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Thread: Spear hunting

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by skibum View Post
    Ya, spears have been used for centuries, but there is a reason the regs regulate what class of bow you are allowed to use on what type of game. Why aren't you allowed to hunt bears with 22's?

    Think spears should be legal, get rid of the legal hunting methods table in the regs.

    Even without posting to social media, the aniti's would have a hay-day with the propaganda if spears were legal in BC.

    For how many guys would actually use a spear, rather than think it is cool, not worth it.
    Spears aren't legal in BC??

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    It isn't about the weapon of choice. Very specifically, it's about the exposure to anti and non hunters via social media. The legality or efficiency of one weapon versus another is not the issue.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting


    I totally agree with your view. But unfortunately I do not think that the vast majority of people wanting to use a spear are doing it for the reasons you outline.
    and like I said, you also strike me as a guy who wouldn't post up the whole thing on social media acting like an idiot. I am all for primitive stuff, but done right.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Banning spears....Solving a problem that doesn’t exist.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  5. #15
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    Re: Spear hunting

    835, some folks get really emotional in some scenario's. I watched the video in question, and I can understand the whooping and excitement. Hunting a bear on foot without backup is a huge adrenaline dump after the bear takes off. I wouldn't have been surprised to see him shed a tear, or collapse after the adrenaline release. Nor am I surprised to see his reaction as it was. Some people are just more prone to showing emotion than others is all.

    And he had a big accomplishment. There probably aren't 100 people in the US or Canada that have done what he's done - as far as I'm aware, there are only two of us on HBC that have done it, and maybe 4 on CGN, so I can understand why he put it up on social media. Not to mention that putting stuff on facebook is part of his job..... He did have a sponsorship from UA after all.
    Personally, I don't put anything up much on FB or here for that matter anymore. I send a few pics of the stuff I kill, or that my kids or gf kill, and that's it. But I certainly understand why people do. Same as when cavepeople painted pictures of their accomplishments on cave walls, they want to show others what they did - its human nature....(See what I did there?....(grin)
    Hell, there is an entire TV show dedicated to spears and blowgun hunting on WildTV (or at least there used to be), and it isn't like spear hunting is new..... This is merely a case of one or two groups of people using current public opinion to further their own agenda. If everyone posted stuff up on FB that was a hunter, and MORE people saw that their friends and neighbors were hunters then this sort of thing wouldn't stand out and get the traction it did.
    Look at what hiding in the closet did for the LGBTQ community - absolutely nothing positive, and it got them persecuted by the general populace for generations. Look at what forcing it out into the open and being proud of who they are did for them......

    And I truly doubt that there are all that many people who look at a spear and go "hey, I think I wanna give that a go". I think there ARE a lot of folks who will buy a spear, and tell anyone in earshot as they walk out of the store that they are buying it for bear hunting, but when the rubber meets the road, not many folks will actually take off their boots and sneak up to a bear to try it.
    Last edited by KodiakHntr; 02-08-2018 at 03:28 PM.

  6. #16
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    Re: Spear hunting

    There in lies the problem Kodiak... I pretty near completely agree with you... EXCEPT,,,,, I think public opinion these days will play huge against us. That video, I saw it once back when this happened,,, I cant really respond to now as I pretty near forgot it. What was trying to get across is, this stuff needs to stay with in our community. IMO especially the " fringe" stuff.

    I understand what you mean with, if all of us posted what we did people might see that there are a lot of us out there... But the fact is we wont, and the Anti's will cherry pic these things and use them against us....

  7. #17
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Yeah, that's the problem alright.... As long as people think that they can dictate how we live our lives because there aren't very many of us, then the ones on the edges of our community won't speak up when their friends and neighbors start ranting about the mean hunters/killers because they will feel like they are alone...
    Much like how the LGBTQ community was treated for years. It was ok to gay bash to your buddies because you didn't know that one of them was gay. It was ok to make fun of tranny's because you didn't really know any. It was ok to joke about girl on girl porn because you didn't know your cousin Molly was into girls.... But now? Now it isn't ok, because odds are you know someone close to you who associates with some part of that community. Odds are that your neighbors sister is gay. Or used to be a man. Or whatever. So now, now we are starting to accept it in general mainstream society, because we see it every day.

    Personally, I think that is what hunters need to do. Show people every day that it is ok to hunt, and that you hunt, and I hunt, and Joe hunts, and we all hunt for different reasons, but that is ok, because it is ok to be a Hunter. Hiding it isn't going to help. We've proven that, hiding and staying out of sight is doing way more harm than good.

    But that's just my thoughts.
    Last edited by KodiakHntr; 02-08-2018 at 03:47 PM. Reason: added stuff

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Well firstly... my cousins kid is gay... lol... so ya, I know that. and yes he is close to me he is my family. it was quite funny when he came out because I was one of the family he was worried about... I just told him that we all knew he was gay for years and I love him....

    I try to educate people as I go, I have "converted" a few people. And I try to put myself out there as "proper" .... I don't hide per say, but I do doubt social media will help us...
    What I can say for sure is I hope your right. I only drift through facebook myself and posting pictures here just got difficult... And really, im not saying to not post anything, anywhere.... I am just saying maybe we should look at what we do post.... if they can take something like The Eckland cat and twist it, even tho he talked about eating it.... I guess they can twist anything in the end.....

  9. #19
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    Re: Spear hunting

    Quote Originally Posted by 835 View Post
    Well firstly... my cousins kid is gay... lol... so ya, I know that. and yes he is close to me he is my family. it was quite funny when he came out because I was one of the family he was worried about... I just told him that we all knew he was gay for years and I love him....

    I try to educate people as I go, I have "converted" a few people. And I try to put myself out there as "proper" .... I don't hide per say, but I do doubt social media will help us...
    What I can say for sure is I hope your right. I only drift through facebook myself and posting pictures here just got difficult... And really, im not saying to not post anything, anywhere.... I am just saying maybe we should look at what we do post.... if they can take something like The Eckland cat and twist it, even tho he talked about eating it.... I guess they can twist anything in the end.....
    That cat is exactly my point. If more of us put ourselves out there like he did, or like TJ and Vanessa do by posting pictures and stories and educating people that might not ever has seen anything like that before, then maybe it doesn't go viral next time.

    One thing I do know for sure, hiding in the shadows like we have for years sure ain't helping us at all. Next time you shoot something, make sure there is an antler tine or leg sticking up on the drive home. Show other hunters that you aren't afraid to be recognized as a hunter. The more observant of the sheep out there will sure as hell notice, and it might pique their curiosity. The more obtuse sheep won't really recognize it, but if that sort of thing gradually starts to be seen again like it was decades ago, it won't scare them anymore.

    Be proud of who you are. Be loud about who you are. Because being a hunter isn't just something you do, it is a part of what makes you who you are. Be proud of that. Let everyone around you know that you are proud of it, and that you won't hide anymore. If you won't do it for yourself, at least do it for the rest of us.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: Spear hunting

    The problem with the ban in Alberta is not that it happened, but who actually orchestrated it. Yes, there can be no doubt that the Video played a huge part in turning public opinion against spear hunting; but it was already on the chopping block. The true problem is who put it there. The president of the ABA put a motion forward to ban spears and Atlatls (without the "formal" approval of the organization, but that is a another story) back in 2012. That is 4 full years before that video emerged. If it wasn't for a variety of reasons the ban would of been in place long before that video ever surfaced; brought about by hunters.

    I agree that we must be very careful what we post on social media as it will come back on us. We are in the minority. But not every loss comes from the outside.
    I don't shoot innocent animals... Just the ones that look guilty!

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