fight.....I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose without one, I can promise you that.
    Join me in a fight that teaches today’s youth about our past, as they will hold the keys to the future, a fight that showcases our longstanding traditions, not only of hunting but trapping and fishing , anything outdoors.

    Fight passionately but fight with don’t have to be a scientist or a wildlife biologist to join this fight, you just need to understand what you’re fighting for because you have a right to be here, you have a reason, you belong here surrounded by fellow hunters and by god, YOU HAVE A VOICE!!
    #istandwithhunters Sportsmen's Alliance

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Nelson, BC

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Quote Originally Posted by DeepJeep View Post
    A little late from when he originally posted it but its still a good read.

    Steve Ecklund - Next Level Hunter

    January 14

    I actually haven’t said anything for some time on this but felt I needed to at this time.
    First off, the latest thing in this Edm journal is nothing more than paid propaganda from an anti hunting group, its more of a scare tactic than anything. Do not pay it much attention at all.

    For those of you that might be confused and most certainty frustrated with the recent shit storm of anti hunting attacks and media propaganda. My words of advice to all of you on this page are to stand together, hold the line proudly as outdoorsmen and women.
    I talked to a good friend today that guides and outfits and he’s scared to death seeing this crap in the papers and on the news and I don’t blame him!

    Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are constantly under attack and this is nothing new, right now it seems larger than life because many of us are involved one way or another.
    I am a fighter, simply, that is my stance and that will not change. I do believe that proper tactics, grace, common sense and even humour are key elements to winning any battle.

    I don’t have the right to tell anyone what they can and can’t do, should or shouldn’t say, write or post.....that’s an individual decision that each of you will have to make come the time.
    I get forwarded news articles every second day it seems, plastered with my photos! For the record, I have not given a single interview, not talked to a single reporter nor have I given “permission” to anyone to use my photos (images)......guess what....that doesn’t matter, they take whatever they want to create any story they need!!
    My point, I personally haven’t been in control of any of what has gone on since the get go, nor do I know what post will show up in tomorrow’s news feed!!

    I’ve been asked a few times to lay down and sweep this under the rug.....but I don’t actually even know what that means, other than maybe take my pictures down.....?(which won’t happen)
    If your wondering “WHY Steve Ecklund’s cat” well you’re in good company because I wonder that myself. For example do you guys remember my cat from two years ago in BC???? that’s what I wasn’t news then and it’s not news now!!........then what is it you ask,’s an anti hunting agenda fuelled politically and their timing is key.
    Now more than ever, we need to stand together. Pointing a finger, disrespectful jabs directed at fellow hunters, these are not moves in a positive fact, IT’S PART OF THE PROBLEM!!
    Love me, hate me.....I really don’t care at this point but for the sake of all hunters and the future of our hunting heritage you need to stand up as hunters, for hunters!

    “Trophy Hunting”......a term that makes me so mad!! It’s a term that allows non hunters to imagine the worst!! Heads cut off for the wall and carcasses left in ditches!! It’s the nastiest term in today’s hunting culture if you ask me! A hunters trophy is many things, the meat, the hunt, the place, the people, the call, the set up, the stalk, the shot, the skull, the hide, the rack, the memories, the photos.......etc!!!
    I hate that a guy like me gets reminded to tell people that I eat the meat.....I actually can’t even believe wasn’t long ago that if you stood in front of a crowd and announced that you would be eating all the meat from this kill... you would be looked at like you were from outer space樂樂

    Listen, we all have to understand that things are changing and changing quickly, I want more than anything, to believe that our right to hunt will be in place for many generations to come but if we don’t first and foremost stand up and support each other as sportsmen then ultimately unite, WE WILL LOSE!!.....FACT....we are out numbered now.....massively!! We need unity....rifle hunters, bow hunters, duck hunters......I don’t care what you’re niche is.......we need you! He’s a dork, she’s so nasty, he’s so full of himself......I don’t care, we need you, I need you, your hunting partner and best friend needs you!!
    ......I ask myself this question all the time....united can we win??......I answer that to myself the same way every time, (I simply don’t know)
    Here is what I do know, if we choose to do nothing we will die out, it may grab us a few more years but our culture will fade and be crushed with a simple stroke of a pen.

