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Thread: Spear hunting

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Region 7

    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    I'm an avid bow hunter. My argument is that had the ban been implemented before the video it would have actually benefited bow hunters specifically. In my opinion the biggest threat to bowhunting is one of these viral videos.
    So you can appreciate that the biggest threat to rifle hunting from a certain perspective is some bow hunter leaving a wounded or dubiously hit animal to bleed out or stiffen up over night.
    Either you can accept that or as a hunter you can step up and defend ALL types of hunting.
    Which is it going to be?

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Pemberton BC

    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    I'm an avid bow hunter. My argument is that had the ban been implemented before the video it would have actually benefited bow hunters specifically. In my opinion the biggest threat to bowhunting is one of these viral videos.

    We must get to work on the bowhunting ban before a viral video appears then. This particular ban could result in a net positive for the majority of hunters, who use rifles.
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  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by skibum View Post
    Ya, spears have been used for centuries, but there is a reason the regs regulate what class of bow you are allowed to use on what type of game. Why aren't you allowed to hunt bears with 22's?

    Think spears should be legal, get rid of the legal hunting methods table in the regs.

    Even without posting to social media, the aniti's would have a hay-day with the propaganda if spears were legal in BC.

    For how many guys would actually use a spear, rather than think it is cool, not worth it.
    Spear ARE legal in BC..... despite this lack of knowledge within your post, let's continue.

    Regulating weapons is appropriate.

    The Alberta Bowhunters Association President Brent Watson (ABA) without approval from the membership, formally submitted a proposal to our regulations stakeholder to ban spears and atlatls. Brent's words to me, "I find them hard to use, if I can't do, then no one shouldn't be allowed to."
    In an effort to keep the tools legal, I and another fellow compiled information for a presentation to our stakeholders.
    We provided scientific research into the killing power of various spears and atlatls in comparison to a variety of archery and firearm projectiles.
    The evidence was accepted as valid.

    The science shows that in many cases, spears and atlatls are much MORE powerful than archery gear.

    As was mentioned, the effectiveness of these weapons is no different than archery or guns, it is all about using the weapon within it capacity.

    We asked to have spears and atlatls regulated, defined minimum requirements.

    That wasn't good enough of the ABA, they continued to push for a ban.

    When the social media storm blew, our NDP jumped on the opportunity to eliminate yet another legitimate style of hunting, claiming support from some of the stakeholders.

    This ban has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the weapon, or allowing an undefined weapon. This is a smear job by self righteous individual and a government that was happy to score points for their side.

    Don't be naive. We can lose all types of valid hunting practices very quickly, regardless of validity, even the style you participate in.

    Quote Originally Posted by 835 View Post

    I totally agree with your view. But unfortunately I do not think that the vast majority of people wanting to use a spear are doing it for the reasons you outline.
    and like I said, you also strike me as a guy who wouldn't post up the whole thing on social media acting like an idiot. I am all for primitive stuff, but done right.
    After getting involved in the effort to keep these tools legal, I spoke with well over a hundred people that use them.

    I have the complete opposite view of the typical spear/atlatl hunter. The showboat is the rare one. The overwhelming majority are the type that you would never even know are out hunting and killing. Think traditional archery taken to a much more intimate level....

    There is a saying, the archery hunt starts where the rifle hunt ends.

    The same is true with these tools. The spear hunt starts where the archery hunt ends.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Spear hunting

    Spears and Atlatls

    How hard do they hit?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Spear hunting

    So walking buffalo,

    Kodiac is of the opinion the publicity will help us if it is done well. That is what i took from our back and forth.

    I assume you are of the same opinion?
    Gatehouse as normal has input some great points as well.

    This is the real issue. Will this type of publicity hurt us?
    Again, thanks for your cintribution Gate.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Metchosin area

    Re: Spear hunting

    I think “this” type of publicity referring to the spear video definitely hurts us. Imagine for a second that you don’t hunt , and you have been convinced that Hunting is good for all the right reasons and you were finally starting to think OK maybe this is not so bad. I have managed to convince my parents almost. Then all of a sudden you see this video on the news of a bear dragging it intestines along the ground after someone Spears it in what looks to be an idiotic fashion to some. What would your mind do? What would you think? Would you still want to support a Hunter after that? Like I was saying before I don’t think we should avoid posting our success but stick to your Facebook or whatever. Use your personal accounts where a bunch of antis won’t see it. If you need to post a video make sure it’s a clean one. And stress that all animals harvested will be eaten and used completely. A great example of this is a deer I shot up jordan river way years ago. Beautiful deer. I took a shot at dusk with my crossbow. The deer jumped and I hit it in the stomach and split the intestine. I tracked it for two hours in the dark through blackberry patches. By the time I found it my legs were so cut up my socks were red. It was still alive. I cut the deers throat with a filet knife and dragged it all the way back to the truck alone. I laid him on a tarp and made the initial incision to pull the guts. (I didn’t do this before because I didn’t want the deer filling up with bits of crap as I dragged him back). As soon as I opened him up crap and stomach contents came pouring out. The meat was spoiled it was disgusting. I still cut my tag. Point being that and other similar stories I keep to the hunting community. I would never share the video or story with non hunters or put it on Facebook. Sometimes what we do is brutal. Things don’t always go as planned. Animals get away. Blood trails dry up. Deer try to jump rivers and get swept out. But we have to keep that hidden. Because that’s all antis see. I takes ten good experiences to right a bad one. My Rottweiler is super friendly and loves everyone, doesn’t matter people meet one bad rotty it takes ten good interactions to right it. And unfortunately a lot of dog owners are irresponsible. Same goes for hunting. We’ve all seen the videos online that shouldn’t be there.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Spear hunting

    Thats what i am getting at snipersights.
    I font think it makes us look good...and as i have said, im not totally against the idea... i do however think flaunting things all redneck like on social media will hurt us..

    I think we need to keep a strong presance out there on different social platforms.. but we need to be very very careful about what we show and how we explain it.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    We must get to work on the bowhunting ban before a viral video appears then. This particular ban could result in a net positive for the majority of hunters, who use rifles.
    Rather maybe we could try and set up a system where a bow hunter has to take a shooting test or something so that they can the early nineties this idea was kicked around in Manitoba. It would at least give bowhunters something to lean back on when this video goes viral, not if.

  9. #39
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny_29 View Post
    Rather maybe we could try and set up a system where a bow hunter has to take a shooting test or something so that they can the early nineties this idea was kicked around in Manitoba. It would at least give bowhunters something to lean back on when this video goes viral, not if.
    How did that idea go over??

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  10. #40
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    sadly, for now, the LM. Soon, Horsefly!!

    Re: Spear hunting

    Can anyone on here explain to me why there was not a similar reaction to this video???

    3:10 to 3:20

    "That one's going on Youtube.......f***ing rights it is....million hits"

    This was from 2012.

    This is all beyond stupid.....

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