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Thread: Raw Food Diet

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Abbotsford, B.C.

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    My 10+ year old PB Rottweiler, gets 1/2 cup of highend kibble per day, 2-3 organic wieners and mostly stew beef as he prefers it to any other foods. I do not care about "cost" as he is my "son" and he also gets meatballs, boneless porkchops and chicken breast.

    I have used Turkey necks and chicken backs and Rotts LOVE these, grinding them to slurry in those powerful jaws, but, they are not always available and they still prefer stew beef. We feed some chopped greens from our veggie garden as well.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    Brent, our "raw" experience after almost 15 years of feeding our mutts that way has been that raw bones are OK regardless of "sharp" edges and such. Have never had a bone related health problem.
    Our Vets have said the same over the years.
    One thing tho' to bear in mind is that bones like the leg bones have lots of marrow in them which = a lot of fat and calories. Things like knuckle bones on the other hand, some refer to them as "recreational" bones are more for gnawing on with little in the way of "food" in them. Our breed are relatively small jawed /mouthed so it's rare that they can actually crack a knuckle bone, other large breeds can pulverize 'em. Our mutts absolutely love deer ribs. Alas, my hunting success has not been stellar the past few years so we've relied, where possible on handouts from friends.
    Our first Vet was anti raw, anti bones but would always comment on Molly's excellent teeth. Years later he accepted that Raw was OK.
    Note that my comments are based on personal experience, advice from our Vets, input from our Daughter's years in the Vet / Animal Health business and such. I would, however always consult with a knowledgeable Vet.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Abbotsford, B.C.

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    60+ years of dog experience, most PB larger breeds, now a Spaniel and Rottgod in the house and I started feeding raw some 40 years ago. I could not agree more with what IG is saying here and last night as hordes of adorable, cute "goblins" came and got goodies, the mighty "Cisco" was quiescent with a very meaty bone locked in my gun room.

    I DO NOT feed game meats-bones as I am concerned about parasites, as some vets have told me, but, I am probably just too cautious. I DO feed small amounts morning and evening and noon for doggies under 1.5 and this seems to work.

    Most of the top Rott. breeders I know use wieners during training and good ones are not that costly while Cisco, insists on them.......and, who is his old dad to argue!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    Quote Originally Posted by BgBlkDg View Post
    Most of the top Rott. breeders I know use wieners during training and good ones are not that costly while Cisco, insists on them.......and, who is his old dad to argue!
    When the Good Wife was running Agility a lot with Molly, wieners were by far the "inducement of choice" by most of the trainers and contestants.
    Not that I would ever condone this but one of Canada's leading Agility Contestants suggested rubbing your hands in wieners before a run. Of course treats on a run are "illegal" but no mention of "wiener scent" in the rules.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    I feed raw. Get most of it from B & T Raw in Chilliwack. chicken, beef, venison, tripe and pork. The pork is from costco. I also feed salmon and deer. Freeze salmon and deer for at least a month to kill parasites. I do NOT feed weight bearing bones from anything larger then a chicken. Not even turkey legs. It's not the sharp edges i am concerned about, it is the slab fractures to molars. I know multiple dogs who have had slab fractures from bones. There are a ton of groups on Face Book with more information on raw, how to balance the diet and what not to feed.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Region 2

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    Quote Originally Posted by mastercaster View Post
    My 10 1/2 month old 45 pound griff eats twice that amount (2 c. morning, 2 c. late afternoon,,,,,plus training treats) and still bugs me for more food,,,,,she can't afford to be any leaner than she is now being the super energetic dog she is.
    wow that must be one energetic pup! mine got a bit chubby over summer so she can afford to lose a couple pounds

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    Quote Originally Posted by hunter fisher View Post
    wow that must be one energetic pup! mine got a bit chubby over summer so she can afford to lose a couple pounds
    I know a couple of people who own both a lab and a griff that they hunt all the time and both of them say that their griffs have three times the energy that their labs have. They seem tireless. I was kind of hoping that one good hour of running her in the morning might satisfy her needs but by late afternoon she's giving me the stink eye to do it all over again. Even the 4 hour weekend steep terrain hikes,where she up and back down the trail the the entire time, don't seem to have much an affect on her stamina. She's a muscley little sucker. LOL

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Vancouver by way of Ladner

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    14 plus years feeding raw to my heeler. (Since he was 5 monthe old).

    -I don't feed fresh salmon, only if grinded and frozen for a while to kill parasites.
    - raw bones are not an issue at all...I try to avoid femur bones to avoid expensive dental bills.
    - I do keep all end cuts, trimming after I butcher my games and freeze them to feed my dog.
    -I don't mix cooked (kibbles) with raw. Different digestion rate and also require different gut bacteria to digest. I do give him a cookie treat once in a while just so he doesn't develop allergies.
    Do Good ...and forget about it..

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin So View Post
    14 plus years feeding raw to my heeler. (Since he was 5 monthe old).

    -I don't feed fresh salmon, only if grinded and frozen for a while to kill parasites.
    - raw bones are not an issue at all...I try to avoid femur bones to avoid expensive dental bills.
    - I do keep all end cuts, trimming after I butcher my games and freeze them to feed my dog.
    -I don't mix cooked (kibbles) with raw. Different digestion rate and also require different gut bacteria to digest. I do give him a cookie treat once in a while just so he doesn't develop allergies.
    I have heard about the different digestive rates before about kibble and RAW. I guess a person could do RAW for one meal and then kibble for another if that was the route they chose to take. I have to wonder if a dog that grew up chewing antlers and other fresh bones like deer would have the same dental issues as dogs that started chewing on bones later in its life??

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Van Isl

    Re: Raw Food Diet

    I like to mix high quality kibble with raw.

    I am not sold on %100 the Raw diet for today's domestic dogs. But i think its very important that dogs get quite a bit of kibble, as long as its a brand that has good ingredients and the dogs system agree's with it. My Husky/shepard is sensitive to many brands of high end kibble. Hes on one now that just has sweet potato fish and two other ingredients.

    Besides ... who the FK would want to eat the same kibble their whole life ? ... shoot me now !

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