    The decisions you make as an individual right now are of the utmost importance. Whispers of not sharing your hunting photos with others, (a long standing tradition) can lead to next years decision to teach you’re children not to tell anyone at school that they are hunters, so on and so forth we slowly and quietly we will pound nails in our own coffins!
    Me, I’m going to fight.....I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose without one, I can promise you that.
    Join me in a fight that teaches today’s youth about our past, as they will hold the keys to the future, a fight that showcases our longstanding traditions, not only of hunting but trapping and fishing , anything outdoors.

    Fight passionately but fight with don’t have to be a scientist or a wildlife biologist to join this fight, you just need to understand what you’re fighting for because you have a right to be here, you have a reason, you belong here surrounded by fellow hunters and by god, YOU HAVE A VOICE!!
    #istandwithhunters Sportsmen's Alliance
    Great read, and totally correct. Anti-hunters and Social Justice Warriors are trying to control the narrative with hunting and morality in general. They think that they have achieved such an enlightened state of existence, that people that do not share their particular and narrow world-view, are wrong and should be publically shamed, punished and according to many comments I read on social media....killed.

    As hunters, our fight to preserve our hunting heritage is critical. Hunting, conservation and strong family values go hand-in-hand. If our hunting culture is destroyed, the ramifications for wildlife, and society will be significant. At least that's my opinion.
    I won't always be young, but I can be immature forever

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Prince George

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Great read. Thanks.

    One thing that really pisses me off is when other hunters are quick to condemn trophy hunting and claim they're not trophy hunters, practically choking on the word as though its poisonous. I've had this argument with multiple people and it doesnt take much before common sense kicks in and they start changing they're tune.

    I've got news, we are all trophy hunters, time to admit it and own it. It doesn't matter what the target prey is or whether you put a head or rug on the wall after, there's not one of us that goes out in the field because we and our families are hungry and might not survive. We all do it for slightly different reasons and in slightly different ways, but the fact is we all do it because we choose to, not because we have to.
    For me personally, its a start to finish process. I train year round for mountain hunts, do most of my own gun work, practice shooting and reloading year round, butcher my own meat, and do my own taxidermy at the end.
    I'm very selective with what I shoot but not in the way that some may think. I am always looking for mature animals but I don't really care about scores, my oldest Stone ram is also a very small busted up old ram. Sometimes its a situation or good feeling that makes me shoot, sometimes an animal is in the perfect spot. Selective for a lot of different reasons.

    I've never been interested in facebook, but I recently opened an account and I'm going to do nothing but post hunting and outdoor stuff.

    I've never been intersted in trapping, but this winter I've been helping a friend of mine who is new to trapping and targeting wolves for the last couple winters. Two wolves and a coyote so far this winter and hopefully we'll have time to try for some more. I've also got the bug now and considering taking the course and getting a little more serious.

    For years my main passions have been stone sheep, goats, deer, and pronghorns. But with all these threats to hunting, I've decided that this spring I will also become a black bear hunter.

    I've never been interested in hound hunting but a freind of mine is an avid hound guy, and lately I've been thinking maybe its a good idea to start filling some cougar tags.

    Moral of my story is that the more hunting is threatened, the more I want to participate and protect all of it, not just try and protect my little peice of it.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Nanaimo B.C.

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Both Steve's have it right ! Laying low in hopes this anti-hunting sh#t storm will blow over soon is the wrong approach to take. The grizzly ban was a huge victory for them and because they aren't stupid, they know they now have to keep the momentum going if they are to get, black bear, wolf and cougar banned next...and once the predators are all protected then the ungulates will start to what will be the solution for that ? I can tell you this, it won't be the antis admitting they made a mistake, nope they will say, that's nice the " trophy" hunters have been stopped, but now all the blood thirsty "meat" hunters are eating all the food that the wolves need !!!

    It's time to start screaming at the top of our lungs in support of all hunters, trappers and sportsmen alike....we are out numbered so we need to be really really loud ! The government needs to fear loss of votes from all sportsmen, their friends and families alike(are numbers get bigger when you can add a few non-hunters that are at least supportive of their hunting family or wife already is a hunter, but mom isnt....however she loves all the meat and fish I bring her, and she loves telling all her friends that her son brings it all to her for ! ) The government has basically told us this themselves, they said they got 4000 emails and 70% were in favour of a complete ban...either they were bald faced lying or we didn't take it seriously enough( yes I'm guilty too) ! If they had received 100,000 emails from the hunters of BC demanding the hunt be left alone and that we were going to go bat shit crazy if we lost our grizzly hunt then I think we might still have it... at least some part of it !

    We need to listen to guys like Steve and proguide66, they are right ! However this is just my opinion and I'm entitled to it, so please don't try to argue with me about it. I don't want to fight with other hunters, I only want to stand beside them and support them !

    Last edited by Islander30; 02-23-2018 at 01:02 PM.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Thanks for posting DeepJeep.
    If you can pack it in, You can pack it out !!!


    " The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new"

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Kootenays

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Unfortunately we say "right on bro" but the antis will never understand our way of thinking and probably vice versa..

    Agree to disagree for eternity
    "It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase" - Deep Purple

    "Lord knows I'm a Voodoo chile" - SRV (RIP 8-27-90)

    "Know your Land, Know your Prey" - Mantracker

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Quote Originally Posted by 325 View Post
    Great read, and totally correct. Anti-hunters and Social Justice Warriors are trying to control the narrative with hunting and morality in general. They think that they have achieved such an enlightened state of existence, that people that do not share their particular and narrow world-view, are wrong and should be publically shamed, punished and according to many comments I read on social media....killed.

    As hunters, our fight to preserve our hunting heritage is critical. Hunting, conservation and strong family values go hand-in-hand. If our hunting culture is destroyed, the ramifications for wildlife, and society will be significant. At least that's my opinion.
    I agree with your opinion, 325.
    Its time to start having more conversations with people.
    Every since I started hunting and owning firearms, my wife's opinion has changed about hunting. She had a conversation at work with a few other women about it. One was from vancouver and was not ok with hunting but at the end of the conversation, she got it. She wouldn't do herself it but she understood that people who hunt are not "psychos". She understood, that hunters fund conservation... anyways, the point, is there one more person out there now that doesn't hate us. Lets start having these conversations...

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Quote Originally Posted by Ride Red View Post
    Thanks for posting DeepJeep.
    Absolutely. I thought people would enjoy reading this.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Quote Originally Posted by Islander30 View Post
    If they had received 100,000 emails from the hunters of BC demanding the hunt be left alone and that we were going to go bat shit crazy if we lost our grizzly hunt then I think we might still have it... at least some part of it

    I agree with you on that.
    Although making a decision based on 7000 ... .discussion for another day..

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Nelson, BC

    Re: Inspiring Post by Steve Ecklund

    Quote Originally Posted by DeepJeep View Post
    I agree with your opinion, 325.
    Its time to start having more conversations with people.
    Every since I started hunting and owning firearms, my wife's opinion has changed about hunting. She had a conversation at work with a few other women about it. One was from vancouver and was not ok with hunting but at the end of the conversation, she got it. She wouldn't do herself it but she understood that people who hunt are not "psychos". She understood, that hunters fund conservation... anyways, the point, is there one more person out there now that doesn't hate us. Lets start having these conversations...

    Yes, having intelligent, non-emotive, and rational conversations about hunting with the non-hunters we meet, is crucial. The majority of people who I encounter are more interested in hunting than simply opposed. My wife's friends have stated to her several times that they wish their husbands hunted, as the interest in organic and ethical meat is high. The road to securing our hunting heritage starts with intelligent dialogue. Also, true anti-hunters are not worth wasting time on, they are unmovable from their position, and they literally hate people who do not share their view of the world and choice of foods.
    I won't always be young, but I can be immature forever

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